CLI Incorporated

P.O. Box 508

Norwalk, Ohio 44857


Week of 1/8/2024

John's usual--

It was a super quick week this week, coming back on Wednesday and all! Still it was good to see everyone again. Remember to keep those pictures coming. We didn't have new pics to share this week.

We've had a request to figure out ways to introduce our staff to family and/or home staff. I really appreciate that suggestion and we're going to do that in a couple ways. Starting next week, we'll begin a weekly feature with a picture and short blurb of a CLI staff. We'll rotate that every week so that folks can get an idea of personalities and have faces to match up with names. The other thing that we're going to do is host quarterly opportunities for people to drop in immediately following one of our monthly CLI staff meetings. We definitely understand and appreciate the trust families are placing in CLI. We believe that it's important that we provide regular opportunities to not just familiarize yourself with the people of CLI, but also regular chances to drop in and ask questions and/or make suggestions in person-- without having to wait for a formal ISP meeting. We'll host these quarterly "open houses" at Kenilee Lanes so that we can provide a distraction for kids or others who might be tagging along with parents, etc. The first one of these will be on Thursday, March 14th. We'll keep banging on about it in future news letters all the way until then.

This won't be the only new thing we'll be rolling out this spring. We've been working on a couple new tricks over the past few months, but just haven't had enough staff to pull them off. Knock on wood, I think we've turned a corner of sorts in our ability to recruit new staff. That will become pretty apparent to those of you (like me) that have been around CLI for the last 20+ years when we start the staff cameos in the newsletter-- lots of new blood. But, in the meantime we have to get through the normal weather-related obstacles in January & February . . .

Have a good week. If you enjoyed the picture edition of the newsletter that we sent out last week-- that only happened because people shared those pictures with me and with other CLI staff. Keep 'em coming!

Don't let up on your good health habits. There's a lot going around-- so much that some providers had to shut down for a little bit before the holidays. I don't want that to happen, but it will take everyone's cooperation to make that happen!


Firelands Local LLC

James Johnson


Click here if you'd like to work with us -- pay starts at $10.11 per hour!

CLI's Good Works Cafe offers a

free community lunch every Friday afternoon at the Norwalk Reservoir Clubhouse

Thanks to the generous donations (money & food), CLI is able to take care of our neighbors and also get some real life restaurant and customer service job training.

If you're feeling generous & want to donate to GWC, here's what we're looking for this week:

Tomato Soup (6 Large cans or 12 small)

Beef or Chicken Bouillon (2 of each)

Chicken Broth (4 boxes or cans)

Small snack bags

Question of the week

Q: What are CLI's Policies if I test positive for COVID? What if my roommate tests positive?

A: CLI follows the CDC guidelines. This means:

If a CLI client or a CLI staff test have symptoms and/or test positive for COVID, they must quarantine for 5 days from the onset of the symptoms, then they can return to CLI, but must wear a mask 100% of the time they are with other CLI clients and/or staff for the next 5 days.

If a CLI client or a CLI staff live with someone who tests positive for COVID, they can participate in CLI programs as long as the following things are true:

  1. They take a COVID test and test negative
  2. They do not themselves have symptoms
  3. They wear a mask 100% of the time they are with CLI staff & clients until we've received official notice that their house has been cleared (no more COVID).

"As much as talent counts, effort counts twice"

-- Angela Duckworth

Video(s) of the Week:

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