Connecting Our Community with Christ

We stand as a mighty tree in our community:

Strong and rooted,

Soaring and reaching,

Vibrant and fruitful,

Sheltering and comforting.

In Worship this Sunday

February 25, 2024

Lent II

Preacher: Rev. Betsy Irvine

Liturgist: Dave Adams

Usher: Sherry Hutchinson

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

If you would like to participate with Highland Presbyterian Church remotely, we will stream this Sunday's service (9:30 a.m.) on our facebook page,

Immediate Church Family*: 

Betty Bagent; Rev. Jeff Day (has Covid); Bill and Billy Lewis; Dudley Payton; and Skippy Thompson.

Extended Church Family*:

Family of Katherine Auster (former neighbor of HPC, who died on December 23, 2023 leaving two small daughters, Arabelle and Ariana, and husband, John); Austin Casey (Jack and Betty Bagent’s grandson); Ellie and Gigi Casey (Jack and Betty Bagent's grand-daughters); Carol Caulder (Bill Pfeifer's cousin); Mary Lane Day (Jeff Day’s sister); Rachel Eastman (Jack and Betty Bagent's granddaughter); Tim Hampton; Hugh and Pat Huffman (former members of HPC); Joann Huffmeir (friend of Jay Nesom); Marilyn Lewis (Bill and Billy Lewis’ daughter-in-law); Brenda McBride (friend of the Bagents); Dee Merchant; Don Morgan (friend of the Bagents); Linda and Wendell Olinde (Mike Leonard's sister and brother-in-law); Aleta Pickholtz; Delight Poske (Jay Nesom's Mother-in-law); Mike Reimringer (Barb Pfeifer's nephew); Liam Salazar (infant son of Lillian Alvarez, friend of Jeff Day); family of Ben Stahr (friend of the Hunts); and Richard Waldrop (friend of Jay Nesom).

*New names added to the prayer list this week are in italics. 


February 25 - March 2 - Robert Lowry (2/25), Connie Leonard (2/28)


February: none

Meeting of the Congregation

Sunday, February 25

following worship

The Congregation of Highland Presbyterian Church will hold its annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 25, following worship. Please plan to attend this meeting, receive your 2023 in Review report, and enjoy outstanding fellowship over a soup and salad lunch. It's as easy as apple pie! (You'll never guess what's for dessert.) While your contributions for our meal functions are always appreciated - this time we've got this. We just need YOU to plan to stay for the meeting. If you have any business to bring up at the meeting, please let Louise Dye know.


In the Pulpit this Sunday

Rev. Betsy Irvine will be in the pulpit this Sunday. Her sermon is titled Old Dogs; New Tricks and is based on John 3:1-8 and Genesis 12:1-4.

This week at HPC:

Monday, February 26:

12:00 p.m. AA


Tuesday, February 27:

9:00 a.m. WW Quilters

9:00 - 11:00 a.m. OLLI Bridge

12:00 p.m. AA

1:00 - 3:00 p.m. OLLI Bridge

Wednesday, February 28:

12:00 p.m. AA

7:00 p.m. Ladies’ AA

Thursday, February 29:

9:00 - 11:00 a.m. OLLI Bridge

12:00 p.m. AA

1:00 - 3:00 p.m. OLLI Bridge

8:00 p.m. Men’s AA

Friday, March 1:

12:00 p.m. AA

Saturday, March 2:

Sunday, March 3: 3rd Sunday of Lent

9:30 a.m. Worship/Communion

7:00 p.m. AA

About HPC
Highland Presbyterian Church is a vibrant tree in God's grace-filled orchard. Deeply rooted in God's life-giving presence here on earth, this tree extends its branches to support one another in faith and reach into the world around it to produce fruit. Whether you are seeking God's presence through questions or service, discussion or fellowship, there is a home for you at Highland.
Connecting with Highland Presbyterian Church
office: 766-5775 (please leave a message)
emergency: Elder Louise Dye (H) 767-3091, (C) 337-6390
Elder Connie Buck (H) 769-2756, (C) 975-2862