Out of the Depths

Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

Rabbi Abraham Heschel once said, "Only those who are lost will find the promised land." He means that when we recognize our lostness, weaknesses, wounds, scars, and sorrows, we take the first steps out of what the psalmist calls the pit or Sheol. That is the land of shadows, the place of perpetual night, where doubt and worry thrive.

This is a challenging journey to undertake. Like the old Hebrews of Moses' day, we are often tempted to return to the familiar, where at least we know what to expect, even if it is as torturous as slavery.  

I recall a time I was the keynoter for a high school church summer camp. I told the kids something you've no doubt heard me say before, "Every one of us is carrying something heavy." I went on, "Every one of us is dealing with an issue that weighs us down, holds us back. I know that high school is tough. Adults like me tend to forget how stressful and difficult it was to navigate through the rough waters of school. Don't ever let anyone tell you your life is easy. If they do, you tell them, 'Glen Miles says you know nothin'!'"

Later, Morgan, one of the young people, a camp planning team member, said to the group in an after-session, "80% of life is just showing up!" I loved it. The student teaches the teacher. Think about how right she is. Just showing up for a summer camp takes guts. Sometimes, showing up for work, school, or church takes real courage. For some, the most difficult place to show up is home. Naming the fear or the loneliness of feeling lost can help us find a way out.

There is a psalm that declares:

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.

  Lord, hear my voice!

Let your ears be attentive

  to the voice of my supplications!

I've heard this cry in many and various forms from young children, worried teens, beleaguered young parents, and overwhelmed senior adults. It is not an easy place to be, but as Rabbi Heschel implies, the first step toward the hope of the promised land is the recognition of our lostness, pain, and sorrow.  

The Hebrew poet who wrote the words above tells us that when he cried out to God and shook his fist toward heaven, God was gracious enough to hear, listen, and pull him from the depths. This is one of the great promises of the Bible, that no matter where we find ourselves, in this life or the next, God is willing to find us, to kneel low enough to lift us up and wrap us in the gracious arms of God's eternal love.

Sunday, October 8

Love. Charity. Glory. Peace. This year's Soli Deo Gloria, presented by the First Community Choirs and Orchestra, is centered around these themes. Featuring music by Franz Joseph Haydn, Dan Forrest, and Elaine Hagenberg, it will be a time to rejoice and reflect, to hope and heal, and to love. Join First Community in worship on Sunday, October 8, at either 9 am or 11 am in the North Sanctuary! (Please note: no services at FC South on this day.)

This week in Sunday school:

The K-2 classroom will read the book, Red, a crayon’s story by Michael Hall. Red does his best but can’t seem to do the things everyone expects him to be able do. Finally, a friend helps Red see who he truly is.

Our 3rd- 5th grade class will hear the Godly Play story of Creation.


Youth Ministry for grades 6-12. Sundays, 12:30-1:30.

Hear an inspiring message, play games, and build friendships with classmates and leaders. All are welcome!

Please note: no Brew Breaks at South on October 8

all services at North on this day.

Make Your 2024 Pledge Today

You're Invited to the Gathering!

The Gathering is Wednesday night at 5:30 pm! Enjoy fellowship, mini sandwiches, salad, chips and a brief worship service followed by age-related activities that begin at 6 pm.

  • Join us this week for The Gathering at 5:30, followed by Midweek Missions and Youth Choir. From 6-6:30, Children in K-3 attend choir and grades 4-8 go to Midweek Mission. From 6:30-7, the younger children will go to Midweek Missions and the older group will attend choir. This week, we will finish painting prayer rocks for First Community volunteers.

  • Children can attend Midweek Missions when their schedule allows. For children that participate in any of the choirs, please make every effort to attend each rehearsal in preparations for upcoming performances. For more information and to register, please click HERE.

  • Adults may participate in the Ice Cream Theology Bible Study led by Rev. Mary Kate BuchananThis week will explore the topic of Justice. These studies are intended to unite us, help us dive into our faith, and give us language around what we believe as “progressive” Christians. Let's discuss these topics over ice cream!

We are excited to see you Wednesday at FC North! All are welcome!

New Bible Study Opportunity

Glen Miles, Senior Minister

Beginning Monday, October 2, I will offer a Noon Bible study at FC North in Grace Hall on the Gospel According to John. In this five-week overview, we will encounter both the mystical and the practical aspects of Jesus' life and teaching. John's gospel has been a source of inspiration and misinterpretation across the centuries. In this study, we will seek to get to the heart of John's message as we listen to the text, the spirit, and each other. To register, please email Shelly Sagraves at

Governing Board Update

by Molly Hagkull, Governing Board Chair

Kristyn Anderson shared her family's spiritual practice of finding the Holy in their favorite music for our opening devotion at September's Governing Board meeting. She played us Sarah McLachlan's Bring on the Wonder, which begins with the lines,

I can't see the stars anymore living here

Let's go to the hills where the outlines are clear

Bring on the wonder

Bring on the song

I pushed you down in my soul for too long

I joked about our next order of business, finding the "wonder" in approving our consent agenda. Don't we all long to toss away what feels like mundane, busy work and head to where we can gaze at the open sky, feel the sand in our toes, or take a deep breath of clean, outdoor air? If we're lucky, we get to do that now and again. But for many folks, the obligations of our daily life can make it hard to see wonder. But just because we can't see it, does it mean it isn't there?

Our business office is beginning to set next year's church operating budget. During September's meeting, we heard about membership activities, preschool classrooms, book study groups, facilities conversations, worship experiences, and plans to acknowledge donors. The board took time to weigh in on our priorities for the budget, which include approving a balanced budget that recognizes the work of our staff and moves forward with the goals of our strategic plan. Without a view of a twinkling star or the sound of crashing waves, we still managed to do a fair amount of wondering. How does it shift our perspective to notice all the wonder available in wondering?

I wonder how we will be brought together to share our resources. I wonder what new opportunities will be brought forth as we meet our neighbors. I wonder where we will continue to see grace extending. I wonder how God will use me. I wonder how God will use us.

Kristyn's devotion concluded with this meditation on prayer by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: 

To pray is to take notice of the wonder, to regain a sense of the mystery that animates all beings, the divine margin in all attainments. Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living.


With joy,

Molly Hagkull

Financial Update

by Seth Stearns, Exec. Director of Operations

We are very close to reaching The Giving Life goal of $1,956,000. This campaign supports our robust and active ministries, facilities, and operating budget. It is not too late to make your 2023 pledge. To help us reach our goal, you can add to your current pledge. If you are able to fulfil your pledge early, that would be very helpful as well. Click here to pledge or add to your pledge.

While we are making progress on our New Horizons Campaign, the rising interest rates present challenges in achieving our goal of retiring the debt. I can’t stress enough how important this campaign is. Please prayerfully consider making a gift to this campaign, increasing your current gift, or accelerating the timing of your gift. We need your help to put this debt behind us so we can clearly focus on our future. The continuation of this debt will have significant implications for the ministries and programs that can be offered at First Community next year. Click here to have an impact on this vital campaign.

First Community Foundation was established in 1961 to support the future of First Community Church’s programs and ministries. The Foundation is supported by immediate and/or planned gifts from those with a focus on the future of First Community and leaving a family legacy. The Foundation encourages families, friends, and members of the church to establish a fund or to give to an existing fund with full assurance that donors' wishes for their legacy gift will be honored and benefit the impact area of their choice.

The impact areas supported by over 100 Foundation funds include:

  1. Camp Akita
  2. Facilities, landscape, and maintenance
  3. First Community Village
  4. Missions
  5. Worship & Arts
  6. Youth Programs

Contact Seth Stearns if you would like to explore making a gift to the First Community Foundation. He can be reached at or (614) 488-0681 extension 287.

Blessing of the Animals

Be sure to bring your pet, October 15, 2 pm, to the front lawn of First Community South (1320 Cambridge Blvd.) for The Blessing of the Animals. Glen Miles, along with other FC pastors, will be there to share in a brief service of worship and offer blessings for all the pets who join us in this joy-filled event.

Heart to Heart food pantry will be collecting donations of cat and dog food and treats. Drop off your donations at Sunday morning worship in the parking lots of North and South, or bring your donation with you to the blessing at South. 

Tailgate 2023 Was A Success!

It was all hands on deck for First Community’s first tailgate event on September 9! The FC Staff came out to represent their ministries and to provide lots of fun for the congregation and our neighbors in the Grandview Heights community. All enjoyed games, food, football viewing, and more. Highlights include dunking Rev. Glen Miles and Molly Hagkull in the dunk tank and Rick Greene winning a pair of FREE OSU vs. Penn State tickets! Special thanks to the Women’s Guild for making the Cake Walk possible and the many volunteers who assisted at the program area stations. It was a fun-filled day and the perfect way to kick off our programming year!

Glen Miles gets dunked!

Rick Greene won the football game tickets!

Governing Board Chair Molly Hagkull in the dunk tank!

Ring-toss was a hit!

Welcome New Members!

First Community welcomed four new members on September 10:

Rae Ann Estep

Billy Grant

Bevin Klabunde (not pictured)

Nathan Klabunde (not pictured)

Rae Ann Estep

Billy Grant

Coffee With Glen

Interested in membership at First Community? Join Senior Minister Glen Miles and Director of Membership Engagement Kristy Glaser on Saturday, October 7, at 9:30 am, FC North, to learn more! Email Shelly Sagraves at to register.

Missions Updates

  • The Refugee Ministry Team provides volunteer opportunities for those looking to help families resettling in the central Ohio area. Read about the team’s recent work and when they expect the arrival of a new family to resettle!
  • Deep Griha Society serves children in Pune, India that might otherwise not have access to food, shelter, or education. Learn how you can participate in their efforts by sponsoring a child online.
  • We are excited to announce a contest to design a community mural that represents the mission of our church, improves the appearance of First Community South and promotes community engagement.
  • Eyeglasses collected at all First Community locations are gathered by Charlie and Ann Jacob and distributed among various organizations, including the annual Good Neighbor Picnic.
  • Volunteering can be a mutually beneficial activity and we have several opportunities to volunteer with Missions. Over the next few months, we will highlight each opportunity in this newsletter.
  • Read the news from Heart to Heart
  • Monthly update from our food pantry manager, Yohan Kim.
  • October 15 Pet Food Drive and Pet Blessing
  • Joint Thanksgiving food drive November 5
  • Upcoming Holiday Closings
  • Details on this year’s Christmas assistance program
  • Find a list of the Trading Post’s upcoming fall events.
  • Read updates from Healing Arts Mission and our own Share & Learn Garden
  • From the Prison Ministry: Details on Faith Week to End Ohio’s Death Penalty coming up October 2-10
  • Monday Night Meals is seeking additional volunteers to serve at Friends of the Homeless once a month.
  • Join us monthly for a meeting of all the Mission Ministry Teams to learn about volunteer opportunities and the work of each of the teams.
Read On a Mission! Newsletter Here

Midweek Mission, Heart to Heart Thanksgiving Food Drive

This year’s Thanksgiving food drive benefiting the Midweek Missions Thanksgiving Basket project and Heart to Heart food pantry, will begin on October 11. Please support our efforts by supplying the food items needed to pack baskets for 20 Franklinton families and provide Heart to Heart with the food clients will need to prepare a Thanksgiving meal.  


Look for boxes where donations can be dropped off close to the K-5 classrooms, in the Rose Wing entrance and close to the coffee station at First Community North. Donations at South can be placed in the marked box located in the coatroom donation area.  


The drive will conclude with a churchwide Thanksgiving food collection on Sunday, November 5 during all worship services. Donated items should be brought into worship and placed on the chancel to be blessed. There will also be a special offering in worship to benefit the Heart to Heart food pantry. 

We are collecting:

  • Canned Green Beans      
  • Cream of Mushroom soup
  • Fried Onions    
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Egg Noodles
  • Stuffing Mix (box or bag)
  • Broth (chicken or turkey) 
  • Canned Sweet Potatoes 
  • Gravy (chicken or turkey) 

We also need 20 frozen turkeys. Let us know we can expect a turkey donation from you by signing up here. All turkeys must be delivered to the First Community North walk-in refrigerator on either Sunday, November 19, 8:30 am -12:30 pm or Monday, November 20 before 11 am.  

Heart to Heart is closed on Monday, October 9 in observance of Indigenous People’s Day

Minute for Mission

by Rick Greene, Mission Finance Team

Refugees are not a burden but an opportunity.

…be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all,

continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude

of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or

a place to stay. God has given each of you a gift from his great

variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Pet 4:7-10 


The Refugee Ministry Team (previously known as the Refugee Task Force) has a long history of assisting refugee and immigrant families with transitioning into life in Columbus. Since 1977, they have worked closely with resettlement agencies such as CRIS (Community Refugee and Immigration Services) and UsTogether to sponsor new arrivals and to assist with emergency funds for expenses and unexpected costs not covered by federal assistance. They also help special needs situations, such as in-home English tutoring for those unable to attend group classes.

In 2021, they began the work to form arrival teams at First Community. These Arrival Teams work closely with CRIS to help resettle incoming families to the Columbus area. Enough funds were initially raised to support at least three incoming families. 

How You Can Help

  • Volunteer to be part of the team! The arrival team has many roles to fill and works with the family for a few months after arrival. 
  • Items are needed to complete a Welcome Kit to give families upon arrival. 
  • If you cannot volunteer or donate, contact the team leader, Shirley Barney, to see how else you can help!

A new family will be coming in October, and volunteer activities include:

  • Pre-Arrival (e.g., welcome kits, pantry stock, seasonal clothing, and apartment set-up).
  • Arrival (e.g., airport welcome, hot welcome meal, apartment move-in).
  • Other activities include transportation assistance, budgeting help, and employment.

The Refugee Ministry Team meets monthly on the second Tuesday at 6 pm. The Team operates entirely on financial contributions from the church and community. Donations are accepted online at

Community Mural Contest

Amy Caskie, Director of Missions

We are excited to announce a contest to design a community mural that represents the mission of our church, improves the appearance of First Community South, and promotes community engagement. 

The exterior of the Annex building at First Community South is not aesthetically congruent with the other two large buildings. Rather than try to disguise the building, we hope to use it as a blank canvas to celebrate the principles and ministries of our church. This project will provide an opportunity to integrate the community into the design and promote engagement in church activities. Research shows that public art benefits the community, encouraging a sense of ownership and belonging. Columbus has seen an increase in public art murals over the past several years, and we look to expand the effort.

The mural is proposed for the exterior brick wall of the Annex building, facing First Ave at First Community South. Depending on the resulting design, we will consider painting the rest of the exterior to coordinate with the artwork.

Artists should visit the site to take their own measurements and assess the medium for their mural. No appointments are necessary as the location for the mural is outside. 

The mural design will be sourced from community contest submissions. The resulting submissions will be narrowed down to a few that best depict the themes desired and are the most visually appealing. The church and community will be given the opportunity to vote from the small group of finalists.

Community participation is essential to this project and should be considered in project proposals. The mural will be physically completed in cooperation with the artist and volunteers in the Spring of 2024. Artists should estimate the time required to complete their project when submitting a proposal. The estimated cost of artist time and materials should also be included in proposals, as the church will secure funding for this project through private grants. 

Artists should consider the objective of the mural when creating their design. Submissions should include key images and themes provided on the contest webpage.

If you know any local artists, please pass along the information and encourage them to submit a design. We would especially love to see submissions from artists within the congregation. Look for details on your opportunity to vote on the final design in next month's newsletters!



It has been such a rewarding experience serving as the Minister of Community Justice at First Community. I think back to my initial charge of “build a community justice ministry program” when I joined FC. It was a significant, abstract idea to put my arms around and one that tends to bring out politically charged divisiveness. As I did not know many members or staff of the church, I was unsure who would follow me into these often complex issues. However, I cannot begin to express how much the love and support I received in those early days and throughout my term sustained the vital work we have accomplished here.  


To the members of the community justice teams. Thank you for your support and the willingness to advocate for others. You truly inspire me. Thank you for putting yourselves out there and engaging in uncomfortable conversations and situations. Thank you for not being afraid to fail and try new things. Each of you has made this work that much more impactful. This important ministry area is nothing without the hard work you have put into it.  


To the members of the FC staff. Thanks for all you do. I don’t think I had a proper assessment of how hard and emotionally taxing working for a church can be. It is great to come to work every day with people you respect, support each other, and genuinely like being around. Thanks for always having my back, and I pray that everyone has the same admiration for the job you do. I truly enjoyed working with each one of you…even Mary Kate.  


To the congregation. Thank you for all the kind words from the very beginning. You may not know how much that means to me. Your support has helped me grow in many ways, and I leave FC much better than how I came. I will miss serving as a pastor; however, I look forward to my family and I continuing to serve as members at FC.  


Finally, I am pleased to announce that Kristyn Anderson will serve as the Community Justice Ministry Teams leader in the interim as the full-time replacement search continues. Kristyn has served as the congregational lead of our racial equity ministry team and has been the backbone of many of our ministry’s projects. I do not doubt that she will shepherd our teams to continued excellence.  Thank you, Kristyn!  


With much love and admiration,  

Anti-Racism Church Coalition Retreat – Saturday, October 14

First Community is a part of a group of local churches with diverse backgrounds that has formed an anti-racism coalition. These churches will be holding an anti-racism retreat to take place at Northwest United Methodist Church (5200 Riverside Drive, Columbus OH, 43220). The day will be led by a team from the Ohio Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism Commission (Disciples of Christ).


The retreat runs from 9 am - 4pm on October 14, 2023. The event is free, and lunch will be provided, but registration is required. Please email Kristyn Anderson at by October 5 if you would like to attend.

Akita Fall Fun Day

Camp Akita (29746 Logan-Hornsmill Rd., Logan, OH 43138) 


Join us for some Fall outdoor fun at Camp Akita on Sunday, October 22! Drop in anytime from 1 – 4 pm to enjoy open-house-style fun: hike the trails, canoe on the lake, carve or decorate a pumpkin, join in with some group campfire songs at the Amphitheatre, take a hayride out to the Adventure Complex, climb the Alpine Tower, and try the Giant Swing! Or just come to relax and enjoy the peak fall foliage with friends and family. 


Whether this will be your first time at Camp Akita or you have been attending for years, we hope to see you on October 22! All are welcome; no registration required. 


All activities will be held outdoors unless there is inclement weather. First time traveling to Camp Akita? Click here for directions. For more information, email our Columbus Akita Offices.

Camp Akita Cabin Rentals Available

Camp Akita, located in the Hocking Hills near Logan, OH, is the perfect getaway for both weekday and weekend rentals. Accommodations in the Lodge are available for groups up to 96, and rental cabins provide 1-4 bedroom options, sleeping 2 – 11 people. Disconnect from the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature, relax, and have fun! There are several hiking trails on-site, in addition to many nearby attractions in the Hocking Hills. First Community members receive a weekend cabin rental discount. Visit for more information, email, or leave a message for the Columbus Akita staff at (614) 488-0681 ext 113.

First Community is now an On Our Sleeves Alliance Partner

Rev. Sarah Kientz 


We are excited to announce that First Community is now an Alliance Partner of On Our Sleeves, a movement for mental health awareness and education at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Our Children’s and Youth Ministry team has often turned to On Our Sleeves for resources to assist the children of our church. Now, as an official Education Partner, First Community has access to On Our Sleeves curriculum, activities, and webinars developed by the behavioral health team at NCH. Best of all, our staff will provide access to those materials through a bimonthly email. Our hope is that we can continue to facilitate safe and open conversations about mental health both at church and at home. 


Here are some examples of the On Our Sleeves content. Our bimonthly emails will also include printable worksheets to share with young people. 


We are proud that First Community is a place where children, youth, families, staff, and volunteers can have healthy, well-informed conversations about what matters most. If you have questions about On Our Sleeves or First Community’s status as an Education Partner, please reach out. We plan to include all Children’s and Youth Ministry families on our bimonthly email, so if you already receive updates from your child’s program area, you will receive it. If you are not on those lists and would like to receive the On Our Sleeves emails, please contact Jen Bratka at 

Fall Youth Retreat

Saturday, October 21 -Sunday, October 22 Camp Akita 


Registration is now open for the Fall Youth Retreat! Youth in grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for a great weekend! Friends are welcome, even if they have not attended Crossroads or other FC youth programs. The Youth Retreat is $75 per participant. Full and partial scholarships are available. Our weekend will feature games, hiking, crafts, opportunities to explore Camp Akita and build friendships. Registration closes Monday, October 9. Contact Rev. Sarah Kientz with questions. 


For details and registration, visit 

Halloween Hullabaloo

The Youth Team is excited to invite you to our annual Halloween Hullabaloo! Join us right after church Sunday, October 29, 12-1. Non-scary costumes welcome at the event.  You can even preview your costume during worship at 11. Join us just outside the patio doors.  

ROX Program

Social media has transformed girls' lives. As high schoolers, they report spending an average of six hours a day on social media. Two out of three report that they have been asked to send a revealing photo. It is no wonder that adults are at a loss when it comes to helping girls navigate their social world. Now more than ever, the digital divide between girls and parents is widening.  

Today’s generation of girls have never known a time without social media. As soon as they acquire their first phone, girls receive access to an entire new social and digital world. As a result, the ways in which parents communicate with, relate to, and connect with girls must also evolve.  

No longer can we simply tell girls to “put the phone away” or rely on restricting and monitoring as our sole parenting practices. In this workshop, ROX will share the findings of the first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking research, The Girls' Index, highlighting new insights, compelling data, and strategies to help girls navigate their online experiences. 

Parents, grandparents, and care givers of any age girl are invited to this event on Thursday, November 2, 2023, from 6-7:30 pm at First Community North in Grace Hall.

Mary Evans Child Development Center

Now Enrolling 3-5 Year Olds

Women's Guild


On August 30, approximately 65 women gathered in Grace Hall for the annual Fall Program Kickoff and Installation Potluck. As always, delectable food choices were abundant – something for everyone! As part of the Women’s Guild’s focus on “Women Supporting Women,” Kie Seiple arranged for representatives and a client from Amethyst House to be present and to share information and insights into this special community program. Amethyst is a long-term addiction, mental health, and trauma recovery program for single women and their children, a unique model that only a handful of recovery programs in the US offer. Through this program, mothers and children alike receive counseling and supportive services.  

The Amethyst program was chosen as this year’s community outreach recipient of the Guild members’ donations. Attendees at the potluck showered the families at Amethyst with a van full of health, hygiene, and comfort items, necessary things (i.e., soap, shampoo, diapers, etc.), but not covered by SNAP benefits.  

Following dinner, the evening continued with gratitude for the past leaders, an In Memoriam for those who have died in the past year, and messages from the outgoing President, Martha Livingston, and the incoming President, Mary Ann Claydon. The 2023-2024 program year officers and group leaders vowed to lead “with the help of God” and were officially installed in their respective positions. The evening concluded with the “Passing of the Light,” as all are charged with carrying the Light of God’s Love into the world. After the closing prayer offered by Sharon McGraw, the women left with one woman at each table, receiving the centerpiece of beautiful flowers from the Share and Learn Garden, picked and arranged by Janice Rook and Janie Ledman. All-in-all, the evening was a delightful event! 


The fall is flying by, and the election on November 7 will be here before we know it! As has been the tradition for many years, the Women’s Guild of First Community Church will hold their annual Bake Sale at the election polls at North and South church locations. The Bake Sale is one of the primary fundraising projects the Women’s Guild sponsors annually.  

There will be an abundance of cookies, brownies, muffins, coffee cakes, different kinds of breads (banana, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.), puppy chow, Chex mix, spiced nuts, and much more. There will also be a variety of soups. Anyone can purchase goodies, whether it’s your polling location or not. So why not consider stopping by and picking up some cookies or muffins to take to work to share or some homemade soup for your lunch? (And, of course, be sure you are registered and take the time to vote!!) 

Older Adult Ministry

Biannual outings to visit FC’s Camp Akita allow long-time members to return to this sacred space and new members and friends to see what all the fuss is about!  

Our next day trip to Akita for our older adults will be Tuesday, October 17 for a day filled with fellowship, lunch, nature and a message on Vesper Hill. We will meet at North at 8:45 am and leave at 9 am sharp. From there you can either take the bus or drive separately. The bus will arrive back to North by 4 pm. We hope to see you there! 

Register here by 4 pm, October 9. For more information, contact Jane Torbica at (614) 488-0681 ext. 235. 

UCC Installation Service for

Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson

Spiritual Life & Learning Center is proud to host Rev. Thompson in January as one of our 2024 Spiritual Searchers. Watch for more details on that event and click on the graphic above to sign up to watch Rev. Thompson's installation service.

Blood Drive

Sign-Up to Donate Here

Wednesday Morning Fellowship Group

Click on any of our offerings for more information or to register.

Read the latest SLLC Newsletter

Give to First Community

Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.

Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the

Church or Foundation.

Click here to securely give online.

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