





Happy New Year! Whether you rung in 2024 with bottles of champagne, or were snuggly tucked into bed before 9:00pm (or both), we wish you and yours a happy and healthy year ahead. We've been hard at work behind the scenes preparing for what promises to be one of our most exciting years to date, and we want to share some of the big developments that we've been rolling out over the past month.

First, if you haven't already noticed, we've revamped our website to make it as user friendly as possible, and moved from a .com to a .org! Be sure to update your bookmarks to find us at marshfieldschoolofweaving.org and your contacts with our new email, info@marshfieldschoolofweaving.org. While a subtle change, the move to .org reflects our commitment to working together as a nonprofit educational institution to ensure the school's long range stability.

Second, and more significant than our new website, is our 2024 calendar which is chock-full of programs, some of which are highlighted below. We've kept your perennial favorites while adding eight (EIGHT!) new offerings to the line-up. We hope you'll find a moment to learn more about what we have in store over on our programs page, and encourage you to book early as we anticipate many of these classes filling up.

And lastly, a little about where we're headed. It's so easy when setting goals to throw around the word "growth." For an organization like ours, "growth" doesn't seem nearly as sustainable as depth. The Marshfield School of Weaving doesn't need to put all of its energy into expanding (though give us another barn or two and we could fill it in a heartbeat), rather, we ought to give everything we've got into sinking into our roots even deeper than before. If we're making a New Year's resolution for Marshfield, it's to go deep, to throw our bucket a little further down the well of human experience and to spill that connection into all of our work. We hope you'll join us.

On behalf of Dosia and our Board, with best wishes to you in this new year,

Justin Squizzero


We have a fantastic roster of programs lined up for the coming year and we've highlighted a few of the ones coming up this winter and spring below. Click on the photos to learn more.


February and March's sessions still have a few openings! This class is usually filled to capacity making these spaces a great opportunity to squeeze in for 2024.

Coverlets & Counterpanes

This is one of our new offerings, with a slightly different format than our typical weeklong classes. Five days of instructor time, followed by up to seven days of independent studio time if needed to complete more ambitious projects.

Open Workshop

Open Workshop is the class formerly known as Special Projects. This is a free-choice/refresher week for projects beyond our regular class offerings.

Double Cloth: an Introduction

New in 2024! Weave two layers of cloth simultaneously for seamless bags or pillowcases, or in a two block design for a small carpet or coverlet.

Rep Weave Rugs

New in 2024! Learn the basics of rep weave techniques while designing your own unique piece using 8/4 cotton in an array of colors.

Fleece to Fulling

We've revamped the format of Fleece to Fulling for 2024. This year we will begin at a local farm on shearing day and learn directly from the shepherd and shearer about their work, then process those very fleeces for our weft. There aren't many other opportunities to meet your blanket on the hoof!

As always, we can only do what we do with your generous support. Gifts of all sizes make a tremendous impact. Thank you.
