Friday, November 10, 2024

Dear Friends,

As we navigate the uncertainty of this new chapter in the life of our country, Rick and I would like to share excerpts from a prayer offered by the national setting of the UCC:

God who holds the whole world in your loving hands, hold on to us today. 

Hold in the light all entrusted with public office, at local, state, and national levels, 

Hold tenderly our friendships and families as politics threatens to pull us apart, 

Hold all our anxieties. Hold our fears. 

God who leads through dark valleys and turbulent waters, lead us today.

Lead us through the barrage of misinformation and temptation toward cynicism, 

Lead us through the uncertain hours, days, and weeks to come,  

Lead us as a nation to a repaired future, a green pasture of peace with justice.  

God whose love triumphed over hate and death, share your love with us today.   

Share your love to guide our voices and our actions,

Share your love so that we might see you in one another,  

Share your love on this day, and all the days to come 


Join us for worship this Sunday at 9:30 and a Generosity Witness from Ron Vogel.

With you in service, Jill and Richard Edens


Sunday, November 10th, 2024 at 9:30 am

In person at UCCB also via Zoom


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 883 0675 3408

Passcode: 7387


Please note: our worship services are streamed live via Zoom and recorded for posting on Facebook and YouTube (




On Tuesdays at 10am, you are invited to a lively and far-ranging conversation with the Pastors on the scripture for the coming Sunday.


 On Tuesday, Nov 12, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, November 17, 26th Sunday after Pentecost: 1 Samuel 1:4-20; 1 Samuel 2:1-10; Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25; Mark 13:1-8


On Tuesday, Nov 19, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, November 2, Reign of Christ Sunday: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 132:1-12; Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37


On Tuesday, Nov 26, we will NOT meet.

The meeting opens at 9:45 for visiting. Please join us. The Zoom link is: Passcode: 7387

Generosity 2025

The spiritual practice of generosity arises from imagining all that God calls us to do as a community. Our donations to our congregation make it possible to turn what we imagine into a reality. Through our annual commitments to our congregation, we imagine together all that we can do.

As we reflect on the past year and look ahead, we do so with hope and love - for ourselves, our neighbors, and the greater community.  And as a community of faith, Jesus calls us to share God’s love. We express our faith together with this covenant, “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” 

Through the month of November, we will celebrate the saints that have come before us and will hear testimonials from others about their spirit of generosity. Whether you are someone who has pledged annually in the past or are new to this practice, we invite you to consider how you may contribute financially to UCC Boxborough to keep our lights on in this corner of the world and continue to invest in our community. And, during this period of transition, let’s imagine together!

Watch your email for donation information, check the church website or contact a member of the generosity team. We will receive and celebrate our gifts and pledges during Sunday morning worship on November 24, the day after our joyful community event – the Merrie Christmas Fair!

Yours in faith,

Generosity Ministry Team: Jeff Glidden, Kellie Senghas, Rev. Dr. Jill Edens and Rev. Richard Edens


Faith Formation Meeting–11/10 in the Sanctuary after Sunday Worship.

Our new Children’s Programing is off to a great start!

The Eden's would like to meet with interested folks to further develop fun and engaging programming for children. Please join us after worship in the Sanctuary on 11/10 to discuss the resources available to leaders, scheduling teaching teams, and ideas to help adults lead short activities for our youth.


Please join us if you are interested in learning more about our youth programming or are considering joining one of our teaching teams! All are welcome!

Ornament Table 

The Merrie Christmas Fair is fast approaching and final touches are being made on a variety of Christmas ornaments & decorations. We are having one more ornament making workshop on Wed. Nov. 6 from 10:00-2:00 in the Gathering Room. 

We appreciate everyone who has been making ornaments and decorations at home over the last few months. All home projects are due in and delivered to Gloria Roe by Sunday, Nov. 17.

Items can also be picked up at your home before that date. This will allow enough time for pricing and packaging of ornaments/decorations prior to the Fair.  We are seeking people to help work at our table to sell ornaments for an hour or two during the day of the Fair between 9:00-1:00. Please let us know. Any questions, contact either Gloria Roe 978-502-9625 / or Connie Brown 978-391-4854/, Linda Morse 978-266-2836/


Sit and Sew at UCCB Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 9:00 – 3:00pm.

Now that Fall is here, it’s a perfect time to gather together to work on our handwork projects whether it’s quilting, sewing, knitting, whatever makes you happy.  It’s a great time for those working on ornaments or other items for the church fair and spending time with friends and fellow makers in the Gathering Room at UCCB. We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 9:00 to 3:00. You are welcome to come for an hour or two or come for the day. Just bring your project, your lunch, and a smile. Hope to see you there.

We need your help filling the BAKE TABLE!

You can help by baking and freezing those yummy cookies, pies, cakes, tea breads, etc. Remember to label your items and note if they contain nuts, or are soy or gluten free. Please drop off the night before or early 8:45am fair day. Contact Suzanne Boyden


Jewelry Donations accepted!

There will be a basket left in the gathering room for donations the beginning of November. However, we would happily accept donations before that time. Please call Mary Rohwer (978-621-9705) or Dianne Jaworski (978-263-0762) for pickup or with any questions.


Greens Table

If you have any of these items below, the Greens table could use: Old wooden sleds and toboggans Old wooden window shutters, Old skates - any size or color (no plastic parts please), Wooden skis and bamboo ski poles, Old buckets, Old wooden or metal boxes - any size Baskets - any size Fresh cedar or juniper cuttings. Please contact Anne Chandler, or text/call 978-808-4316) if you have anything you would like to donate, thank you!


Attic Treasures

Save those treasures in good, clean working condition! Ideally drop them off starting Thursday Nov 21 at Town Hall. Drop off earlier Weds Nov 20 can be arranged by contacting Kellie Senghas.

We take: household goods, kitchenware, small appliances, electronics, toys, games, sporting goods, linens, office supplies/equipment, tools, luggage. We cannot take: clothing, shoes, curtain hardware, used pet items, medical equipment.

Folk Festival "24

First Church Unitarian in Littleton (19 Foster St., Littleton) is offering Folk Festival ’24 featuring: The Sarah Levecque Band from Boston and The Sugarsnap Trio from Burlington, VT. November 9th at 7 pm. For more information click on the link below or call Patti at 978-621-1065.


Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 19 from 6 - 9:30pm.

The Town of Acton is hosting a screening of the documentary film, “Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America” at the Fine Arts Theatre in Maynard. UCCB is co-sponsoring the event, and is supporting the effort with a $100 donation.

Hope to see you there!

Check out the upcoming WEDNESDAY FAIR FLASHES to see how you can help! Let's support these hard-working table chairs as we share our talents and treasures. Here's the latest info:

Want to learn more... click the links below!


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