November 3, 2024

Upcoming Family Support groups

Wednesday, November 6:

Complex Communicators & Feeding Challenges

7:30pm EST

Wednesday, November 6:

4 & Under Parents/Caregivers 8pm EST

Register here

A new episode of the podcast drops on Tuesday, November 5. Before that, check out the previous episode with information about voting with disabilities here. 🇺🇸

Volunteer Spotlight

Thank you to our recent event coordinators!

Leo’s 5th Annual Golf Tournament Co-Chairs:

Scott & Justine Brumagin

Tucson 2nd Annual Golf Tournament Co-Chairs: Brandon and Carley Neilson

South Texas Fall Festival

Ashley Bennett-Sigmund

In the News

The feel good story of the week! John making his dreams happen and reminding us that everyone is capable. Catch the full story below!

Watch the news video here

Community Highlights

Over 100 participants showed up in Pittsburgh to walk for Williams on 10/26!

South Texas Fall Festival 10/26

Tucson Golf Tournament 10/26

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