Weekly eNews
December 29, 2023
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This Weekend at St. Michael's | |
"Oh, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose years never fail and whose mercies are new each returning day: let the radiance of your Spirit renew our lives, warming our hearts and giving light to our minds, that we may pass into the new year in joyful obedience and firm faith; through him who is the beginning and the end, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (Episcopal Book of Occasional Services)
A reminder the church office will be closed on New Year's Day, but regular office hours of Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM will resume on January 2. To view the complete church calendar, click below in the shaded "On the Calendar" section. For pastoral emergencies please contact a member of our clergy or call 719-598-3244 and select the option to speak to an on-call clergy member.
A Service for a New Year
Sunday, Dec. 31, 10:00 AM
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
This Sunday, December 31, we will have only one morning service at 10:00 AM. This will be a meditative service of poignant readings from The Saint John's Bible focused on the Fruits of the Spirit, and it will include hope-filled prayer and music as we reflect on the past year and anticipate the year to come.
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IHN Meals
3 Volunteers Needed!
December 31 - January 6
We are still in need of a few volunteers to provide meals, specifically on December 31 and January 6, for the families being housed at St. Paul's United Methodist Church through the Family Promise/IHN program. St. Mike's volunteers are asked to provide dinners (arrival by 5:30 PM) and host the families until roughly 7:30 PM each evening at St. Paul's UMC.
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2023 Gift or Donation
Final Opportunity
If you'd like to make a final 2023 donation to St. Mike's, please do so by check, include “2023 Pledge/Donation” in the memo line, and be sure it is dated in 2023. All checks must be received by Sunday, January 7. If you have questions about your pledge balance or giving history, please contact our Finance Manager, Jan McLaughlin, at treasurer@stmikeschurch.com or 719-598-3244 x105. Every gift is essential to our ministry and is greatly appreciated!
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, December 31
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?
Click above to sign up today & thank you!
Worship with Us
10:00 AM A Service for a New Year
Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 9:45 - 11:30 AM.
Join for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after the service.
Education for All resumes January 7.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Our Sunday Forum Adult Classes at 9:15 AM will resume on January 7. These are held in the nave and are livestreamed on YouTube & Facebook. See you there!
January 7: A New Year's Evolution
Join the Rev. Matt Holcombe as we begin a new year's evolution, instead of a new year's resolution. Learn how your faith leads and inspires you as we begin a new year together!
January 14: Mental Health & Suicide
Special Guest, David Galvan - Join Rev. Matt & David as we continue the conversation about Mental Health help at St. Michael's. We will explore resources, dispel unhelpful myths, and learn how we can all provide hope and healing.
January 21: Loss & Faith
Special Guest, Janet Perreault - Join Rev. Matt & Janet for a faith inspired response to handling grief, loss, and disappointment. If you've ever felt lost or hopeless, you will not want to miss this conversation.
January 28: Wellness: Trauma & Resilience
Special Guest, Brooke Small - Join Rev. Matt & Brooke as we unpack the ways trauma impacts our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Brooke will share some helpful learnings and tools to build resilience.
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Baptism Invitation
January 7, 10:30 AM Service
The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated on the Sunday after Epiphany, January 7 this year. We will mark this day with joy and gratitude, renewing our baptismal covenant and welcoming others into the household of God through the sacrament of Baptism. If you or a member of your family is interested in being baptized, you are invited to start the process by clicking below.
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"Planning Wellness"
Estate Planning Conversations
January 18, 2:00 & 6:00 PM
Planning your financial wellness ("estate planning") can be a gift to your family and easy to do. Join Chad Spencer, St. Mike's parishioner and attorney with EPIC Law Group, for a discussion on estate planning. Chad will help you see that almost everyone has an estate, and estate planning doesn’t have to be complex to be worthwhile. Click below to learn more and to register. You can sign up for the afternoon or evening session. Both sessions will cover the same material.
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Prayer Partners
Connecting Adults & Children
Prayer is a transformative way for people of all ages to be in relationship with one another, and our new Prayer Partner Program aims to better connect adults and children in the parish. This initiative partners adult members of St. Mike's (Sages) with children in the parish ages Pre-K through 5th grade (Sprouts). Are you interested in becoming a Sage or Sprout? Click below to complete the form, get connected with your partner, pray, and repeat.
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2024 Pledge Announcement
A friendly reminder to set up your 2024 pledge for auto-payment with your bank or credit card, or set a calendar reminder if you'll be writing a check. If you requested pledge envelopes, they will be sent to your home the first week of January. If you have not made a 2024 Pledge and would like to, please click below. If you have any questions about pledging, email Jan McLaughlin, Finance Manager, at treasurer@stmikeschurch.com.
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A Case for Love Movie
January 23, 4:00 & 7:00 PM
Our beloved Episcopal Church and Bishop Curry's message of love will be shared with the wider world on Tuesday, January 23, when the feature-length documentary, A Case for Love, is unveiled for a one-day only showing in at least 1,000 theaters nationwide. St. Mike’s has already purchased 30 tickets for both the 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM movies at AMC Chapel Hills cinema on Briargate. We look forward to sharing this as a community at a time when this message is needed more than ever. Click below to access more information and to register.
College Student Reunion
This Wednesday, Jan. 3
7:00 - 8:30 PM
All St. Mike’s college students and young adults ages 18-24 are invited to come together for a Winter Break reunion! Hang out with your old youth group friends, drink tea and hot cocoa, and enjoy yummy desserts....Owen hopes to see you all!
Parenting Small Group
Sunday, Jan. 7, 9:15 AM
"Shame dies when stories are told in safe places." Parents with children living in the home are invited to attend St. Mike's Parenting Small Group to be together, share experiences, and have conversations about what being a parent looks like today. Email David Galvan at galvan.davidj@gmail.com or Stacy Cowell at scowell99@msn.com with any questions.
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Saint John's Bible (SJB) Docent Training
Jan. 13, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
A Saint John's Bible (SJB) docent hosts "encounter" sessions with groups at St. Michael's or in our wider community and promotes and cares for the SJB. If you are interested in becoming a docent or are a current docent needing a refresher, please plan to attend the upcoming training on Saturday, January 13. To learn more about docent requirements or to sign up for training, click below.
Newcomer Class
Sunday, Jan. 14, 9:15 AM
In 2024, our Newcomer Classes will be held on the second Sunday of each month in the Downstairs Chapel. This month's topic will be The Episcopal Church 101 - The Basics. While these classes are designed for newcomers, all are welcome and no RSVP is needed. Contact our Newcomer Coordinator, Linda Keen, at linda@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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Youth Ski Trip
January 27 & 28
Monarch Ski Resort
Middle & High Schoolers are invited to join for a ski weekend and retreat. Our friends at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp will be hosting the group on Saturday and sending them on their way to ski all day long on Sunday. The cost of this trip is $150 per participant. This includes four meals, lodging, a lift ticket, and lots of fun! Scholarships are readily available. Click below for more info and to fill out the registration. Please reach out to Owen with any questions or wonders you may have. Registration closes Wednesday, January 10.
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Birthdays This Week:
December 31 - David Blom
December 31 - Bryan Call
December 31 - Chris Couch
December 31 - Jasmine Geis
December 31 - Bridget Hause
December 31 - Debbie Swanson
December 31 - Terry Thatcher
January 01 - Juliet Llaña
January 2 - Jacob Calhoun
January 2 - Alan McPeak
January 2 - Rachael Verlinde
January 3 - Jessica Bennett
January 4 - Jocelyn Pettigrew
January 5 - Deegan Carton
January 6 - Dave Harriman
January 6 - Brett Wandfluh
Anniversaries This Week:
January 2 - Mary Beth & Steve Shively
January 5 - Chuck & Robin Schwartz
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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