New year, new initiative! Join the Outreach Committee and be part of its exciting plans!

I am delighted to share with you the exciting developments that have unfolded since our August All Member meeting. Following the insightful recommendations discussed during the meeting, we have taken swift action to begin to foster meaningful collaborations with local organizations that focus on meeting the needs of the underserved. 

The response from PMHA, King Kennedy Center, the NAACP and Skeels Community Center has been overwhelmingly positive, as these organizations share our enthusiasm for working together to address crucial issues surrounding voter registration and civic engagement.

In alignment with our commitment to inclusivity, we have initiated focus groups with members from underserved communities with the aim of understanding their perspectives on voter registration, identifying barriers they may face and exploring potential solutions. Focus groups are scheduled at four PMHA housing locations and at the King Kennedy Center throughout January and February. Information gleaned from these conversations will provide a basis for additional collaborative activities throughout the coming year.

Additionally, I am pleased to inform you that LWV Kent Board member Kim Gruenwald is leading an effort to craft a summer educational youth program in collaboration with the Skeels Community Center. This initiative underscores our dedication to empowering the next generation with the knowledge and tools necessary to actively participate in the democratic processes. 

As time and engagement allow, we will be reaching out to other organizations to expand our collaborative efforts. For now, we are thrilled with the progress we have made and look forward to engaging more members in the weeks ahead. One way you can help is to join the League’s new Outreach Committee. If interested, contact Rhonda Richardson by email here or by phone at 330-842-1936. 

Your continued support is invaluable as we work toward fostering a more inclusive and informed community. When opportunities arise throughout 2024, I hope you will say “yes” to invitations to participate in our new initiatives. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the civic engagement landscape of Kent and surrounding areas.

Warm regards,

Rhonda Richardson

P.S. Be sure to read LWV Kent President Sherry Rose’s 2023 end-of-year letter. It provides additional information about our outreach initiative and offers a brief look back at the Kent League’s achievements.

We're focused on signature gathering over the next six months for fair districts! Attend a training session at the Thursday, Jan. 11, All Member Meeting

How do you collect 433,000-plus signatures in six months? That’s 16,654 signatures EVERY week by June 3, 2024! Because that is what is needed to place the proposed redistricting amendment on the November 2024 ballot. We know we can do it, but we need YOUR help.

Haven’t collected signatures in while? Never collected signatures before? Do not think you know enough about redistricting to collect? Signature collection is not your thing? We will cover it all!

Attend the Jan. 11 (Thursday) All Member Meeting at Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent, starting at 7 p.m. Bring family and friends who are interested in ending gerrymadering in Ohio. Hear updates on the petition campaign and be inspired to join this massive effort in ways you feel confortable. You will learn everything you need to know to be a petition circulator and or--get your questions answered and sign up for signature-gathering events. Here' a map to Kent Social Services.

In addition, please bring a nonperishable food item or monetary donation for Kent Social Services.

TECHLab will be Thursday, Jan. 11, 6 p.m., before the petition training, same location as the All Member Meeting at Kent Social Services. In a no-pressure environment, the lab team will help members more effectively use their social media to educate others about fair districts and, more importantly, to let family and friends know where to find petition-signing locations in Portage County and elsewhere in the state.

We have more than 15 new members since Fall 2023! LWV Kent President Sherry Rose invites any new member from the past year to attend a new member orientation, Monday, Feb. 5, 5:30 p.m., and Thursday, May 16, 6 p.m. Sherry explains it all! You'll meet other new members and then please, stay for the All Member Meetings that follow on those dates. Held at Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent. Here's a map!

Update on fair districts petition-signing campaign

The fair districts petition-signing campaign will be led in Portage County by Kelly Clary and Pam Mascio, both of Aurora, and Kent League members Anne Reid and Iris Meltzer. They expect events to be in full gear by the end of January as they talk with organizations about setting up indoor locations for weekly time slots for signing petitions. Kelly and Anne will also be going to the Kent State University campus to gather signatures. 

We anticipate coming back to members with online sign-ups to help at the various locations. In the meantime, get used to carrying a petition as you go about your day and invite the people you meet to sign!

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Add these dates to your 2024 calendar

and never miss a League meeting!

Big year coming up for Voter Services!

Here's how to join in on the fun!

A banner year for registering and educating voters lies ahead in 2024. We know many people join the League to protect, support and aid the voting process. Members Jill Hazelton and Stacy Yaniglos lead the LWV Kent Voter Services Committee and are always looking for new members. The committee meets on the third Monday of each month, at 7 p.m. by Zoom. Email Jill or Stacy to join. 

Join the Portage County NAACP for its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, Jan. 13

The Portage County NAACP’s annual Marting Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast is set for Saturday, Jan. 13, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Kent United Church of Christ, 1400 E, Main St., Kent.

Speakers at the "Let's Strive Together" event are the Rev. Eddie Harris (left), senior pastor, Upper Room Ministries COGIC, Ravenna), and Dr. Michael Daniels (right), director of the E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center, Kent State University.

Tickets are $20 and may be purchased online here with PayPal or credit card. To pay with a check, mail the check to Portage NAACP, 1400 E. Main St., Kent, OH 44240. Tickets also may be obtained by calling Frank Hairston at 330-351-3980. For questions, contact the Portage NAACP office at 330-657-8564. 


new members!

Ann Bauer

Donna Bernert

Jane Cox

Louise Ditchey

Bonny Graham

Karen Kemp-Hultman

Erin Madonia Latina

Terry Mansfield

Sara Miller

Terry Miller

Kathleen White

Missed the 2023 Holiday Brunch? Hear the speaker's inspiring challenge to go all-in on the battle for fair districts! Her mantra: 'We are the leaders we have been waiting for.'

We would like to have shared a video of Catherine Turcer’s talk at the LWV Kent Holiday Brunch in December, but she came to us via Zoom rather than in person. The executive director of Common Cause Ohio was still under the weather from COVID but well enough to inspire a packed house. Here is an audio file of her presentation, which included background information about the long fight for fair districts in Ohio and what “Game of Thrones” challenges lie ahead in 2024. The YouTube video lasts about 50 minutes, including a question-and-answer session. 

Great discussion, food and fellowship at LWV Kent Book Club! Here are the titles for the year

and your invitation to attend!

The LWV Kent Book Club kicks off the year on Wednesday, Jan. 10, with A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purcell. Meetings are now the second Wednesday of the month, 1:30 p.m. at Hudson Grande Senior Living, 5400 Darrow Road, Hudson. All are welcome to join. Email Jane Preston Rose for details about the meetings. 

Jan. 10 - A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purcell

Feb. 14 - The Secret Life of Sunflowers: A Gripping, Inspiring Novel Based on the True Story of Johanna Bonger, Vincent van Gogh’s Sister-in-Law by Marta Molnar and Dana Marton

March13 - Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women Who Challenged a Nation by Tiya Miles

April 10 - American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard

May 8 - Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America by Heather Cox Richardson

Read the latest from the LWV Kent Observer Corps. Click here. Interested in an outreach activity that puts you in the rooms where it happens? Click here.

SAVE THE DATE . . . All events are free except where noted

Jan 10 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWV Kent Book Club Click here to email for details.

Jan 11 | Thursday | 6 p.m. | TECHLab Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent.

Jan 11 | Thursday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent Petition session.

Feb 5 | Monday | 5:30 p.m. EARLIER TIME | New Member Orientation Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent.

Feb 5 | Monday | 5:30 p.m. EARLIER TIME |  TECHLab Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent.

Feb 5 | Thursday | 6:30 p.m. EARLIER TIME | All Member Meeting Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent Petition session.

Feb 14 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWV Kent Book Club Click here to email for details.

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