Friday Newsletter

January 19, 2024

This Sunday

Worship Service

& Sunday School: 10 am

Coffee Hour: 11:15 am

New Members' Class: 11:30 am

Youth Collective Service Project: 12:30 pm

You got an extension on your HOMEWORK for this week! In worship, we will sing "Lift Every Voice and Sing" which is an incredible hymn from our repertoire. It has a rich history full of hope and longing for God’s promised land. First penned by James Weldon Johnson while he was serving as a school principal and put to music by his brother, "Lift Every Voice" is in 42 of our denominational hymnals and has been an important cultural song for over 100 years. Here's a video to help your practicing from Grammy award-winning gospel singer Kirk Franklin.

From Your Session

The elders of Westminster met on January 17, 2024, for their monthly stated meeting. The meeting was held online because of the weather. The focused discussion centered around the church annual meeting which will be held on February 25 after the service. The annual report will be prepared and available in mid-February, and there will be “an open time with elders” for questions and comments about the annual report/meeting. Please plan to attend and stay informed.

Sandy McLean, Clerk of Session

Dates to remember:

  • February 11 – Due date for new business/agenda items to be included in the printed materials.
  • February 15 – Annual report and annual meeting agenda available
  • February 18 @ 11:30 – “Open time w/ elders” for questions, comments, and ideas regarding the annual report/annual meeting.

Looking Ahead

1/21 & 1/28 @ 11:30 am: New Members' Class

1/28 @ 11:45 am Pizza & Games Afternoon

2/10 @ 10 am: Memorial Service for JoEve Netz

2/12 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out

2/14: Ash Wednesday Experience Drop-In

12:30-1:30 or 5:30-6:30

2/14-2/18: Labyrinth Available

2/18 @ 2:30: Labyrinth Experience with guest Rev. Scott Crane

2/20 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out

2/25 @ 11 am: Congregational Annual Meeting with Potluck

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


WPC Printed Photo Directories will be available for pick up again this Sunday in the narthex or in the office during the week (Mon-Thurs, 9-2). Deacons and elders, your fresh copies are in your mailboxes. Contact the church office if you need help obtaining a copy.

Considering becoming a member at Westminster or interested in learning more about being Presbyterian? Join the new members' class meeting January 21 and 28, 11:30-1:00. RSVP to the church office ( or talk to Pastor Kelly or Katie Nelson, Elder for Outreach.

Bring your favorite board game and stay after service on Sunday, January 28, for pizza and board game afternoon! All ages welcome.

Did you retire in 2023 or know someone in the congregation that did and would like recognition for this achievement? Family Ministry will be recognizing this milestone at a future service. Please contact Cheryl Lugenbill with names/contacts at within the next couple of weeks.


The official per capita amount for 2024 is $45.60.

Any committee, team, sub-committee, or group who would like an update published in the WPC annual report, please appoint somebody to write it up and get it to the church office by February 9. Contact the church office for more information.

The next Leadership Lab planning and calendaring meeting is scheduled for February 7 at 6:30. Each committee, team, etc., should plan to send a representative.

Items to be included in the newsletter are due the Thursday prior at 9 am.


Thanks to all who contributed to the 197 pounds of food donated to Table of Plenty. And keep it coming. The shelves were pretty bare when we were there stocking our donations. TOP has been averaging between 40 and 65 families a week! And thanks also to the crew who did the transporting, weighing and shelving: Bobbie Clyde, Bob Netz, and Tim Hilfiker.

Dear Mary and friends,

Thank you for sewing all the pillowcases.

Love, Olivia

(For all who contributed to the Doernbecher Children's Hospital project.)


Coming soon: SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Feb. 11 is the big day, and we will be pulling out BIG BLUE, our original food barrel, and filling it with soup, lots and lots of soup. So be stocking up so you are ready to contribute!


Carol Huber as she works through rehab.

If you would like to submit a prayer request, you can do so here or contact the church office.

In the Community

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon’s 11th annual Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit will take place in faith communities all over Oregon with the theme, “Hope for Our Common Home.” This hybrid event is scheduled for Sunday, February 4, 1-5 pm. Find more info or register here, or contact Deanie Anderson ( or 503-480-5931), your Westminster connection.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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