"Association of Sustained Low or High Income and Income Changes With Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes Among Individuals Aged 30 to 64 Years," Jimin Clara Park, Ga Eun Nam, Jinna Yu, Ketrell L McWhorter, Junxiu Liu, Hong Seok Lee, Seong-Su Lee, Kyungdo Han
Abstract: Evidence of the association between income fluctuation and risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is scarce. Objective was to investigate whether sustained low or high income and income changes are associated with incidence of T2D.
"Different cohort, disparate results: Selection bias is a key factor in autopsy cohorts," Kathryn Gauthreaux, Walter A Kukull, Karin B Nelson, Charles Mock, Yen-Chi Chen, Kwun C G Chan, David W Fardo, Yuriko Katsumata, Erin L Abner, Peter T Nelson
Abstract: Research-oriented autopsy cohorts provide critical insights into dementia pathobiology. However, different studies sometimes report disparate findings, partially because each study has its own recruitment biases. We hypothesized that a straightforward metric, related to the percentage of research volunteers cognitively normal at recruitment, would predict other inter-cohort differences.
"Factors Associated with No-Show Rates in a Pediatric Audiology Clinic," David Adkins, Marcia V Rojas-Ramirez, Anita Shanker, Clayton P Burruss, Becky Mirsky, Philip Westgate, Jennifer B Shinn, Matthew L Bush
Abstract: To evaluate factors associated with no-show rates in a pediatric audiology clinic.
"Methamphetamine use and utilization of medications for opioid use disorder among rural people who use drugs," Judith I Tsui, Bridget M Whitney, P Todd Korthuis, Brian Chan, Mai T Pho, Wiley D Jenkins, April M Young, Hannah L F Cooper, Peter D Friedmann, Thomas J Stopka, David de Gijsel, William C Miller, Vivian F Go, Ryan Westergaard, Randall Brown, David W Seal, William A Zule, Judith Feinberg, Gordon S Smith, L Sarah Mixson, Rob Fredericksen, Heidi M Crane, Joseph A Delaney
Abstract: Methamphetamine use is common among persons with opioid use disorder. This study evaluated associations between methamphetamine use and treatment with agonist medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD, specifically buprenorphine, and/or methadone) in U.S. rural communities.
"LATE-NC risk alleles (in TMEM106B, GRN, and ABCC9 genes) among persons with African ancestry," Yuriko Katsumata, David W Fardo, Lincoln M P Shade; Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium; Peter T Nelson
Abstract: Limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE) affects approximately one-third of older individuals and is associated with cognitive impairment. However, there is a highly incomplete understanding of the genetic determinants of LATE neuropathologic changes (LATE-NC) in diverse populations.
"Evidence for virus-mediated oncogenesis in bladder cancers arising in solid organ transplant recipients," Gabriel J Starrett, Kelly Yu, Yelena Golubeva, Petra Lenz, Mary L Piaskowski, David Petersen, Michael Dean, Ajay Israni, Brenda Y Hernandez, Thomas C Tucker, Iona Cheng, Lou Gonsalves, Cyllene R Morris, Shehnaz K Hussain, Charles F Lynch, Reuben S Harris, Ludmila Prokunina-Olsson, Paul S Meltzer, Christopher B Buck, Eric A Engels
Abstract: A small percentage of bladder cancers in the general population have been found to harbor DNA viruses. In contrast, up to 25% of tumors of solid organ transplant recipients, who are at an increased risk of developing bladder cancer and have an overall poorer outcomes, harbor BK polyomavirus (BKPyV). To better understand the biology of the tumors and the mechanisms of carcinogenesis from potential oncoviruses, we performed whole genome and transcriptome sequencing on bladder cancer specimens from 43 transplant patients.