This week's Torah portion, Parashat Nitzavim/Vayeilech, makes clear to us that we should not consider the Torah to be something remote or unattainable. As is stated in chapter 30, verse 11, of the book of Deuteronomy, "Surely, this instruction which I enjoin upon you this day is not too baffling for you, nor is it beyond reach." 

And then, verse 14 declares, "The thing is very close to you, in your mouth and in your heart, to observe it."

These words are both reassuring and inspiring. Sometimes the lofty and philosophical concepts of the Torah may seem too elusive and esoteric to relate to. Or the apparent demands of the Torah may feel overwhelming. But here we are told not to fall into the trap of thinking that the Torah and its instructions are only for someone else. We should not feel baffled by the Torah. After all, the words of Torah are in our mouths. By being a part of the Jewish community we are keeping this sacred tradition very close to our hearts.

The Torah is not only in heaven and it is not beyond the sea. It is right here with us. Judaism is deeply within our midst. Although we may not understand or observe everything, we are immersed in our rituals and we do hold our Jewishness very close. 

As the High Holidays are now only one week away we are even more keenly aware of the role that Torah and Judaism play in our lives. We are preparing both spiritually and physically - to pray, to sing, to eat and to celebrate! Let the new year be one of great happiness and health for all of us!

Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova!

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg


Temple Sholom observes the following Yahrzeits:

22nd of Elul - 28th of Elul

Lillian Solomon

Irving Needle

Isaac Shapiro

Sarah Pinsky

Yom Huledet Sameach

(Happy Birthday)

 Howard Sachs

Happy Anniversary to:

Alissa & Marshall Levine

Shabbat Kiddush is sponsored by

Sheila and Barry Weintrob

in honor of the yahrzeit

of all those who lost their lives

on September 11, 2001




Wed., September 6th – 6:00 PM – 8PM

Sun., September 10th – 3:00 PM – 5PM

Thurs., September 14th – 6:00 PM – 8PM

 Members who are paid in full

can pick up their tickets

from the

Temple office beginning September 6th

Temple Sholom Upcoming ZOOM Events


Please take a look and check the upcoming events for Temple Sholom.

Mark your calendars accordingly!


Adult Education

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 7th

Banter with the Cantor at 5pm

Mincha at 7pm (on zoom only)

Friday, September 8th

Shaharit at 930am

Kabbalat Shabbat/Mincha at 7pm (on zoom only)


Saturday, September 9th

Shabbat Service at 10:00am

(in person as well as zoom and livestream)

S'lihot Service at 8:00pm

(Temple Sholom in person and livestream)

Sunday, September 10th

Shaharit at 10am (on zoom only)


DISTRIBUTION from 3pm-5pm

Monday, September 11th


Zelda & Herman Schwartz

Hebrew school student

Honoring the victims of September 11, 2001

 Mincha at 7pm (on zoom only)

Tuesday, September 12th

Wednesday, September 13th

Shaharit at 9:30am (on zoom only)

Mincha at 7pm (on zoom only)

Thursday, September 14h

Banter with the Cantor at 5pm

Mincha at 7pm (on zoom only)


DISTRIBUTION from 6pm- 8pm

Friday, September 15th

Shaharit at 930am

Erev Rosh Hashana service at 6:30pm

please see flyer below

For livestream click our website
Zoom Meeting ID # and connecting information for all services is as follows:

Meeting ID: 906 698 4216
Passcode: Shalom
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,9066984216#,0#,536917# US (New York)

Please remember to let us know in advance if you need a minyan for any particular time. We will make it happen for you!

Best wishes,

Cantor Zachary Konigsberg