Rhode Island Family Institute

"The Battle Belongs To The Lord"

1 Samuel 17:47

ELECTIONS are only 21 days away and ELECTIONS have CONSEQUENCES!  Know the party platform of your candidates.  Your choices will affect our country going forward especially concerning their impact on family life and religious freedom and when it comes to the following issues. Pollster George Barna says that as many as 41% of Christians do not vote. Don’t be one of them, pledge to VOTE and make a difference!   

You can take the pledge to vote by visiting Christians Engaged at OR use this QR code. SIGN UP TODAY!

OUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!!  As believers we have both an opportunity and a responsibility to make a difference.  So, pray and make sure your vote counts to promote godly values especially pertaining to the following issues.

The LIFE Issue…

Abortion and a Baby’s Right 2 Life has been and will remain a key issue in this year’s presidential election. For the Christian, LIFE comes from God, begins at conception and therefore LIFE is SACRED. There are many Biblical references to this but my favorite is Psalm 139 and here is just a portion of it…"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

The Democratic Party Platform states that with rare exceptions, ABORTION should be allowed throughout all 9 months of Pregnancy. This is in sharp contrast to the Republican Party Platform. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the new Republican platform defers the LIFE issue to the states but still includes language that links abortion to the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, leaving open a path to federal legislation that would grant an unborn baby a legal right to life.

Nationwide, recent Pro-Life victories include: the Georgia Supreme Court reinstated that state’s ban on abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. Also, the Texas Supreme Court upheld Texas’ pro-life abortion ban and allows doctors to refuse to perform abortions that fall outside the law’s exemption for the life and health of the mother. Know where your candidate stands on the important issue.

The PORN Issue....

So far, 18 US states have passed Age Verification Laws. They are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. Dozens of other states have also introduced their own bills. Rhode Island is one. This past year Rhode Island Family Institute supplied our state legislators with this model legislation and will again in 2025. Please pray it will pass. Porn has serious negative effects on young lives and we must protect them.

The Rhode Island Family Institute has conducted a seminar in a number of churches called ‘The Porn-Free Family.’ The feedback thus far has been great! Contact us and we will come to your church or organization. Porn is rampant in our culture and especially in our public schools via ‘Comprehensive Sex Education.’ It’s often part of the ‘Health Curriculum’ in Grades 6-12. But don’t be fooled. We have found it to be a part of the ‘health curriculum’ even in many of the younger grades. Don’t take anything for granted! Stay on top of your child’s education. A list of Christian Schools or Home School Co-ops is available on our website: Christian School List

The TRANS-GENDER Issue....

I recently attended a school committee meeting at East Providence High School. Child advocate Bob Chiaradio was addressing them to point out how unsafe and dangerous the R.I.D.E. “TRANSGENDER POLICY” is, especially for girls. The R.I.D.E. guidance is not mandatory and he encouraged them to write their own guidance that will keep students SAFE!


R.I.D.E.’s Transgender Policy allows biological BOYS who say they are GIRLS to share the same locker rooms, showers and bathrooms as GIRLS. On over-night events they can share the same room as GIRLS and in sports they can play and compete on ALL-GIRLS TEAMS. In contact sports, nationally, we have seen examples of serious injury and physical harm that can occur when BOYS are allowed to compete against GIRLS.

Most of the meeting focused on safety but ONLY from the perspective that ‘Transgender Students’ not be bullied. No student should be bullied. But, what about the physical and emotional safety of the girls who would have young naked boys in their showers or bathrooms or in their rooms on overnight trips. And, then there is the physical danger with contact sports. Some caring coaches in our area have chosen to forfeit games rather than put their girls at risk by competing with teams who had boys identifying as girls.

Bob Chiaradio has been gaining state and even national attention with his campaign to visit all 35 school districts in Rhode Island. As a result, parents and the public in general are taking notice and speaking out for their children. Come out and show support when Bob comes to your town’s school committee. His October committee meetings are: October 16 – Providence, October 22 – Tiverton, October 28 – Bristol/Warren. Look him up on Facebook. 

To add another thought regarding this topic, I wondered if committee members had even basic medical information concerning the irreversible damage and ‘LONG-TERM’ effects transgenders deal with as adults. Puberty blockers wreak havoc on normal physical development, and taking cross-sex hormones amounts to chemical sterilization. Should teens be allowed to make those choices? Or should adults be protecting them?

According to a study from a new database tracking transgender children’s clinics, close to 14,000 children underwent some form of so-called sex-change procedures between 2019 and 2023. Many regret their choices and the suicide rate in some studies is as high as 20%. You can download a free copy of our Gender Resource Guide; it's filled with medical facts -

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Your generous donation supports our vital mission to strengthen faith, family and freedom!

RIFI is a 501c3 non profit organization.

Mobile: 401-285-0304