June 2023 Newsletter

Relive all the best moments!

Our banquet video is now available for you to watch! Relive (or enjoy for the first time if you were unable to join us) all the amazing stories and testimonies about how Beacon of Light is reaching women and serving them as they navigate the difficult circumstances that often accompany an unplanned pregnancy-and beyond!

Watch Now!

"Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me." Isaiah 46:9

Sign up here!

On Friday, June 9th our Board attended a Development Training to help them better understand the ministries they represent - what we do, how we do it, where we've been, how we got where we are and how they can help guide BOL where God is leading it in the future!

We set up committees, including an Advancement Committee that will be helping Erin plan our 2023 Walk 4 Life!

Want to join this committee?

Reach out today!

"Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed."

Proverbs 15:22

On Mother's Day, the Maternity Home treated our moms to dinner at Limoncello in Goshen. These moms are working hard at MHHV to become the best possible versions of themselves - for their good, their baby's joy and God's glory!

Please pray for their journey with us!

Planning is underway for our 2023 Walk4Life!

“In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9 

Will you join us on

September 30th for our

4th Annual Walk4Life?

Sign up to be a Walk Liaison today and put our Liaison breakfast on your calendar: August 5th from 9-11 at Encounter Church!

Sign up here to be a Walk Liaison and begin building your team today!
Sign up to be a Walker here!

We'll be at a new venue with hay rides, animals, a corn maze and more family friendly fun to enjoy as you support Beacon of Light's ministries!

Our ministries are blessed with many wonderful, selfless servants who love Jesus! This month, we honored two of them for their faithful service.


This month we honored Dawn Loechner, who has been serving the ministry as Beacon of Light's Board Treasurer for over 15 years! She is taking a much needed break from the board but you can still expect to see her at the Walk, Banquet or a committee meeting.

We also honored Karen McLaurin, who has been serving as a patient advocate for almost 6 years. We are so grateful for her selfless service, the countless lives she's touched and many babies lives she's helped save. Please pray for her plans to serve in the women's ministry at her church.

Please pray for these beautiful Daughters of God, their servant hearts and the plans God has for their futures!

Healing, forgiveness and freedom are possible after abortion.

The blood of Christ shed on the cross is sufficient to make each and every one of us righteous before God. There are many women, even Christian women, who need to hear those words and not only receive His forgiveness but learn to forgive themselves for choices they made in the past. Will you help them receive healing by sharing our PACE program with them? Here's the link:

Complete the PACE form here!

Thank you Cornwall Middle School, Goshen Christian and Trinity Lutheran!

Trinity Lutheran and Goshen Christian Reformed Churches hosted Baby Bottle Blessings for us this month! We could not do what we do without the faithful support of our donors!

Also, our Executive Director attended a Career Day at CCMS to share with the students about our organization and the many ways we serve women. Many were shocked that we do it all for FREE!

We couldn't do it without YOU!!! Thank you!