Updates and Events from the Sherrod Library | |
- New Library Faculty/Staff
- Celebrating 25 Years
- New Books
- Featured Resource
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
- Library News
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- Research Consultation Appointments
- Library Instruction
- Library Workshops
- Open and Affordable Educational Resources
- Grad Services
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New Library Faculty/Staff | |
Aaron Castle
Technology and Content Services
Discovery and Access Specialist
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Abbey Jacobs
Ask Us Services
Library Assistant 3
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Sherrod Library continually purchases electronic and print books on a variety of topics. In addition to supporting every academic program, we offer books on a wide range of topics, from differing viewpoints on current issues, to how-to books, to career planning to fiction. You can find the full listing of our newest books on the Sherrod Website.
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(Located on First Floor "New Books" Shelf on the left wall between the AskUs Desk and the Staircase)
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Is there something you think we should buy? Let us know! | |
Research Consultation Appointments | |
Need to get help from a librarian?
Schedule an in-depth individual appointment for research assistance with a librarian today!
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Getting Back Into the Library:
Library Instruction in a Research Course
by Sarah Bull, Arts & Humanities Librarian
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Students attend a library instruction session. | |
Information literacy is defined by the Association of College and Research Libraries as a set of six core competencies which lend themselves to an individual’s overall ability to understand information. These competencies, also called “Frames” include the following:
- Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
- Information Creation as a Process
- Information Has Value
- Research as Inquiry
- Scholarship as Conversation
- Searching as Strategic Exploration
At the Sherrod Library, these frames are taught by Research and Instructional Services faculty via instruction sessions, course-embedded librarianship, and during reference consultations. As the summer wanes and the school year approaches, I went to speak with our Student Engagement and Instruction Coordinator about the Sherrod’s Instruction program, and the value it can add to a research course.
Lydia Gwyn, the Student Engagement and Instruction Coordinator has a sunny office on the third floor of the building, near to the regular instruction room which can seat fifty students comfortably. Gwyn has a passion for teaching, reflected in her commitment to the instruction program, and the hundreds of educational sessions she has taught in one-shot sessions.
These one-shot sessions are Sherrod’s typical method of performing library instruction, and they usually involve both a lesson and an activity. All sessions may be tailored to instructor needs and learning goals for their course, with collaboration between teaching faculty and librarians usually lending itself to a better session overall.
“It’s great to work with students in a classroom one-on-one,” Gwyn said. “To get to see that lightbulb moment, when a student actually gets excited about their research and about writing their paper.” Getting students excited about research is one of the major benefits of an instruction session. Once they have the tools to do research, an entire world opens up to them.
These experiences play key roles in a student’s academic experience. “Library Instruction Sessions at the library are so important for first year students,” Gwyn explained. “Sherrod is a big building, and it can be intimidating, but when a student is actually here, they get to see that the space is comfortable and warm.” This matters particularly when a student is living in a cramped dorm, or if they feel they don’t belong anywhere on campus when they are not in class. The library welcomes everyone.
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This is to say nothing of the value that an instruction session adds to a student's education. Often, when freshman arrive on campus, they will come with next to no pre-existing skills in information literacy. Even those who took dual enrolment courses, we have found, arrive without having used library resources for research before, never having used a database, and not understanding the meaning of “Peer Review.”
“It is crucial for our students to be information literate,” Gwyn said. “More so than ever before. Information literacy is a life skill, not just a college skill. We are teaching students how to understand information, academic or not, and this may be the only time in their lives that they get this training.”
Unfortunately, a lot of students end up graduating without that training. In the last academic year, the Sherrod Library hosted sixty-two library instruction sessions, of which forty were at the undergraduate level. That number is then dwarfed by the hundreds of courses that are offered with a research component, and the thousands of students that attend ETSU. “My biggest goal for this year is to see an increase in instruction requests. Our requests have been steadily increasing since returning to campus from COVID, but they still aren't at the pre-COVID levels we were used to seeing.”
The Research and Instruction Department is gearing up for a school year filled with instruction, student-interaction, and faculty collaboration. We hope to see this year be the year that instruction rebounds from the COVID slump. If you are teaching a research course, now is the time to schedule your library instruction session.
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Discover Workshop Series
This semester Sherrod Library faculty will continue the Discover workshop series focusing on research skills and databases relevant to each core area of ETSU's General Education courses. Open to all ETSU students, faculty, and staff, workshops in this series are offered monthly (except January, May, August, and September on select Tuesdays from noon-1:00pm on Zoom. Registration is required.
Below is a list the upcoming Discover workshops.
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Discover History
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Register Here
Spend the first 30 minutes learning the essential databases in History. After librarians introduce the audiences to 3-5 databases they are available for the rest of the half-hour to answer questions about these and other subject-specific databases.
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Discover Health Sciences
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Register Here
Spend the first 30 minutes learning the essential databases in Health Sciences. After librarians introduce audiences to 3-5 databases they are available for the rest of the half-hour to answer questions about these and other subject-specific databases.
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How To Workshop Series
In addition to the Discover Workshop series, the Fall semester will begin with the return of our annual How To series, which focuses fundamental aspects of the literature search process. Open to all ETSU students, faculty, and staff, workshops in this series are offered on Wednesdays September 6th through November 1st from noon-1:00pm on Zoom. Registration is required.
Below is a list the upcoming How To workshops.
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Using OneSearch
Wednesday, September 20th, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Lydia Gwyn
Register Here
Discover the wealth of resources Sherrod Library collects under one search engine, OneSearch. You'll find books, articles, and more using the library's discovery tool.
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How to Begin Academic Research/Subject Mapping
Wednesday, September 27th, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Dr. Wendy Doucette, Graduate Research
Register Here
Unpack basic strategies for beginning your academic research with the hands-on method of subject mapping.
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How to Deal with Data
Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Jacob Bilek
Register Here
Learn about Sherrod Library's data services for students, staff, and faculty, as well as what products your ETSU affiliation provides access within.
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Finding Government Information
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Paul Nease
Register Here
This introduction to Sherrod Library's wealth of government information includes online and traditional resources as well as advise for how to best use them in your research.
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Decolonizing Research
Wednesday, October 18th, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Rebecca Tolley
Register Here
This workshop introduces attendees to ongoing scholarly conversations about incorporating decolonial learning into research methodology and overall practices.
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Annotated Bibliography and
Literature Review
Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Dr. Wendy Doucette, Graduate Research
Register Here
We'll discuss how annotated bibliography and literature review contribute to scholarly conversation as well as their purpose as a presentation and learning tool for your research and assignments.
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Tools and Strategies for
Citation Management
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Sarah Bull
Register Here
Discover which tools for citation management align with your assignment, projects, thesis, or dissertation.
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Qualtrics is an easy-to-use, web-based tool for building and conducting online surveys. Qualtrics has a range of features to meet both simple and complex survey creation and distribution needs. Qualtrics can be used for a variety of data collection purposes:
- Research, including panels, pre/post tests, and evaluations
- Teaching, including course evaluations and quizzes with immediate feedback
- Administration, including program assessment, event feedback, and opinion surveys
- Forms such as applications, contact forms, and agreements, and the collection of uploaded files
For more information on how to access this resource, visit ETSU's Qualtrics webpage.
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What is ILL?
The Sherrod Library Interlibrary Loan service provides access to materials not held in ETSU library collections to currently enrolled students, current employees, and faculty emeriti for all colleges in the University except the Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy. Libraries around the world share their collection with you!
What is Document Delivery?
The Sherrod Library Document Delivery service scans articles and book chapters owned by the ETSU library and delivers then to you via email in PDF format. Simply request using your library account.
Open Educational Resources | |
Open and Affordable Course Materials Initiatives
Sherrod Library, alongside the Center for Teaching Excellence, collaborates with faculty to lower costs and improve the quality of materials in courses. Check out how you can get involved!
Email questions and requests to oer@etsu.edu.
Attend the Saving Bucs: Open and Affordable Course Materials Information Workshop
Option #1: Wed, Sept. 20 at 10:00 - 11:00 in Sherrod Library, Room 433
Option #2: Thurs, Sept. 21 at 10:00 - 11:00 on Zoom
Come learn about Open Educational Resources and other affordable course material options for your students, and how to apply for the OA Award. Stipends ($100) for attending the workshop and completing an activity are available.
Register Today!
Apply for an Open and Affordable Course Award
Stipends ($500-$2000) are available to faculty who plan to use open/affordable (free) resources in their courses. Applications are due November 15.
The awards can fund two main types of projects.
• Tier I Awards provide stipends to instructors who are adopting, adapting, and/or creating open/affordable course materials in a course that is currently using materials costing students money or a course that they never taught before.
• Tier II Awards provide stipends to instructors who have already adopted, adapted, and/or created open/affordable course materials in their course but need to make updates or substantial changes in order to keep using open and affordable materials.
Request Support for Finding Open and Affordable Materials
Complete a request for a librarian to find course materials that are freely available online for your students to use.
Graduate Library Services | |
Throughout the course of their program, graduate students are faced with new and complex assignments and often fear that they have to figure out how to do them on their own. We can help--Sherrod Library has books on every aspect of the research process!
This summer, we’ve added 40 new titles to the Research Motivation Shelf, located in Sherrod 311. These cover every type of research design and methodology, including scientific writing and literature reviews. Additional titles on how to do research are located in the main stacks. Take a look in our catalog and see what we’ve got to help you understand the process, master the details, and get motivated to write at https://libraries.etsu.edu/home
For an individual consultation, please contact Dr. Wendy Doucette, douettew@etsu.edu.
Coffee and Creative Writing Club |
Love to write? Join us the second Thursday of each month throughout the fall semester for Coffee & Creative Writing, a club open to ETSU students, faculty, and staff. Whether you write poetry, flash fiction, Speculative fiction, nonfiction, or are hard at work on your first novel, our club provides a place for the ETSU community to share work and to find inspiration.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 12th from 5pm-6pm in room 309 on the third floor of the library. Coffee, tea, and sweet treats will be provided.
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Reintroducing Live Reference at the Sherrod Library
This semester, the Sherrod Library has a new space for patrons to receive face-to-face reference assistance. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, various concerns have prevented the return of live reference. This semester, we bring the essence of that service back, with the re-introduction of “the Fishbowl,” a ready-reference office space behind the AskUs desk that will be regularly staffed by a faculty librarian Monday -Friday between 8:00am-4:30pm.
Students, faculty, staff, and visitors alike are welcome to visit this space in order to get help finding a resource, creating a bibliography, managing citations, and more. No appointments are necessary. We hope to see you there!
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Help Us Improve the Newsletter! |
We want to know what you want to hear about from the library. Since you've read all the way to the bottom, you're just the kind of person who could help us out!
Please send any newsletter feedback, comments, or ideas for future issues to Jacob Bilek at bilekj@etsu.edu.
Thank you for being an important part of our library community!
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Connect with Sherrod Library on Social Media | | | | |