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Medi-Cal Adjusts Reimbursement Rates and Coverage for Incontinence Supplies

Here is a link to a DHCS article that details the changes to the reimbursement and covered products effective 12/1/23:

CAMPS has been working with DHCS over this past year to request that the rates be reviewed and increased due to higher product costs and a lack on increases for many years. Here is a link to the spreadsheet showing the adjusted product rates.

CAMPS has also requested that the current $165 TAR limit be increased to avoid a reasonable quantity of supplies now exceeding the $165 simply due to the average 15% increase in MAPC amounts. The article does not indicate that a increase to our suggested amount of $225 was implemented, but we will continue to push the issue.

Medi-Cal RX Announce Edit on Duplicate Claims

For providers who are billing enteral formula to Medi-Cal Rx a new edit will begin in January on duplicate claims bill on the same prescription. Here is a link to the article  Activation of Reject Code 16 – Medi-Cal Rx Program Integrity Update