Christians as Second Citizens

Dear Lori,

Throughout history, Christians have often found themselves marginalized and considered as second-class citizens in various parts of the world. Christianity has faced persecution and marginalization in different societal contexts for numerous reasons. In some places, Christians were not allowed to go to schools or universities. In some cases, it stems from religious intolerance, where the dominant faith or ideology suppresses or undermines Christian beliefs and practices. In other instances, cultural, political, or social factors contribute to the marginalization of Christians, resulting in their perceived inferior status within society.

The Bible contains numerous examples of faithful individuals who experienced marginalization and persecution. One notable example is the story of Daniel in the Old Testament. Despite his righteousness and dedication to God, he faced discrimination and was treated as a second-class citizen due to his faith. Daniel's commitment to prayer and his refusal to compromise his beliefs demonstrated how a Christian can navigate such circumstances with integrity and faithfulness.

The Apostle Paul, in his epistles, also addressed the challenges faced by early Christians. He spoke of enduring hardships, persecution, and being considered fools for the sake of Christ (1 Corinthians 4:10). Paul encouraged believers to find their identity and worth in Christ, rather than seeking validation from the world.

Additionally, Jesus himself warned his disciples of the possibility of persecution and mistreatment for their faith. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10). This teaching acknowledges the reality that Christians may face marginalization and mistreatment but assures them of their blessedness in God's kingdom.

In response to riots in the central Highland of Vietnam, I preached in a church the message that Christians are called to uphold their faith with humility, love, and unwavering commitment. The Bible encourages believers to live exemplary lives, showing the world the transformative power of Christ's love and grace. Jesus taught his disciples to be salt and light in the world, influencing society through their actions and attitudes (Matthew 5:13-16).

Furthermore, rather than retaliating or seeking revenge, Christians are called to respond to persecution and mistreatment with forgiveness and love. Jesus taught his followers to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44). This approach challenges societal norms and serves as a powerful testimony of Christ's teachings.

Thank you for your prayers and support,

National Director/CCI Vietnam

Click here to help support the National Director in Vietnam


Recently, in the month of November, a new CCI class was established in central Vietnam. This new class has welcomed 19 students who come from five different tribal groups, each with distinct cultural backgrounds and traditions.

Here are some photos of other CCI classes:

Class in northern-central Vietnam

CCI classes in northwest Vietnam

Matching Gift Opportunity

We desire to have all of our new 61 CCI Coordinators continue to expand throughout 2024. Your generous donation toward our $60,000 matching gift will double the impact of your donation. Reaching this goal will allow CCI to provide $300 monthly to each coordinator’s ministry, travel, and personal needs in 2024.

Will you help support our new Coordinators?

Click HERE to Learn More about our Matching Gift


"Completing CCI's 10-subject curriculum has expanded my knowledge of God and the Bible. I've learned the most accurate method of studying and interpreting God's Word. Understanding the historical timeline, both past and future, the Bible has guided me in personal, church, and societal matters. I can now teach using good and bad examples, distinguish true doctrines, and comprehend the Church's formation and practices. Most importantly, I am equipped to disciple others. The program's practical approach and relevant examples have been instrumental in my growth."

CCI Graduate

"I would like to thank those who brought the CCI program to our remote place. I enjoy studying the program that CCI provides. I appreciate the detailed and organized approach of the CCI training program, as it helps me better understand the Bible. As a minister, I too have learned many valuable lessons from the teachings of the Great Teacher, as highlighted in book number 8. This particular book has also helped me discern between the actions that align with our identity as children of God and those that do not."

CCI Student

Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Pray for our new students to be faithful and fruitful in learning.

  • Pray for God to provide financially so we can build a house in my hometown. I plan to build a house to be used as a Bible training center, Christian book company, and a Christian library. It is estimated to cost at least $52,000 for a two-floor building.

  • Pray for God’s provision for teachers’ travels from village to village.

  • Pray to open more classes in the north and central, we need $500/month to support teachers’ travel.

  • Tribal Teachers Development Project - $1,000 every 3 months.

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