In this email: Review of Project Structure, Timeline Check In and More!

Information specific to the YHDP and what applicants need to know!

In Action Steps

The YAB met this Monday due to a holiday next Monday. In addition, the YAB had a YHDP check-in meeting on Tuesday. The YAB reviewed each ARRP application and completed voting on them. The YAB has reviewed ways to potentially raise money for educational training events and activities utilizing a Grassroots-style approach. The YAB expressed high excitement about the possibility of future conferences. The YAB team has reviewed the RFP preparation documents and started working on drafts to support the RFP process. 

The YAB has completed the Timeline and the CoC Board is reviewing the Timeline for any suggestions. 

The YAB, after completing more than 10 hours on the Project Scopes and Expectations, sent them to the CoC Board for feedback in Thursday's Board YHDP Discussion. 

YDHP Resources

Refer to our YHDP Resources page for: Project applications, scoring guides, support tools, examples, meeting links and more!

Youth Action Board Updates

YAB is awaiting any suggestions or edits from the CoC Board on the Timeline and Project Scope and Expectations. 

Coming Up

The YAB is planning the logistics for the ARRP panel in-person meeting and the YAB retreat that follows it. 

Mo BoS CoC |

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