ChildCareEd courses allow you to take off on a learning journey from the comfort of your home or any location you choose.
Expiry Date: All offerings expire on Thursday, 30 November - 12:00 AM EST
2 Hour Zoom Courses
$5 Each
Take advantage of Cyber Monday pricing to complete your annual required training hours.
Here is a sampling of available courses:
Basic Science in Early Childhood
CDA Prep: From Training to Application
Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
3 Hour Zoom Courses $10 Each
Let our Cyber Monday savings take avantage of completing your annual required training hours.
Here is a sampling of available courses:
The Best Promotion is Play
Mandated Reporter
50% OFF Emergency Preparedness Course
We are pleased to offer 50% off the Emergency and Disaster Preparedness course. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and ensure the safety of all who are involved in your program.