HOVC Scouter Newsletter | August 18th, 2023

Scouts participating in our ScoutReach program enjoyed a fun and exciting Day Camp this summer! Learn more about the important role ScoutReach

plays in our urban and rural communities.

Hi Heart of Virginia!

5K Camping and Mascot Naming Deadline!

We are thrilled to announce that families are invited to tent camp overnight at Cub Adventure Camp after our 5K Glow Trail Run and Kids 1-Miler on October 7th! That's right - come out to run or walk with us, enjoy our one-of-a-kind campfire awards program, then retire to your home away from home under the stars. Add camping to your race registration today! The deadline to help name our mascot is Monday, August 21st at noon. Check our race page regularly for updates.

[Register to Race...and Camp]

[Submit A Name]

Don't Miss This Opportunity to Fund Your Program!

Missed the Popcorn & Peanut Sale training? The Last Chance Kick-off is Thursday, August 31st from 7-8pm at the Council Leadership Center. Everyone who attends is awarded a BONUS commission! Whether you sell every year or have never sold before, don't miss your opportunity for the Food Lion Show & Sell on September 9th and October 7th! Unit Leaders can visit the link below to sign-up for ONE opportunity per date!

[Last Chance Kick-off Registration]

[Show & Sell Sign-Up]

National Summertime Pack Award Apps Due by October 15th

The National Summertime Pack Award is made to encourage a Pack to be active when school is out for the summer, by doing one activity per month in June, July, and August. This is an individual recognition for Scouts; however, a Pack can qualify for the certificate and flag streamer by planning and conducting three summertime Pack activities. Scouts who participate in all three events are eligible to receive the pin, which they can wear on the right pocket flap of their uniform.

[Get the Application!]

Winter Camp Hold-A-Spot Opens August 28th

Winter Camp 2024 is just around the corner, and while registration isn't open quite yet, you can apply to Hold-A-Spot on August 28th! Make sure you stay up to date on registration, merit badge offerings, the Leader's Guide, and more by bookmarking our Winter Camp site.

[Winter Camp Site]

In-Person Den Chief Training: October 28th

Den Chief Training combines fun and enjoyment with an excellent character-building experience. Participants will learn leadership, organization, and most importantly, how to work with Cub Scouts. This training is for youth who are or want to be a Den Chief to a Cub Scout, Webelos to Arrow of Light Den. It is also for registered adult leaders who want to learn the duties and roles of Den Chiefs and who will be working with Den Chiefs. Training takes place from 9am to noon on October 28th at Camp T. Brady Saunders.

[Register Today!]

Can you find our 5K Firefly? If you've spotted it, email with its location and win a fun prize!

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.

If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

Dalai Lama

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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