Dear Mike,

Be grateful sales is so hard. That's why it pays so well.

Unfortunately, too many gurus and know-it-alls try to make it sound easy. Laugh along as we identify the "secret" vocabulary of tips, tricks, keys, pointers, hacks, and shortcuts.

The Easy Fix

In all walks of life, we are suckers for the easy fix.  

  • Generate Massive Wealth in Your Spare Time
  • The Easy Way to Lose Weight Fast!
  • Secrets to Crushing your Quota

As we get to our annual planning and New Years Resolution time, it’s natural for all of us to fall in this trap. Why do something difficult when we can make it easy?

These "tips" are a sugar fix, and just as nutritious. That's why they work as well and last as long as your New Years Resolutions.

Instead of rolling your eyes, have some fun with this. The next time you hear some chucklehead blathering about a magic formula or quick fix, whip out your "Buzzword Bingo" card and play along.

This game is perfect for your next sales kickoff or mandatory training class. Listen intently and check off each buzzword as it comes up. It won't take long. Your leadership will notice and be impressed you are paying such close attention to the speaker.

Click to Download PDF


"Success is not a secret. It never has been. There are only a few really good ideas, and not one of them is a secret"

Larry Winget


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

Thomas Edison

Tips, Pointers & Secrets

Building a multi- million dollar business and income in your spare time is like becoming an Olympic Gold Medalist in your spare time. No swimmer ever won a medal by dipping their toe in the pool. It was a total commitment of practice, instruction, and competition over a number of years.

So many sales and business people don’t realize their potential. Not because they haven’t heard enough tips, pointers and secrets. It’s because they don’t execute them often enough or well enough. 

Nobody Ever Won an Olympic Medal by Dipping Their Toe in the Pool

Instead of the quick fix, try building a long range plan and working on execution. It's not fast or easy, but it might actually deliver results for you. To paraphrase General George Patton: "a good plan violently executed today beats a quick tip you forget by noon".

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Sales Leadership Group

South Beach

February 26-27

On-Demand Webcast

Ancient History
Meet the "Hit Mann"
Mike Schmidtmann coaches business owners and sales leaders across the USA. He works to drive results in sales recruiting, new business development, and profitability.

Mike led sales for Inacom Communications for ten years. then founded and built a $30 Million business unit for SPS.

Mike produces the award-winning Trans4mers webinar series on IT sales and management subjects. He is a frequent public speaker on business topics.

He lives on a farm in Northern Virginia with his family and assorted horses, alpacas, goats and dogs.
Play "Stump the Chump"

E-Mail Mike with a vexing and perplexing question and you'll get a telling and compelling reply.
Mike Schmidtmann

(703) 408 - 9103
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