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It's Not About The Religion,

It's About The Relationship!


Something Special From Dr. Rev. Brandon This Sunday!

See Previously Recorded Messages

Happy Thursday Church!

We hope your mid-week is looking great!

We continue to be blessed with our guest Pastors as they step in for Pastor Greg. Thank you to Rev.Cheri Metier for leading our Time of Prayer and sharing the message "Confession Leads to Action" last Sunday. Rev. Cheri reminded us that our identities are ours to discover,and ours alone to share.

We were very well represented in the annual Poway Parade last Saturday morning. Thanks to all who walked and waved from our fabulous float. And what a float it was! Designed by Ron Kaelberer, his replica of our beautiful chapel, was displayed on a large trailer in all its glory. The parade goers pointed and cheered that it looked just like the real one. We were a presence on the streets of Poway! Thanks to everyone that helped Ron finish off the details and put everything together the night before the parade.

We ask you to continue to keep Pastor Greg, Freddie and their family in your prayers. While we miss them, we know this time of recovery and healing is most important. Pastor Greg's radiation treatments have been completed. He's looking forward to being back with us on Sunday September 29 for worship.

Please direct any prayer requests to the church office, Vicki Holland will receive those requests and communicate with you. If you have Pastoral care needs, please let us know using, or call the church office at 858-748-3304.

We will worship as always at 9:15 Sunday morning. We praise God for the countless blessings and unwavering love we continue to receive.

Community Church of Poway, United Church of Christ, Council

Music Ministry

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In 7 words for worship (pt. 6)

In the Hebrew language there a number of words that are often translated as worship. I thought maybe we’d look at each of these over the next month or two. So far we’ve looked at “hallel” where we get the word “hallelujah,” “yadah” lifting one’s hands," “towdah” to give thanks, and “shabach” to shout or celebrate, and “barak” to bow down. This week we are looking at the word “zamar” which means literally to pluck the strings of instruments, but is also sometimes translated as to praise. The idea here is to make joyful music on an instrument in praise and thanksgiving to God. The making of music itself is thought of as worship to God. We often think of music as an accompaniment or a vehicle for our worship, but it is more than this. Music has the ability to hold all of these elements of worship together, though many of them can be done without music as well. This of course, as a music director, is one of my favorite ways to worship as there are so many different ways and emotions and music can be used to worship. Here are some verses that use this sixth word for worship.

Psalm 21:13 Be exalted O Lord, in your own strength, so will we sing and praise (zamar) your power.

1Chronicles 16:9 Sing to Him, sing praises (zamar) to Him; speak of all His wonders.

Psalm 57:8-9 Awake my glory; awake harp and lyre, I will awaken the dawn! I will give thanks to you, O Lord among the peoples; I will sing praises (zamar) to you among the nations.

OTHER REFERENCES: Judges 5:3; 2 Samuel 22:50; Psalms 61:8, 147:1, 7




As most of you know, we have a very very old Bible and Bible dictionary in Fellowship Hall that is encased in a homemade container. We are trying to find out if anyone knows the history of this so we can make sure that it continues to be preserved. We may need to add some protectant to the glass so the pages remain intact. We also wonder if it is possibly worth a significant amount of money! If anyone has any information at all, if you could contact the church office, that would be such a great start! Take a look at it the next time you are at church and that may jog your memory!



As of now, Pastor Greg will be returning on Sunday, Sept 29. We would love to have a beautiful Agape spread with mostly light appetizers! Please feel free to contribute so it will be a wonderful celebratory “Welcome Home!” We are a church that loves to celebrate so grab a great recipe that you’ve always wanted to try or bring out an old favorite. Agape is never a disappointment and let’s make this one extra special!

This is also the day of the 5th Sunday Cabaret, a perfect time to welcome our wonderful Pastor Greg back. Remember, donated tickets are available, so please join us at 4 pm.

Guatemala Fundraiser - Support the Cause!

We’re excited to offer Players Restaurant gift certificates for just $50, available through our Guatemala fundraiser. These can be picked up by contacting Vicki Holland at the church office or seeing Butch or Jean Young after church services.

If paying by check, please include "Players Fundraiser" in the memo line.

Players has been a longtime supporter of CCPUCC, and this is a great way to give back! Stop by after church for a delicious meal and enjoy watching your favorite sports in a lively atmosphere. Your support makes a difference!

Street Sign Help!

We’re looking for volunteers to help with changing the street sign, a simple task that’s both fun and a great way to contribute to our community. This project only requires your assistance every couple of months, and it’s a perfect opportunity for people of all ages to get involved. If you’re interested in lending a hand, please contact Pamela Marsh at 858-361-1044 or at Your support would be greatly appreciated—thank you in advance!

Have you bought your tickets?!

5th Sunday Cabaret!!

Join us for the 5th Sunday Cabaret on September 29, 2024, at 4:00 pm for an unforgettable afternoon of entertainment and delicious food. Las Vegas headliner Bruce Ewing will take the stage, accompanied by the talented Jason Manlapaz on keyboards. Tickets are just $20 and include a mouthwatering meal, making this event an incredible value. You can purchase your tickets after the service from Susan Gurriell or at the door, so don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to enjoy top-notch music and great company!


Join us for another Red Cross Blood Drive!

October 26, 2024 at CCP UCC!

To Sign Up, Use the link below.

The Outreach Ministry!

Our Church’s Wider Mission Special Mission Offering

For the month of September, please prayerfully consider supporting our Church’s Wider Mission with a special mission offering to be divided among the United Church of Christ’s Special Mission Offerings and Basic Support.

• Our Church’s Wider Mission Basic Support provides funding from congregations for Conferences and the national ministries of the UCC.

• Neighbors in Need supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the US including the Council for American Indian Ministry and the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries.

• One Great Hour of Sharing responds to humanitarian needs in the world and carries God’s message of love and hope to people in crisis. OGHS provides sources of clean water, food, education, health care, micro loans, disaster preparedness and more.

• The Christmas Fund supports the charitable arm of the Pension Board with direct financial support of those who serve the church and are facing difficulties.

• Strengthen the Church reflects the shared commitment of people across the UCC to cooperatively support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry and innovation in existing congregations.


Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?  

The Community Church of Poway wishes the following member a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU! 

Vicki Holland Sept.21

Marlene Rauch Sept. 23


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Adult Scripture Review:

Sunday’s following worship in the fireside room!

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Books & More

Starting on Tuesday, September 24. Books and More will be reading Cherries in Winter written by Suzan Colon. This book is in sync with today’s tough times and illustrates the difference between broke and poor, using recipes—simple, sturdy, inexpensive—as well as family wisdom to show that when poverty looms, your best weapon may be a well-nourished soul.” —People.

Books and More meets every Tuesday at 10:00am in the Fireside Room.

All are welcome to join us.

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Centering Prayer:

Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Contact Colleen Clementson at or on

her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite

Your Favorite Weekly Joke 

Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)

Joke of the Week:

Thank you to Kristie Perkins for this week’s joke submission!

How did the mobile phone propose to his girlfriend?

He gave her a ring…

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