January 10, 2023

Dear Rockford Reformed Church Family and Friends,

I noted in my sermon Sunday that I would send a follow-up email to provide some assistance as we think about ways to think and act according to what we saw in Psalm 77. I encourage you to listen to the sermon if you haven’t yet. I ended with a challenge to “Commit to a place, a time, and a plan for reading the Bible every day.” You will find some articles/blogs/books below to assist you.

The sermon focused particularly on reading and praying through the psalms. As you start into this practice, or any Bible reading, a study Bible such as the ESV Study Bible is helpful. “The Songs of Jesus” by Tim and Kathy Keller provides 365 brief, daily devotions that wonderfully teach how to understand and pray through all of the psalms in a year.

Several of you mentioned how you were convicted to take some action toward extending forgiveness and wondered about how to do that. I had been thinking it was time to cover that topic again anyway, and so, I will soon do at least one sermon on it. And then, I commend to you a new book by Tim Keller, “Forgive: Why Should I and How Can I.” 

The Gospel Coalition’s website is an excellent biblical, theological, and practical resource for topics such as Bible reading, forgiveness, and much more. There is an easy search box and it will provide many quality and theologically sound resources. You can also access Bible commentaries through their website.

I mentioned on Sunday that Mike Fisk led a large group of our worship volunteers through a worship retreat on Saturday. We are grateful for so many who faithfully serve to lead us in worship. The focus was on how we can lead every aspect of worship and singing more effectively and with excellence for the glory of God. “Sing: How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church” by Keith and Kristyn Getty served as a primary resource for much of our discussion. It’s a short book and everyone affirmed that it was a great read. Several agreed that “I wish our whole congregation would read this.” And so, we just want to share that with you and encourage you to consider reading it. It will wonderfully transform your understanding of worship and singing and help equip you for leading your family.

This is also a good time to remind you about our church’s subscription to RightNow Media. Life Groups, men’s groups, and others have appreciated this resource. There are quality videos for all ages. Give it a try if you haven’t! Find out how to get your free subscription on our website.

Just a quick update regarding the transition to the ARC. The North Grand Rapids Classis Executive Committee formally received our petition to leave the RCA and join the ARC on Tuesday last week. They developed a team that will work through the steps with us. This team will meet with our consistory this Thursday evening. A congregational meeting and vote will be scheduled after that—likely in February. And then, it’s likely that the classis would act with a vote to release us when they meet on March 17.

If you’d like to read and study before our worship next week, I will be preaching on Matthew 7:13-27, “On the Rock.” Since these verses close and summarize the Sermon on the Mount, you might read and study Matthew 5-7 in preparation for Sunday. God’s Spirit is wonderfully at work in and through us. Sunday’s worship gathering and the sermon discussion was a great encouragement. We give thanks and praise to our Lord for his grace and faithfulness!

Grace, peace, and love,

Pastor Tim

Rockford Reformed Church
4890 11 Mile Road, Rockford, MI 49341

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