August 2023
Ok we have now officially started on the second half of the year. August brings to mind last chances for vacations and fresh starts in a new school year. Nature’s Treasures is taking this momentum, and after 3 years of forced hiatus, we are once again going to have our Annual Company Meeting on 8/22. We feel like it’s vital to the growth and development of our company, and for your betterment, to have every one of our employees attend. Please, if you choose to come in on that day, bear this in mind and have patience with our limited staff on that day. Also, it would be most helpful if you would take a few minutes and complete our survey below. Feel free to communicate any feedback about our operations that you think will help us better serve you so we can discuss your ideas during our meeting.

The full moon this month arrives on the first and like all full moons has several names, most notably known as the Sturgeon Moon. Other names you might hear include Red moon, Lynx moon, Dispute moon and my favorite, Lightning moon. I guess it’s fairly easy to figure out why and how the full moons get their names each month. What’s more exciting is this month we get two full moons, an event that only happens every 2-3 years. The second one on the 30th is called a Blue Moon, a term originally coined because of its occurrence during a volcanic event during which the dust particles in the air made the moon look like it had a blue hue. This moon and the first moon of the month will both be “super moons” appearing larger and brighter than normal due to their orbits this month being closest to the earth. They will both look extra large and super bright. Shine on!

Some highlights in this newsletter include:

  • A reminder to help us better serve you by completing our annual company meeting survey
  • Our blog article for the month - Crystals for Leo’s
  • Learn about our featured Agate and what’s going on in the Depot
  • Read about how whale fossilized teeth can help make room for personal growth
  • Some highlighted specials from our on-line store
  • Come visit us on Nature’s Treasures Day 8/8 - 8/13 and use your 20% off coupon

If you are old enough to read this newsletter, my guess is your mind and body are programmed by years of "back to school" repetition to start the process of learning new things. Why not tap into that programming and use this month to learn something new to improve your life. It doesn’t have to be something metaphysical or complex like learning a new language. Pick something easy that will contribute to your personal growth and better health. Learn a new exercise, better food content or eating habits, maybe ways to keep your brain active to stave off dementia. It can be as fun as playing Sudoku or crossword puzzles on the internet, learning what foods are rich in omega 3 and incorporating them more in your diet, or perhaps something as simple as standing on one leg while brushing your teeth to help improve balance. Just learn something new to make your life better and incorporate it into your daily activities so years from now you can see how it has enriched your well-being.

With much sadness we have lost a long time member of our Nature’s Treasures family, Nichole Peters. A memorial has been set at Nature’s Treasures Community Center for August 4, at 7pm for friends and family (including all of you who knew her at Nature's Treasures). Her presence on this earth will be greatly missed.
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.

Karen and the Staff
Please join family & friends for
a Celebration of Life
Our heart goes out to the family and friends of Nichole, who passed from this world on July 19th. As a long time member of the Nature's Treasures Family, we will miss her deeply and always remember her friendship and her contributions to the Rock Depot and Rock Yard, making Nature's Treasures what it is today.

Friday, August 4th, 7 pm

Light refreshments and memorial in the Auditorium followed by candlelight ceremony outdoors in the Rock Yard. Please dress respectfully for a tasteful and somber indoor/outdoor occasion.
In Lieu of Rock Fest 2023
Celebrate with Us Using This Coupon
Beat the heat - Shop online or in the store!
Featured in the Online Store
.925 Sterling Silver
currently retailing at $74.99
currently retailing at $10.99
Creativity and confidence Enhancer
currently retailing at $34.99
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Check out with Shop Pay for carbon-neutral deliveries

Restoring the Casamance Mangroves
We're working with WeForest to plant 4.6M mangrove trees in Senegal, Africa. Choose Shop Pay and together we will:
*Rebuild habitat for endangered species and wildlife
*Grow fish populations and support sustainable harvesting
*Capture the CO₂ produced by our Shop Pay deliveries
Featured in the Store
In the Showroom!
Segmented Dragons
In the Depot!
At the Counter!
Copper Bracelets
The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!

Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
From the Crystal Wisdom: Information & News Blog available online!
Leo season comes in with a bang during the intensity of the midsummer sun. If your birthday falls between July 23rd and August 22nd, Leo is your sun sign. Leo is a fire sign, full of passion and warmth. Ruled by the sun, Leos shine brightly and attract many people into their orbit. The sun represents the self, ego, strength, and authority. Leo is symbolized by the lion, so be sure to roll out the red carpet when the majestic, courageous king of the jungle enters the room. 

With a charming, magnetic personality and a flair for theatrics, Leos crave the spotlight and love to be center stage. Witty, humorous, glamorous, and fun--Leo’s presence is larger than life. Leos have that royal quality, that “It factor.” Just like their ruler, the sun, they sometimes behave as if they are the center of the known universe. Thank goodness they are so entertaining and magnanimous, otherwise this could get old fast! READ MORE
Meet Our Staff
Ashley B

Ashley is a native Texan, born and raised in Austin. She truly enjoys spending time with her kitten Cashew. Here at Nature's Treasure's Ashley splits her time between the Retail Showroom and Rock Depot, where she loves making cabochons!

In addition to Nature's Treasures, Ashley also works at Inner Space Caverns. She has a great knowledge of rocks and crystals and is always ready to share what she knows. With a love of foraging Ashley also uses her knowledge of flowers to create home made dyes and paint that she uses in her own art.
Featured Customer Creation

Cheryl Rae, a mosaic artist, co-director of the annual Travis Heights Art Trail, creates mosaics from interesting finds at Nature's Treasures. This was a Fluorite piece she combined to make a Fluorite galaxy.

Featured Fossil: Whale Tooth Fossil
Featured Jasper: Dead Ringer Jasper
Dead Ringer Jasper is a dead ringer for Owyhee Picture Jasper, except it comes from the Lake Lahontan area in Nevada. Jasper is a type of Chalcedony mineral that came from tiny, microscopic particles of quartz, so it has a hardness of 7 and take a nice polish. This gem is a denser variety and it comes in many different colors. The impure minerals particularly in the Chalcedony family forms Jasper. It is also known as a subtle, speck of quartz that hosts outlandish substances.

Jasper is popular for its grounding properties. Wearing a Jasper necklace is one of the best ways to enhance your grounding attribute. It also provides a consistent stream of energy that flows throughout the body. Hence, the natural healing ability of the human body is conserved.
Featured In-House Service: Custom Cabbing
Cabochons are gemstones made by sawing one side of a material flat and then shaping and doming the opposite side. These gems are commonly used in all varieties of jewelry including bracelets, rings, earrings and pendants.

Nature's Treasures can make custom cabochons to most specifications for you to use in jewelry, gridding or stone laying! Cabs start at $35 plus the cost of raw materials (unless you supply your own, of course!). Be sure to stop by the Rock Depot for more information and to see examples of our in-house work!
Nature's Treasures wants to know...
Which of these topics would you like us to brainstorm in our first company meeting since COVID?
Choose from these options...
Community Events Development
Parking and Accessibility
Product Pricing
Other: e-mail
In The Community Events Center
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event. 

Check our calendar for availability.
To schedule events, e-mail
Sue Whittaker • Wellsong Energetics Workshop • August 5th • 11-6
Beginning Dowsing: 12:30pm - 1:45pm
Sue Whittaker, former trustee of the American Society of dowsers and author of 16 books on dowsing for medical professionals and the general public, will introduce the art of dowsing: how to do it, how it works and why we don’t hear much about it. The presentation is free to the public and seating is limited, so get there early. Bring a pen and paper for note taking, and bring a pendulum.
Advanced Dowsing: 2:00pm – 3:00pm and 4:45pm – 5:45pm
Sue Whittaker, former trustee of the American Society of Dowsers and author of 16 books on dowsing for medical professionals and the general public, will describe the art of dowsing: its tools, techniques and tips for gaining proficiency. The presentation is free to the public and seating is limited, so get there early. Bring a pen and paper for note taking, and bring a pendulum.
Spiritual Life Fair

Saturday, August 26th
11:00a - 5:30p
Free Admission

Join Spiritual Life Productions for their monthly fair hosted by Nature's Treasures of Texas in the Crystal Auditorium for a wide range of healers, readers and psychics!
Upcoming Events
August Practitioners
Daily Practitioners
(including weekends!)
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11:00a-5:15p.
Denise Nitti - Intuitive Reiki - 12th, 17th
Freedom Jennings - Reiki, Tarot - 12th, 23rd
Deborah Dahmen - Energy healer - 3rd, 25th
JaMecha Dodd - 14th
Olive - 9th
Sally Ramirez - 19th
Sheryl Martin - 24th, 28th
Anne Berlin - 5th
Saul Ravencraft - 27th
Mia Lowery - 1st
Tore Sol - 13th, 29th
Linda Snow - 30th
Tara Ventura - Psychic Medium - 4th, 18th
Kramer Wetzel - Astrology - 8th, 22nd
Yuci Edwards - Spiritual Guide - 7th, 21st
Laura Tree - 2nd, 16th
Mia Michel - 15th
Ricardo Gonzales - 11th, 20th
Sheela Goodrich - 19th, 31st
Merlyn, Metaphysical Jeweler - 12th, 26th
Jullie Reeves - 12th
Stern Hatcher, Pet Psychic - 6th
Francine Caruso - 13th
Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news!
Practitioner Weekend
Goddess Gaia Saturday & Reiki Sunday
A day filled with feminine Goddess Energy awaits you. Five fabulous, gifted goddesses will be available for readings, energy work and Aura inspired jewelry.

Denise Nitti, Freedom Jennings, Merlyn, Julie Reeves & Sally Ramirez will be available August 12, from 11-5:30p
They are back! Francine Caruso, Master Teacher, and Tore Sol will be here to support you with Reiki work.

Both Francine and Tore will help you work through energy blocks as well as physical and emotional releasing from 11-5:30p.
Our Featured Practitioner
Sheryl Martin

Reverend Dr. Sheryl T. Martin is a psychic medium, dream interpreter, reiki master, spiritual counselor, intuitive, life coach, and empath who provides higher guidance through her connection with spirit. Sheryl has a doctoral degree in Holistic Theology, is Ordained as an Interfaith Minister and is the owner and operator of Heaven-Pathways-Earth. At Heaven-Pathways-Earth, we are committed to serving God’s divine law and the needs of you and your family.

Sheryl Martin: Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Empath, Ordained Interfaith Minister, Holistic Theology. Available: Flexible Hours, Divine Timing. Call: 559-779-5510.

Our Featured Practitioner Artist
Julie Reeves
I discovered that painting was what I was meant to do. Since that time, I have discovered the images that Spirit give me and how to make colors and light sing. I enjoy working with watercolors and mixed media; my subject matter is mainly landscapes, flowers spiritual studies and birdlife. I have been branching out into abstract shapes. I strive to show that the seemingly delicate medium of watercolor can be bold, rich and dramatic. 

These paintings are crafted from watercolors made from actual semi-precious and other Earth stones ground and mixed into watercolor medium. These stones include Turquoise, Amethyst, Sedona Red, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger Eye and many others. They are made with gum Arabic and honey as a binder by a company called Daniel Smith. The paper used is transparent so that it reflects sunlight through the individual colors. The results are living color energies that radiate from the paper to heal and lift spirits. 
As with all original watercolor art pieces, they should be matted (not placed against a glass) and hung in a place out of direct sunlight.  They are permanent-sealed art works (just avoid moisture) intended to be treasured by you and your family. 
Please enjoy them as they open your chakras to their healing.
Blessed Be, Julie Reeves 512-694-7406
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
Personal Shopping Services
In the Community
Austin Gem & Mineral Society
First Saturday Meet-Up
August 5th, 9a-1p
FREE Admission

First Saturday will be indoors with all of AGMS' treasured family-friendly activities and demonstrations. Nature's Treasures will be there in the morning to say hello, so come early!

First Saturday events provide opportunities for Members to meet Members; learn about club events, activities and outings; talk with experts; learn more about our beloved hobby; exchange information, learn and share your interests.

The Healing Arts Festival & Market

August 6th
Hilton Garden Inn & Suites
Pat Booker Rd
Live Oak, Texas

Let's march to our own drums at The Healing Arts Festival & Market - March! You know there's no better place to be and no better community to be with. Join us and let's do what no one else does, do it will all our hearts!
Our Affiliates
Karen in Amethyst
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015 

Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p

Visit for Holiday Hours 
Look For Us On Social Media