November 29, 2023
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Regular Billing Operations,
Including Disconnects, Resume Dec. 4

SmartHub Transition Nears Completion

The previous version of this email included a typo saying December 8. Dec. 4 is the correct date for resuming normal billing operations.

• As we wrap up a full month of transition into the new SmartHub system, we will resume normal billing activity, including late fees and non-payment disconnects on Monday, December 4.

• For the most convenient way to manage your TVEC account, make payments and track electricity usage, use the SmartHub mobile app or online SmartHub portal from
Stay Co-op Connected with
Texas Co-op Power!
Your December Texas Co-op Power magazine should be in your mailbox soon, or you can access the full magazine on

In every edition you will find an update on Operation Round Up grants, great energy efficiency tips, and content from around the state by our partners at Texas Electric Cooperatives.

And of course, enter to win a $100 bill credit with our Energy Quiz contest!

We'd also love to see more TVEC winners in the TCP recipe and photo contests... find more information about upcoming contests here.
Please note: Replies to this email address are not monitored. To contact TVEC's member services team, email or visit
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