Dearest Immanuel Friends and Family,

It has come to my attention, that some may not have a full understanding of the interim process we are in right now with the changing of pastors. I would like to spend some time explaining this.

If you have attended meetings with me, you hear me talk about the “Process” of the Presbyterian church. When a pastor leaves a church, the Executive Presbyter (Brad Munroe) immediately secures a “Gap Pastor” to come in and care for the congregation. The Reverend Diane Christopher was a wonderful Gap Pastor who came to Immanuel and cared for all of you when Pastor John left. As you know, the Gap Pastor will lead and guide you, preach on Sundays, serve Communion, preside at Weddings, and Funerals, and do most things the Called and Installed Pastor does. 

While the Gap Pastor was caring for you, a “Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC)” was formed. This Committee created a MDP (Ministry Discernment Profile), which is essentially a church resume. This Committee began work looking for the “Transitional/Interim Pastor” (temporary). Why does a church need a Transitional/Interim Pastor? The Presbyterian Denomination recommends this process to allow a church time for self reflection and healing before stepping into another long term pastoral relationship. It is a healthy process, and beneficial for people who have a difficult time with change. Your PNC along with Session hired me as your Interim Pastor.

While I am here, as the Transitional/Interim Pastor (which could be a year or so), the PNC takes a break. As the Interim Pastor, I will begin the work of leading restoration, healing, mission study, and vision casting in preparation for your permanent pastor. When the time is right, The Pastor Nominating Committee comes together again to begin the process of looking for the Called and Installed Pastor. This is your permanent pastor.

I know, all of this might seem like a lot. But remember, the Presbyterian church is Christ centered, Biblically based, and guided by the Book of Order with systems in place that help us function “decently and in order.” All work is done through committees so that the Body of Christ makes ALL decisions. This takes time, prayer AND discernment. 

I am looking forward to continuing this journey with you.

Hugs and Blessings,

Pastor Tina

Join Us for Worship this Sunday

8:30am Alternative and 11:00am Traditional

8:30am/11:00am Bulletin
Online Giving
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Upcoming News and Events

Congregational Meeting - There will be a brief congregational meeting immediately following the 8:30am service on Sunday, September 29th, 2024. The purpose of the meeting is to elect Kris Goorsky as an Elder. She will then fill the vacated spot on Session of Jeff Fennema through December 2024. Kris is to enter into the CRE Program, (Certified Ruling Elder Program).

Diaper Drive from September 1-15 - Immanuel is again partnering with the Vail School District to support the Tucson Community Diaper Bank. This will be a short collection time period from September 1 - 15. Please bring donations to church or drop off to the church office. Last year, due to your generosity, we donated over 1,000 diapers! Let’s see if we can do that again. Thank you for your support for this vital need in our Tucson community. Accepted items include - infant and toddler diapers, child pull-ups and adult pull-up briefs.

Lydia Circle Annual Social Gathering will be on Monday, September 16th from 6:00 - 8:00pm at Giuseppe's Ristorante Italiano in the Fry's Plaza at 9431 E 22nd Street. All women of faith are encouraged to join us as we begin our new Horizon Bible Study: Let Justice Roll Down: God's Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creatures. Contact Kay Schmidt at (520) 549-8823 (call or text) if you are able to attend. See you there!

Let Us Cook for You! Come to Wednesday Night Dinners to enjoy a meal and fellowship during the week with your friends and family at Immanuel! Dinners will be held the first and third Wednesdays of each month in Witherspoon Hall. These delicious meals will be homecooked by Anne Marie Fujii so you know they will be awesome!

Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:30pm with fellowship afterward until 7:30pm. Meals cost $7.00 per person. For this price (paid at the dinner, cash/check), each person receives one portion of a main dish, side dish, and dessert.

09/18/2024: Chicken teriyaki with rice, broccoli and carrots, and dessert.


Volunteers are needed to make this happen!! If you are able to volunteer, please indicate what task you’d like to assist with on the sign-up sheet - set up, cooking, or clean up (please note: volunteers for set up and cooking will need to arrive between 4:45 -5:00pm to help with their tasks). You can also donate a side dish or dessert to the dinners. Please contact Anne Marie and Cliff Fujii at (520) 975-4952 (by calling or text) if you have any questions or would like to make a donation. Hope to see you there!

Please sign up by Sunday, September 15th for the dinner on September 18th.

Please email Anne Marie Fujii to RSVP at

Immanuel Blood Drive Saturday, September 28

7:30am – 1:00pm in Witherspoon Hall

Sign up at and use code Immanuel. One donation can save up to three lives! Sign up to give the gift of life saving blood.

Gaslight Theatre Night! Thursday, October 10 at 7:00pm

Join us for a great night of laughs, love and ogres! We have reserved a block of seats for this showing of Shriek! and our very own Clay Whittington will be playing that night. Ticket prices are only $25.00 each.

Please RSVP to to reserve your spot!

The Buildings and Grounds Team is looking for some help with minor repairs and improvements around the campus. If you have an interest and are willing to lend a few hours of your time - we need help with interior painting, minor electrical, cabinetry, landscaping, irrigation repair and some other smaller handyman items. Please email Bill Haldeman at or Jeff Hotchkiss at for more information.

Ways to Connect, Grow and Have Fun

Men’s Bible Study on Mondays at 10:00am - Come for coffee, fellowship and good discussion about Sunday's sermon and scripture. Meets in Witherspoon Hall.


Desert Sages on Tuesdays from 10:00am – 12:30pm. Join us for games, fellowship and food in Witherspoon Hall every Tuesday from 10:00am – 12:30pm. Enjoy new friends and old while playing Mexican train, bridge, hand and foot, Rummikub and anything else you want while snacking on popcorn. A $1.00 donation a week supports our luncheons every six weeks. We all need to re-connect! Contact Mary Kay Bush, Sages Coordinator at 520-661-6737 or Meets in Witherspoon Hall.


Crafters Group on Thursdays from 9:30am – 12:00pm. All are welcome to come and work on your crafts together and enjoy fellowship and laughs. We make quilts, blankets and projects for local missions. We also work on our own projects for fun – grab your gear and join us!


Agape Circle Women’s Bible Study - October 9th at 9:00am. Connect with Mary Kay Bush at 520-661-6737 for more information.

Lydia Circle Women’s Bible Study - September 16th at 6:30pm. Meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30pm in Witherspoon Hall. We start with refreshments then dive into our bible study. All are welcome – email Kay Schmidt for details at

Prayer Concerns:

  • For those with dealing with sickness and health challenges
  • For those with broken relationships
  • For those grieving loved ones

Upcoming Calendar of Events

Sunday, September 15

8:30am Alternative Worship Service

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Traditional Worship Service

5:00 Youth Group

Monday, September 16

10:00am Men's Bible Study

6:30pm Lydia Circle

7:00pm Boy Scouts

Tuesday, September 17

10:00am Desert Sages

6:00pm TOPS

6:00pm Men's BBQ

Wednesday, September 18

7:00pm Handbells Rehearsal

7:30pm AA meeting

Thursday, September 19

9:30am Crafters Group

6:00pm AA meeting

6:30pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, September 20

7:00pm AA Meeting

Sunday, September 22

8:30am Alternative Worship Service

9:45am Sunday School All Ages

11:00am Traditional Worship Service

5:00pm Youth Group

Immanuel Staff

Tina Salvaneschi, Interim Pastor

Clay Whittington, Director of Music Ministries

Kris Goorsky, Director of Christian Formation

Kate Kelly, Director of Operations

Allison Nelson, Nursery Attendant

Brian Rudigier, Facilities Technician

2024 Immanuel Elders

Liz Wallendorf, Clerk of Session

Bill Haldeman, Jeff Hotchkiss – Building and Grounds

Marcia Aurand, Michael Nana - Christian Education

Karl Aurand, Curt Christy, Laurie Emery – Finance & Stewardship

Kevin Murphy, Sean Shifflette, Cheralynn Baylor – Hospitality

Leslie Cullins-Shechter - Mission & Evangelism

Liz Wallendorf - Personnel

Debby Johnson, Ed Vander Woude – Worship


2024 Immanuel Deacons

Ann Jarvis (Moderator), Marlene Stevens, Erminia Gomez, Bobbie Butler

Carol Kienbaum, Belinda Badger, Kay Schmidt, Shawn Wooll

Wayne Barnes, Susan Barnes, Diana Place, Jean Samuelson


9252 E. 22nd Street, Tucson AZ 85710 (520) 296-2253