
Saturday September 14, 2024

Aloha our beloved parish 'ohana,

A doctor in Buffalo wondered why his practice was decreasing. He consulted a physician friend who agreed to observe his methods. After an hour, his friend had the answer. “Wilbur, when you are writing out a prescription, you must stop singing, “Nearer My God to Thee.”


We all can be careless with our words.


This weekend’s first reading, from the Letter of James, is written to folks trying to live faithfully in varied and often challenging environments. James focuses on controlling our speech. I wonder if he had a specific situation in mind as he states that one’s tongue can be a small fire that sets a forest ablaze. Many of us know how a little gossip or few hurtful words can do great harm to the Body of Christ.

Just as James encourages us to think before we speak, one Sunday School teacher says, “Ask yourself if what you're about to say is True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind. That is a lot to aim for with everything that comes out of one's mouth! It doesn’t mean you don’t speak up against injustices; or that you don’t speak the unpopular but needed word. The bottom line is, as James reminds us, that our words should be guided by love, not impulse. This takes practice and discipline, but without it “the difference between the right word and the almost right word,” as Mark Twain pointed out, “is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.”

Sometimes, sadly, the damage our words have done can’t be undone. But, as Christians, our aim is not just to hope that somehow, someway, things will be made pono, but always ho’oponopono – always working to help make things right. And, not just making things right, but HO’OPONOPONO – working to make things very right. This will always involve humility and going that extra step.

If you are wondering if there is a specific situation I have in mind, there isn't. I am just well aware that it doesn’t take much for even the most faithful and loving Christian congregations to go off track. The Good News is that in this weekend's Gospel we hear Jesus tell us the way forward. When Peter gets it wrong, Jesus tells Peter, “Get behind me Satan.” One of you suggests that Jesus is not saying, “Get out of my way, Peter”, but “Get behind me and follow where I am leading you.” Jesus is not just speaking to Peter, but to each of us.

Like Peter, we won't always get it right. Of course we won't. But by God’s grace, we’ll help each other to keep trying.


With grace & peace,


This Weekend's Worship, Gatherings & Notices


Funeral service for Tom Robertson at St. James’ Church, Waimea

10 AM, with catered reception to following immediately in the Pavilion.

Beach Mass, Kawaihae

5 PM, Bring a beach chair or towel AND A FRIEND!


St. James’ Church, Waimea

7:30 Holy Eucharist (said)

*9:30 AM Holy Eucharist with music. Nursery and Summer Sunday School, focusing on the Beatitudes.

10:30 AM Teen Tech at St. James' in the Spencer Building. More information below!


St. Columba’s Church, Pa'auilo

9:30 AM with music and Sunday School. The Rev. Kawika Jackson preaching. Kawika is our new Junior & Senior High Youth Minister.


Noon Eucharist/Mass at St. James', Waimea. A brief, said midweek service.

Monday - Saturday

Morning Prayer Online via Facebook & LiveStream.

This Weekend's Bulletins & Offering:

 Bulletin Saturday Beach Mass,  5 PM
Bulletin St. James'  7:30 & 9:30 AM
Bulletin St. Columba's  9:30 AM

We believe in a generous God who has gifted us in many ways. As a response to that generous love, we are generous in supporting our church and those in need. Mahalo for supporting what is

Click to make my offering.

Three ways to join in worshiping virturally

Join via Facebook Live
Join via VIMEO St. James' & Morning Prayer
Join via VIMEO St. Columba's
Join on YouTube
The clergy are happy to bring communion to those who are homebound or who do not feel comfortable coming to an in person service. Simply contact one of the clergy directly or through the parish office.
Watch last week's live-streamed worship services CLICK HERE

Up-coming Worship, Events,

and other Good Stuff

September 14, Saturday, 10 AM at St. James'. Funeral service for Tom Robertson. Catered reception will follow in the Pavilion. Please contact Laurie Rosa who is coordinating desserts.

September 15, Sunday, 10:30 AM-Noon Teen Tech Tutoring. Held in the Spencer Building.

September 16, Monday, 5:30 - 7 PM, (pupus at 5 PM) St. Columba's begins our fall study with The Chosen Season 4.

September 28, Saturday, Monthly pupu and sunset gathering. Join us after Beach Mass, bring a pupu to share. Thank you to Joe & Lisa Bollinger for hosting!

October 5 & 6, Saturday & Sunday Feast of St. Francis observed at all weekend services with Blessing of the Animals.

October 11 & 12, Friday & Saturday Diocese Convention Education Day and Meeting.

October 19, Diocesan Youth Day at our Parish. At St. Columba's More information to come.

October 26, Saturday, Iron Man. Road closures until around 4:30 PM. There WILL be a "said" Beach Mass.

October 31, Thursday, Trunk & Treat before and during the Community Meal! Get your costume ready!

November 2 & 3, Saturday & Sunday All Saints' Weekend. Bring pictures of those who have been saints in your life.

November 23, Saturday, Kawaihae Canoe Club Lu'au. No Beach Mass.

November 23, Saturday, St. Columba's "Fall into the Holidays" Bazaar. All proceeds go to the St. Columba's Community Meal.

December 2 & 4, 9 & 11, 16 & 18, Mondays (St. Columba's) & Wednesdays (St. James'). Advent Prayer & Study Gatherings. The Reverend Jay Sidebotham teaching.

December 7, Saturday, 9 AM - 1 PM, St. James' Christmas Bazaar.

December 21, Saturday, 9 AM, Greening of St. James' Church.

December 24, Tuesday, Christmas Eve. Worship time to be announced.

December 25, Wednesday, Christmas Day. A joyful morning service.

December 29, Sunday, Sunrise Hike & Eucharist. Details to be confirmed.

On going...

Tuesdays, 11:15 AM - 12:15, Parish Ukulele Ministry Practice in St. James' Church. Beginners always welcome.

Wednesdays, 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study via ZOOM. CLICK HERE. We gather in prayer, share in our spiritual journeys and seek to encourage one another in our discipleship. We use the upcoming assigned Scriptures that will be read in worship this coming weekend. CLICK HERE to review before we meet.

Fridays, 10 - 11:30 AM Women's Bible Study at St. James' in the back of Spencer House We are studying The Chosen, Season 4. All women, including visitors, are welcome! Please call Rev. Marnie if you have questions: (808) 333-2247.

NEW Mondays, 5:30 - 7 PM - St. Columba's begins our fall Study with The Chosen Season 4, on Monday, September 16th. We begin at 5 PM for pupu's; 5:30 to 6:30 PM movie then discussion to follow. Everyone is welcome to come and join us. 

CLICK on Logo for additional information and pictures

St. Columba's Community Meal

We served up chicken adobo and plenty of friends to visit with on Tuesday night. Mikiala Yardley performed and Sharon Alfonso did it again with her delicious meal. 178 meals were served. Thank you all the volunteers who come every month to throw this amazing community dinner party! CLICK HERE to read more

First, thank you to our sponsors, Carl and Marilyn Bernhardt and Niel Thomas & Hermine Baker. Not only did Hermine sponsor, she is a meal volunteer for the past 7 years helping with packing deliveries and clean up.We need sponsors for 52 weeks a year and we appreciate all their contributions. Along with the sponsors - we would be in a different place with these meals if COSTCO was not a big supporter of the efforts here at St. James’. Yes - they must move merchandise out of the warehouse for lots of reasons but their support of the mission here at St. James’ is fantastic. ... CLICK HERE to read more

Planting Seeds 


As I mentioned last week, I was not able to submit part 1 of my Newsletter, so here it is.


Last week we had the opportunity to speak to HPA 8th graders about what we do here at the Thrift Store.  

To be honest I had no idea what I was going to say. So I just decided to talk about what the volunteers, Juanita and myself do. ... CLICK HERE to read more

Teen Tech Is Back! THIS Sunday, September 15, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM in the back of Spencer Building

Our Teens are once again hosting sessions of “Teen Tech” in the Spencer Building from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. Teen Tech is a service for local seniors (age 55+) to be tutored by High School students from HPA, Parker, Kamehameha and Honoka'a High Schools in the use of cell phones and tablets, both iPhone and Android; computers (laptops), both PC and Macs; Kindles, and internet programs such as email, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Please bring your cell phone, tablet, and/or laptop (fully charged). Mahalo to our youth for this wonderful ministry! CLICK HERE to read more

Parish News

Mahalo to Mark Waner, Alison Friedman, and Olivia Waner for their recent grant to the Community Meal, though their donor advised fund at the San Francisco Foundation. We are so appreciative of their support!

We are excited to announce the start of a diocesan initiative to hold island-wide youth days in the Diocese of Hawaiʻi! It will take place on Saturday 19 October 10am-4pm at St. Columbaʻs. We will have some staff from Camp Mokulēʻia who will fly in to lead the day with fun activities, rounded out by a short time of worship. We invite all youth 5th-12th grades. Cost is $5 per youth.
Deepest mahalos for your support, prayers, and aloha for our young people,

For additional information  or to  add someone to the prayer list click here

Trevor, Monica Parker, Gladys Takeya, Monique Abbasi, Maurice Cecil & Pukaua Summer Sommers, Cheyanna Lahnum, Jesse Osmun, Vicky Tagaca, Paterno Balmilero, Jerry Reyla, Maelle Wolfe, Matthew Latshaw, Wendy Geyer-Nixon, John Nixon, Nick Obrastoff, Wm. Dean Mitchell, Vicki Nilles, Dallas Gomes, Annette Pippin & family, Kathy Smith, Sheri Mariscal, Paul Lee, Annette Labonte, Shawn Elkins, Michele Beavins, Brayden Geronimo, Bobi Stewart, Becky Simmet, Zebadiah Smith, Jesse Smith, Sarah, Charles (Chuck) Pryor, Malia Hurtado, Nicholas Nelson, Mark Hummer, Paul Shepardson & his ‘ohana, Larry Brown, Meela, Scott Ozwald, Christopher Lewi, Steve Kittell, Gay Lynn Freeman, the Pang family, David Gomes, Scott Brovsky, Laurel Engquist, Irene Kubo, Tige Newell, Tina Rose & family, Elizabeth Agustin, Merrie Jo Snow, Alex Roesch, Julio Loyola, Mason Renner & family, Mikala Baldonado, Max & Susan Maxey, the people of Maui, Mare Bean, Michelle Ramirez, April Johnston, Ed Moran, Danny Akaka & 'Ohana, the Gordon 'Ohana, Gail Lewis, Chris Fendel, Von Kobzev & family, Margo Wray, Pat Eckstrom, Nicole Anderson, Bradley Bollinger, Melmar Carlos, Vivienne Tooman, Margaret Wahl, Leida Woolwine, Claudia & Maria, Kathleen Medina, Marcia Ray, Alice Morgan, Helen Reeves, Mika and Oaklyn, Janice Calkins, Doug & Kathleen Sapp, Susan Acacio, Kelii, Jean Bassen, Beth McKeen, Noelle Capillo, Peter In & Diane Hammond, Karen Miller, John Shurman, Gayle Smith, Nora Richard, Rev. Tom Campbell, Allan Knowles & family, Raymond Goodman, Brian Plain, Paul, Wyatt Stamm, Kehaulani Stamm, Stephanie Wayland, Terry Lundgren, Laurie Heath, Jack Stamm, Lew Ake; and as we pray for those who have died we remember nā 'ohana of Mandi Kleeberger, of The Rev. Canon David Kennedy, of Tom Brigg, brother-in-law of Ruth Smith & the Ray 'Ohana on the death of daughter, Najha ++

Please keep the following parishioners in your prayers. Please reach out to them and let them know they are being thought of. Is there someone else to whom we could reach out? Please ask their permission and then contact the parish office.    

Irene Kubo

c/o Kalakaua Gardens #708B

1723 Kalakaua Ave. Honolulu HI 96826


Cindy Sharp

61-4148 Kalooloo Dr.

Kamuela HI 96743


Beverly Brovsky

P.O. Box 2996

Kamuela HI 96743


Jerry Reyla (at the death of his partner Joyce Horie)

PO Box 306

Paauilo, HI 96776


Linda Tester (at the death of her sister-in-law Mandi Kleeberger)

P.O. Box 2987

Kamuela HI 96743

Iwalani Ka’au’a (at the death of her mother Dale Fergustrom Rogue)

PO Box 2005

Kamuela, HI 96743

Ruth Smith (at the death of Tom Brigg, her brother in law)

68-1909 Koi`ula Place

Waikoloa HI 96738

The Gathering Place Update

Gathering Place Update

Gifts/Pledges now stand at $3,020,966.30 as we continue towards our $5M goal.

Supporters of the project stand at 171.

We continue to reach out to the wider Waimea community as Jeanne Cooper and I gave a presentation at the Waimea Community Association’s regular monthly meeting on September 5 and a very generous community in attendance donated $869 when the baskets were passed!

The hope is that those who were there or who watch the re-streamed meeting on Facebook or YouTube will continue to spread the word and we find much needed additional Community supporters.

Terri Greenwell

Click for video of WCA meeting

Celebrating Birthdays & Anniversaries


April & Mark Johnston (9/17)



Irie Clark (9/14)

Gael Burke (9/15)

Marty Kaaua (9/15)

Pedro Mariscal (9/15)

Mary Souza (9/15)

Ellen Yetzer (6/15)

Pat Allbee (9/17)

Emile Elliott (9/17)

Jackie Minto (9/17)

Nora Richard (9/17)

Linda Mendonca (9/19)

John Stover (9/19)



Scot Plunkett (9/14)

Fouad Halaby (9/16)

William Agustin Sr. (9/17)

E Komo Mai

St. James’, St. Columba’s, and our Beach Mass are growing, joyful, and spirit-filled. God is doing amazing things in and through our parish and we are thankful. We want to share the blessings with which God has graced us. It is both our calling to do so and our humble privilege. If you are searching for a spiritual home, we hope you will come back and give our Parish ‘Ohana a try. Please know you are always welcome in our home.

Click here for a brief overview of becoming a member. Do not hesitate to talk with any one of our clergy.

CLICK HERE for the current approved minutes from the most recent Vestry meeting.CLICK HERE for the current approved Treasurer's Report.

September 26 at 2 PM at the back of Spencer. If there is something that you wish to bring to the vestry's attention, please reach out to our wardens or vestry members. You can reach them via the Parish Office. A reminder that all vestry meetings are open to parishioners to attend.

Words of Wisdom


All that we have and all that we are is the gift of God. We are stewards of this gift, and of the gift of this planet. It is good to give thanks for these gifts daily — and to pause to be mindful of how we are using them.

Br. David Vryhof, SSJE

Read More and Comment >

Society of Saint John the Evangelist

An Episcopal Monastery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

A Prayer for the End of Day

"We lie down in peace knowing our sins are forgiven; we lie down in peace knowing death has no fear. We lie down in peace knowing no powers can harm us; we lie down in peace, knowing angels are near."

~from Celtic Worship Through the Year

Last Laughs
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Thrift Store Hours: Open for Donations Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays  7:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 9AM to 1PM.
To Subscribe to the Newsletter CLICK HERE
To Make a Donation CLICK HERE


Our Clergy

Rev. Marnie Keator, Associate Rector

Rev. Kawika Jackson, Assisting Priest for Junior & Senior High Youth Ministries

Rev. Linda Lundgren, Associate Rector for St. Columba's

Rev. David Stout, Rector

Contact information

Parish Office, 885-4923.

Open Monday-Friday 9 AM-3 PM


David,, (808) 238-4956

Marnie, , (808) 333-2247

Linda, , (218) 590-5463


Our Ministries Staff
Thrift Store Ministry
Below Left- Rona Scull, Coordinator Below Right - Juanita Ritz, Assistant

Keiki,Youth, Nā 'Ohana Ministry

Susan Acacio, Keiki Ministry Coordinator

Community Meal Ministry

Top - Sue Dela Cruz, Community Meal Coordinator

Community Meal Assistants

Lower left- Gregory Koestering Lower right - Meiling Janice Thomas

Music Ministry
Below left- Rona Lee, Choir Director Below Right- Everett Knowles, Director of Music

Our Office Staff
Jaisy Jardine, Parish Administrator

Colleen Norris, Bookkeeper

Frankie Pang, Sexton

