A Weekly Update from the Strafford Region


Northwood Drinking Water Protection Project Underway

On Monday, September 9th, Senior GIS planner, Jackson Rand, attended the first steering committee meeting to kickoff Northwood’s drinking water protection project. The purpose of this effort is to create a septic system database for parcels within four targeted study areas around Harvey Lake and Northwood Lake. The database will include important information, such as system age and maintenance history, and will be used with an environmental risk assessment to determine vulnerable areas. Additionally, an extensive outreach campaign will be conducted that focuses on the adverse impacts of failing or malfunctioning systems.

For more information on this project, please contact Jackson Rand at


Jackson Rand


UNH Sustainability Fellow applications due 11/1

  • Do you work for a mission-focused business, non-profit, institution, or government agency?
  • Could you use a fresh perspective, new energy, or specialized expertise applied to your work?
  • Do you want to help build a pipeline of young talent focused on tackling pressing challenges?
  • Would you benefit from connecting with others whose work complements your own?

If so, consider hosting a Sustainability Fellow this summer! Now is your chance to apply to have top talent dedicated to your project! 

DES Climate Pollution Reduction Grants: Identifying, evaluating and implementing measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and associated air pollution. Learn more here.

Upcoming events and webinars:

9/17/2024: Plan NH Fall Conference

9/19/2024: OPD’s Planning Lunches at Noon Monthly Webinar Series next session: Changes to Planning and Zoning Laws in 2024

9/19/2024, 1pm - 2:30pm: Join EPA for a free webinar: Flood and Cybersecurity Scenarios. Register Here

Registration is open for the Annual NHMA Conference on Wednesday and Thursday, October 30-31 for the 83rd Annual Conference and Exhibition & Annual Business Meeting at the DoubleTree by Hilton Downtown Manchester, 700 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101. Our theme this year is “From Conflict to Conversation” with Keynote presenter, Matt Lehrman, who will offer valuable insights into fostering civility and engaging communities effectively. Register here.



NHTSA proposes new vehicle safety standard to better protect pedestrians

USDOT and FHWA Wildlife Crossing Pilot Grant Program

Economic Development

Newmarket Master Plan Update Workshop

The Strafford Regional Planning Commission will be assisting the Town of Newmarket with its Economic Development Master Plan Chapter update, among other chapters. As part of this process, a workshop will be held tomorrow, September 14th, from 9 – 11 am at the Newmarket Jr/Sr High School to gather input from the community. Other ways to give input? Take the survey to help us understand the challenges and opportunities to economic growth vitality in Newmarket!  


Natalie Gemma


Join your housing colleagues for an engaging program addressing the Granite State's affordable housing and economic development needs, with a special focus on zoning. Explore how zoning policies impact housing availability and economic growth and discuss innovative solutions to overcome zoning challenges in New Hampshire. Go here for more information and to register.

UNH Cooperative Extension Fall Vegetable gardening tips for the New Hampshire Gardener.

New Hampshire Bulletin: A look at how federal plans could make the costs of housing more affordable 

Recreation Economy for Rural Communities  


Next week (September 16th through September 20th) is National Septic Smart Week! 

  • Just because something says its “flushable” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe for your septic system. Only toilet paper and human waste should be flushed down your toilet. 
  • Getting your septic system pumped doesn’t just help to keep it functioning properly. It also helps your community stay safe by keeping waste water out of local waterbodies.
  • Did you know that the placement of trees and shrubs on your lawn can affect your septic system?

Learn more here: #SepticSmartWeek #GetPumpedNH

Strafford Regional Planning Commission | 603-994-3500 ||

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September 13, 2024