November 10, 2023

Your Financial Support Will Impact Stark Students

Grateful for Your Support

Thank you so much for being a friend of the Stark Education Partnership! We sincerely hope all is well with you and that you're surrounded by many blessings during this month as we celebrate Thanksgiving. I know that I certainly feel a great deal of gratitude for your participation and support related to our focus on career-connected learning. 


As a nonprofit organization, SEP depends fully on the generosity of others to continue this important work. Our annual fundraising campaign, Journey to the Summit, is your opportunity to partner with us as we walk alongside Stark County students in reaching their career summits! Our goal this year is to raise $250,000. We ask that you consider how you can support this endeavor financially.


Why Is This Important? 

Finding talent for our local businesses is an ongoing challenge. Right now, we show 7,075 open positions available on the Strengthening Stark Means Jobs website. Our goal is to have a meaningful career plan and several touch points with local businesses for every graduating Stark County senior. Your investment provides a return benefitting local employers by developing and retaining young talent in Stark County.

How Can You Make an Impact?

We hope you share our enthusiasm for making an impact in Stark County and will consider supporting SEP as we raise $250,000. Special recognition will be provided when you give at any of the following five levels:

Donating Is Easy

When you're ready to contribute to the impactful work of the Stark Education Partnership, please use this QR code to visit our online donations page. Debit/credit card and PayPal options are available. Or if you prefer, checks may be made out to the Stark Education Partnership and mailed to 400 Market Avenue North, Suite B, Canton OH 44702. In addition, the Stark Education Partnership is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your contribution is tax deductible.

If you would like to meet in person to learn more about our metrics and impact, we welcome the opportunity to do so. Thank you again for your investment and partnership. Together, we can help students Journey to the Summit and find their path to career success!

Stark Education Partnership (SEP) provides a much needed support system to local workforce and education entities by acting as a CATALYST for implementing new programs, works as a CONNECTOR of people and organizations, and is viewed as a trusted CORNERSTONE organization in StarkCounty.