Thank you for being part of our community. The last few years have been really tough ones for Headlong, though we know we are one of the lucky arts organizations who have managed to survive the devastating impact of the pandemic. Thank you for being part of our survival. We truly can’t do it without you and all the heartfelt and material ways you give us support. Thank you.
If you are able to support us now, click here to go to our donation page
To see what we are doing, come see our latest work, Horse Woman: Making a World of One’s Own at the Barnes on January 18 from 6 - 9pm. Follow the link for $10 tickets!
If you’re a dancer, come to our studio for workshops with Pilobolus on February 10 at 3pm and 5pm. And stay tuned for more news about this partnership.
And for more about our dreams, come by Headlong studios and talk to us about our projects on the horizon: the continuation of Horse Woman; alsoThe Brattonsville Plantation Project; and a new dance for the stage that builds on an exploration David led a few years ago at The Yard called Island. Ask us about our continued work to support Philadelphia artists through programs and residencies like The Headlong Performance Institute our fiscal sponsorship program for grassroots artists in Philadelphia, and our recent partnership with The Yard on Martha’s Vineyard. We’ll also be working on integrating The Black Dance Resource Center and Black Dance Magazine into Headlong’s programming under the leadership of Managing Director Norma Porter. If you’re a writer you may want to look at this dance writing workshop and conversation next month that Norma is having with global dance writer A'Keitha Carey.