View as Webpage................................................................................September 2024 | |
Patriot Day - National Day of Service and Remembrance, September 11, 2024
We will never forget. Those lost will always be in our hearts.
O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus Christ your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen.
– Prayer for the Human Family, Book of Common Prayer, p. 815
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Are you joining us for the Faithful Green Leaders Training (FGLT)?
During this month of September, as we celebrate the 2024 Season of Change as a diocese, it is a perfect time to signup for Green Team training. The Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake (IPC) has this program that will give you the information and skills you need to explore how to begin a Green Team in your church. What an ideal way for your church community to show commitment to caring for God’s creation! Please take some time to discuss this at your coffee hour this Sunday or add it to your next Vestry meeting agenda. Let’s do this together!! Rev. Margaret+ chair, DCCC Learn more here.
During September the Diocese of Easton's Creation Care team is encouraging the parishes in this diocese to participate in the 2024 Season of Creation. All materials for use in your church will be free and accessible to print and distribute to your assemblies at worship services or online. If you have any questions, please contact the Rev. Margaret Brack or (240) 904-6171. Invitation to Join The Season of Creation 2024
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2024 Invitation - Recovery Month Observance The following is an excerpt from a letter from Rev. Kevin Cross, Recovery Ministry Chair. "Your Diocesan Recovery Ministry committee invites you to recognize the role of the church in ministering to those who have been affected by the disease of addiction. September is designated as National Recovery Month. It is an observance held every September to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with a mental and/or substance use disorder to live a healthy and rewarding life." Read full letter here. | |
The 2024 Journal from the 156th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Easton is now available on our website. | |
Ordinations & Announcements
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Bishop’s Communication - Appointment of New Dean to Northern Convocation
(excerpt...) "I want to take this opportunity to inform you, after much reflection, prayer, in conversation with the former dean and in being consistent with mission and ministry context of expanding the vision of the diocese to attract, broaden and call all God’s children into the greater mission and ministry to fulfill their God-given call, I have in conformity with Canon 601.5 (a), invited and she has accepted, appointed the Reverend Claire Nevin-Field, Rector of Emmanuel Parish, Chestertown, Dean of the Northern Convocation effective September 5, 2024. The Reverend Frank St. Amour III has been a faithful and loyal clergy and servant to the Diocese and in the execution of his duties as Dean of the Northern Convocation. Our colleague Frank has retired from his substantive call as Rector, St. Paul’s Parish, Chestertown and Dean of the Northern Convocation effective June 30, 2024." Read full communication here.
Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate
By the Grace of God, The Rt. Rev. Santosh K. Marray, DMin., DD Eleventh Bishop of the Diocese of Easton, will ordain Alice Joanne Fisher, Kelsey Marie Spiker, Jessica Stehle and Michael Robert Valliant to the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church Feast of the Holy Cross on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at eleven o’clock in the morning, Christ Church, Easton, 111 South Harrison Street, Easton, Maryland. Your prayers & presence are requested. Reception following the service in the Parish Hall. Clergy are invited to process - Red Stoles
The service will also be live-streamed
and posted to YouTube
SAVE THE DATE for Presiding Bishop-elect Rowe’s installation service as announced at the close of the 81st General Convention, the installation of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe will be a simpler, scaled-down event this fall with a view toward reducing carbon footprint and increasing virtual engagement and participation. The installation service will take place on Nov. 2 at the Chapel of Christ the Lord in The Episcopal Church Center in New York City with a prelude beginning at 10 a.m. ET and the service starting at 11 a.m. ET. There will be an extensive livestream production to support churchwide access and participation. Read more here.
The Diocese of Easton will hold three watch parties - one in each convocation - St. Clement's, Massey; Trinity Cathedral, Easton and St. Peter's, Salisbury! The event begins at 9:30am with the video Roll Call of the Dioceses. The service itself begins at 11am. Mark your calendars. Stay tuned for more details!!
Update on Father Rushton, Church of the Holy Spirit, Ocean City - Father Ruston continues to make progress. However, he had a setback and was readmitted to the hospital. He is home once again, and he has been very positive about his progress and has a lot of faith in his treatment team. It is anticipated that he will need several more months for his recovery. If you would like to send him a card, please mail them to: The Rev. Joseph Rushton, 38 Boone Trail, Severna Park, MD 21146
Please continue to keep Father Rushton, Nick, the family of the donor, and his medical team in your prayers as he continues on the path of restoration and healing.
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SAVE THE DATE!! OCTOBER 19th - 12:00 pm via Zoom
The Diocese of Easton's delegation is preparing an overview of the 81st General Convention that took place from June 23 - 28, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. This overview will be shared with the diocese via this Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 824 2500 7743 Passcode: 335608
Photos from the 81st General Convention Available on flickr for you to use. If you use any of these photos in publications, please be sure to credit the photographers accordingly.
Photos by Scott Gunn : here Photos by Randall Gornowich : here
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Safe Church Safe Communities
Safe Church Safe Communities: Well done to all of the parishes, clergy, and lay leaders who have successfully completed or in the process of completing the Safe Church requirements. Just a reminder, Safe Church applies to all Episcopal entities not just those with children’s programs. See the Safe Church Safe Communities pages on the Diocesan website for more information or contact Rev. Elizabeth Phillips at
Be SAFE! Live Safe Church!
Empower Me! Basic Safety Rules for Children. Teach children to find a trusted adult if someone asks them to break a safety rule!
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October is Diocesan Heritage Month!
Since 2015 the Diocese has been celebrating ‘Diocesan Heritage Month’ during October. Parishes are encouraged to designate a Sunday in October to be Diocesan Heritage Sunday to celebrate and give thanks for the many blessings received over the years; to highlight and discuss what it means to be part of a diocesan family; and to reflect on ways we may, as a diocesan family, draw closer and live even more deliberately and intentionally into the mission and vision of God for the Church on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
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157th Diocesan Convention Date Change
The 157th Annual Diocesan Convention will once again be a hybrid format. We will convene via Zoom on the evening of Thursday, March 6th. We will gather together in-person, with those who can join us, for a Friday evening, March 7th Eucharist at Christ Church, Kent Island followed by a reception. On Saturday, March 8th, our in-person portion of convention will re-convene at Christ Church, Kent Island. Stay tuned for more info.
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For Additional Clergy-specific Save the Dates, click here. | |
Bishop's Institute Fall Trainings: Training Classes will be for Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor and Worship Leader. Join the network of those serving across the Diocese! Learn about these Ministries here. | |
Latino & Hispanic Ministry:
Is your parish hosting Latino & Hispanic Ministry events? If so, please remember to send information to Mark Hansen our Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries for the Diocese of Easton.
| September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month. National Hispanic Heritage Month traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin American countries. |
Retreat House Happenings:
To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
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Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford The Allegheny Ensemble, Chamber Music Concert Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. The Allegheny Ensemble, is a group of professional musicians dedicated to bringing the music of piano and strings to life. Combining the expressive depth of strings with the rich sonority of the piano the ensemble is committed to delivering dynamic performances and the joy of live music. Learn more here. | |
Trinity Cathedral, Easton's Third annual Fall Craft Fair will take place on Saturday, September 28, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. This year the fair is hosting a 50/50 raffle sale. Tickets will be available at the fair welcome booth. Proceeds benefit the English School. Please mark your calendars and plan on joining in on the fun!
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White Marsh Parish, St. Paul’s Episcopal in Trappe, MD is over the moon after receiving a $12,500 grant from the Talbot County Garden Club for repointing its 1850’s brickwork. The garden club hosts a house and garden “pilgrimage” every other year to raise funds for local historic building preservation. St. Paul’s shared the award with Scotts United Methodist Church, also in Trappe. Marth Masonry will do the work.
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The Ocean Cluster of Churches, comprising St. Paul’s Berlin, St. Paul’s by-the-Sea in Ocean City and Church of the Holy Spirit, also in Ocean City,
met on Sept. 8 for a picnic at Stephen Decatur Park in Berlin. It was potluck, so there was a wide variety of dishes, all of which were devoured with gusto. Residents of the Hope4Recovery House, a treatment center and halfway house for men in recovery from addiction, also attended, some bearing food. (We take dinner to them on a monthly basis.) The weather cooperated – it was a sunny, crisp fall day. We are definitely planning to repeat this next year!
The Ocean Cluster of Churches also recently held a paper/nonperishable goods drive for the residents of the Hope4Recovery House, a treatment facility/halfway house for men in recovery from addiction. They also take the residents dinner one Sunday a month, and now that Covid has waned, stay and share the meal and fellowship with them. In addition, they fill Christmas boxes and Easter baskets for the residents. The photo shows part of what they collected, along with one of the delighted residents.
ENEWS Events & Article Submission Deadlines
If you have something to submit for our upcoming Enews please send them to Beth Devenny before these dates:
October Enews - Deadline September 26h
November Enews - Deadline October 24th
December Enews - Deadline November 27th
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Pastoral Concerns
We pray for the repose of the soul of Mr. John Friel, husband of Rev. Mary Friel.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Margaret Putnick, mother of Rev. Mary Friel.
We continue to pray for Father Joe Rushton, Rector of Church of the Holy Spirit, Ocean City as he recuperates from lung transplant surgery at home. Please keep Father Rushton, Nick, the donor, the family of the donor, and his medical team in your prayers as he continues on the path of restoration and healing.
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Peggy Beers. Jim Brack. Ernie Cornbrooks. Carolyn Lee Crouse. Rev. Frank Crumbaugh. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Nancy Dick. Lindsey Donovan. Janice Flood. Doug Girardeau. Babs Glancey. Ann Savage Hastings. Randy Hastings. Grady Hebert. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi. The Rev. Jack Mason. The Rev. Robert Smith & Susan Smith. Don Sutherland. Chuck Trautmann. Goldey Vansant.
A prayer from Archbishop Hosam Naoum of Jerusalem
Let us pray,
O God of all justice and peace, we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land. Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths - Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land. While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call to you to bring justice and equity to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children - for to all of us you are our Heavenly Father. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
A Prayer from Archbishop Justin Welby & Archbishop Stephen Cottrell for Ukraine God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at-risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Submit prayer requests to:
Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise requested.
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Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Today we pray for you
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 8th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church I.U., Worton, and for the faithful service of the lay leadership.
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 15th
We pray for the people of La Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia de Jesus, Kennedyville, and their Pastor Mark Hansen, and his spouse, Heather.
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 22nd
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Andrew’s, Sudlersville, and for the Rev. Bernie Schroeder, and his spouse, Carol. We pray for the Wardens, Vestry and People of St. Andrew’s.
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 29th
We pray for the Rev. John Schaeffer, his spouse, Karen; and the Wardens, Vestry and People of
St. Mary Anne’s, North East.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 6th
We pray for the Rev. Susan Oldfather, and their Deacon, Jim Kamihachi, the Wardens, Vestry and People of St. Mark’s, Perryville.
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
October 13th
We pray for the Rev. Matthew D’Amario, and his spouse, Craig, the Wardens, Vestry and People of Christ Church, Denton.
For additional weeks, please visit our website or contact Lynn Anstatt.
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Interested in learning about Sacred Ground and the work of racial reconciliation? All Episcopalians are invited to join a fall program year launch event for Sacred Ground, the church’s 11-part, film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Sacred Ground circles have grown exponentially in dioceses across the country. Join this special event online with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry Sept. 17, 1-2:30 p.m. ET REGISTER FOR ZOOM EVENT | Two new “Way of Love” resources—a set of kids’ playing cards and coming soon, “Traveling the Way of Love” Season 2 —invite Episcopalians of every age to deepen their spiritual practice and follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Learn more here. |
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Province III - The goal of Province III is to encourage a forum for the sharing of programs, resources and ministries by the people of the 1187 provincial parishes and the thirteen dioceses in such a way as to develop effective strategies for coordinating and enhancing the use of regional and national resources.
Global Partnerships - The ministry of the Office of Global Partnerships is to help “build bridges beyond ourselves”
Difference Blog - Read here.
St. George's College Jerusalem - Latest news and a message from Dean Richard Sewell
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Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
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