Dear Friend and Partner in Mission,
Happy New Year blessings to you from all of us at the Motherhouse in Adrian! We hope you had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful start to 2024.
This email comes to you with abundant gratitude. I know I’ve said this before, but this is a perfect time for me to say it again: The benefactors of the Adrian Dominican Sisters are the most amazing people. Your love and care for the Sisters is never ending and a true blessing. This really needs no explanation but let me share a bit of a story.
Our annual Christmas appeal was supposed to be mailed on November 20, 2023. Everything was in place, and all was well UNTIL the printer at the mailhouse broke down, and a part needed to be ordered! With this delay, our appeal wasn’t mailed until mid-December. We were so concerned that the card would get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season! While it WAS late, YOU still responded. You still gave from your heart, sent along your prayer requests, and shared your stories of our Sisters. This was a good reminder for us not to worry – YOU remain steadfast and loyal. To say we are grateful is truly an understatement.
We hope you enjoyed our travel back in time as we shared stories of Sisters who have gone before us, believing in sharing a legacy of love and compassion. If you happened to miss one of the videos or want to watch one again (and again), they are always available for your viewing pleasure on YouTube.
Be A Part of The Legacy
Ann Joachim, OP, and Patricia Sieman, OP
Be A Part of A Future Shaped by Love
Georganne Duggan, OP, and Victoria Dalesandro, OP.
Believing in a Creative Expression of Faith
Denise Mainville, OP, and Magdalena Ezoe, OP
Believing in a Quest for Truth and Discovery
Miriam Michael Stimson, OP, Sharon Weber, OP, and Jun Tsuji, PhD
Believing in the Legacy
Katherine Frazier, OP
From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for your friendship and generosity. We will continue holding you in our prayers throughout the year. If you have a specific intention at any time, you can always share it with us at Our Sisters are honored to have the opportunity to walk with you in prayer.
Amy Palmer, MA, CFRE