Weekly Programming
- A Message from Bishop Curry
- Sunday Forum - The Rev. Tim Kingsley
- Children's time during 9:30 service
Community Events
- ICA Thanksgiving Donations
- Legacy of Racial Covenants
- Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
- December Book Club
- Bake and Craft Sale
- The Nativity
- ICA Update
- Loaves and Fishes
Announcements and Reports
- Missing Coat
- Office Administrator
- Coffee Hour Hosts
- Giving Campaign
- Community Conversation
- Bridge Lessons
- Upcoming Community Forums
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Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to office@stdavidsparish.org before noon on Tuesday to be featured.
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Two peoples, one land,
Three faiths, one root,
One earth, one mother,
One sky, one beginning,
one future, one destiny,
one broken heart,
one God.
We pray to You:
Grant us a vision of unity.
May we see the many in the one
and the one in the many.
May you, Life of All the Worlds,
Source of all Amazing Differences
Help us to see clearly.
Guide us gently and firmly toward each other,
Toward peace.
Praying together.
--Rabbi Sheila Weinberg,
Jewish Community of Amherst, Amherst MA
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A Message from Bishop Curry | |
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on 10,000+ dead in Gaza: Stop the killing
November 7, 2023
Office of Public Affairs
You may know me as the pastor who is always talking about love, and I am. But today I am mindful that the urgency of love—true, sacrificial love that respects all of humanity—is not just a good feeling, and it is not easy.
We are called to a love that demands much from us. We are called to a love that tells the truth.
Today I raise my voice for love because more than 10,000 people have died in Gaza, including more than 4,000 children.
The violence is horrific, and the geopolitics are complex, but my call to love is simple: Stop the killing. Stop all of it. Stop it today.
We will not be silent while an entire population is denied food, water, electricity, and fuel needed to run hospitals. We cannot stand by while thousands of civilians die. Our partners in the region tell us they live in terror—that they feel they have died even while alive. They feel that the international community is tacitly sanctioning the killing of civilians and the bombing of schools, hospitals, and refugee camps.
Staying quiet in this moment would be a stain upon our souls and would deepen our complicity.
U.S. leadership must tell Israel to stop bombing civilian areas and allow access for full humanitarian aid to flow freely into Gaza.
Every human child of God—Palestinian and Israeli—deserves safety and security. We need to stop the killing. Today.
Vengeance will not bring back the dead. Retaliation will not repair the harms and the hurt. We are called to love, even and especially when it seems impossible.
We must stop the next 10,000 from being killed. As Episcopalians, we must call upon our leaders—President Biden, members of Congress, and others—to be unequivocal that we need to stop the killing. Today. This is clearly what love demands of us.
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This Sunday, November 12
Holy Eucharist at 8:00 and 9:30
We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.
If you would like an electronic copy of this year's Ministry Guide, click here.
This Sunday's Community Forum
The Rev. Tim Kingsley, Safety and Security Concerns Affecting Faith Communities
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Guest Preacher and Speaker this Sunday: The Rev. Tim Kingsley
Celebrant at 8:00 and 9:30:
The Rev. Katherine Lewis
Join us in welcoming the Rev. Tim Kingsley this Sunday as our preacher and Community Forum speaker.
The Forum will address safety and security concerns affecting faith communities.
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The Rev. Tim Kingsley grew up at St. David's and currently serves at St. Mark's Cathedral.
He brings a wealth of experience spanning over three decades in senior leadership roles in security and crisis management. Tim serves as the Diocesan Security Consultant, a testament to his expertise in ensuring the safety of our community.
Tim's journey also includes volunteering as a first responder during the tragic events of 9/11, offering him invaluable firsthand knowledge in handling complex incidents and the human trauma they entail.
This Sunday, we invite you to an open forum where Tim will address safety and security concerns affecting faith communities, and together, we will celebrate the development of St. David's new emergency procedures.
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Children and Youth Ministry | |
Children’s Ministry
This Sunday we will have Godly Play. Stay after worship for a chance to spend more time with the stories in the Godly Play room!
Also this Sunday, we are singing My Lighthouse as closing hymn during the 9:30 service. All children and youth are invited and encouraged to come to the front to help lead the song!
Youth Ministry
We will meet at for youth group on Wednesday, November 15th from 6:45-8:30pm. Our 5th grade friends are invited to join us, as Deacon Guy will be with us to talk about what I means to be an acolyte during Sunday morning worship!
Save the date: Youth Group Friendsgiving Potluck on November 29th, 6:30-8:30pm
Bring your favorite food to share. We will meet in the Jones Room of the ICA building, talk about gratitude, and learn about Skywoman Falling, a sacred Iroquois creation story.
RSVP by emailing Anna abrock@stdavidsparish.org on if you plan to attend and if you can bring a dish to share. (If you don’t RSVP, you can still come, and you don’t have to bring anything. It’s just for planning purposes.)
Last chance to sign up for TEC! Grades 10-12 @ St. Stephen’s in Edina, November 17-19
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Apply to Work in the Nursery!
We are reopening the nursery on Sunday mornings, and the application to work in the nursery is now live. Minimum age requirement is 14 years old. This is a paid position, or it can count as volunteer hours.
See the Job Description Here and the Application Here. If you prefer a printed copy, grab one outside the Children and Youth Ministry office.
Deadline to apply is October 31st. We are still accepting applications if you are interested! We hope to have the nursery open during the 9:30 service and forum time, starting December 3rd. Nursery staff training day will be Saturday, December 2nd.
Please submit applications via email to klewis@stdavidsparish.org and abrock@stdavidsparish.org or mail/drop off applications to the church office in an envelope addressed to Katherine Lewis and Anna Belz-Brock.
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ICA Thanksgiving Donations | |
It’s Turkey Time!
ICA’s Holiday Food Program has begun. Every donation of $25 will provide holiday food (turkey and fixings) for a family in need this Thanksgiving and holiday season.
Ways you can participate:
- On Sunday, November 12, members of St. David’s ICA team will be in the narthex after services to accept your donation for these holiday meals. Cash or checks will be accepted. If you prefer to write a check, please make it out to ICA.
You can also donate online at www.icafoodshelf,org/turkey, or choose Donate from the website menu, selecting ICA Turkey Drive. Don’t forget to mark “St. David’s” when it asks for congregation.
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Legacy of Racial Covenants | |
The Legacy of Racial Covenants:
The Enduring Impact on Twin Cities Area Housing
Saturday, November 18, 3-5pm
Luther Seminary, Olson Campus Center, 2481 Como Avenue, St. Paul
Although the overt practice of Racial Covenants that excluded home ownership based on race ended decades ago, its impact can still be seen today in the housing configuration of neighborhoods across the Twin Cities.
The Community Conversations project will share the status of such covenants, the negative impact they have on communities today, and what’s being done to address these issues. Hear from the University of Minnesota’s ‘Mapping Prejudice’ & St. Catherine’s ‘Welcoming Dear Neighbor?’ projects to learn what’s happening across the Twin Cities.
This is a part of the ongoing Community Conversation series hosted by the Ecumenical Consortium, made up of Holy Trinity, St. Paul; St. Matthew's, St. Paul; Hamline Church, and Luther Seminary.
Register here.
If you can’t attend in person join us Livestream:
Meeting ID: 921 5611 8643
Passcode: 333307 (Note: only presentation will be recorded)
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Interfaith Thanksgiving Service | |
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service: Gratitude as a Grounding Practice
Sunday, November 19, 7:00 pm
St. David's has the honor of hosting the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving service, a collaborative service with neighboring congregations: Mills Church, Bet Shalom Congregation, and Spirit of Peace Community. Our theme this year is "Gratitude as a Grounding Practice".
The schedule that evening:
5:30 - choirs gather for a light meal
6:00 - choir rehearsal
7:00 - service, followed by a reception in the undercroft
A freewill offering will be collected to benefit the ICA.
For information or to volunteer to help with hospitality, please contact the Rev. Katherine Lewis, klewis@stdavidsparish.org or Minister of Music Roger Stratton, rstratton@stdavidsparish.org.
Please note: There will be no Thanksgiving Eve service this year.
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St David’s Book Club News
by Cathy Schwichtenberg
The St. David’s Book Club will be discussing Neither Wolf Nor Dog by Kent Nerburn on Tuesday, December 5 from 6:30 pm – 7:55 pm.
Meeting Link: December Book Club
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The heart of the Native American experience: In this 1996 Minnesota Book Award winner, Kent Nerburn draws the reader deep into the world of an Indian elder known only as Dan. It's a world of Indian towns, white roadside cafes, and abandoned roads that swirl with the memories of the Ghost Dance and Sitting Bull.
Readers meet vivid characters like Jumbo, a 400-pound mechanic, and Annie, an 80-year-old Lakota woman living in a log cabin. Threading through the book is the story of two men struggling to find a common voice. Neither Wolf nor Dog takes readers to the heart of the Native American experience. As the story unfolds, Dan speaks eloquently on the difference between land and property, the power of silence, and the selling of sacred ceremonies. ~Hclib.org
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We have an interesting line-up of selections this year and invite all St. David’s parishioners to participate. We usually meet via Zoom on the first Tuesday of every other month from 6:30 – 7:55. Here is this year’s schedule – please join us!
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Attention Bakers and Crafters!
The annual Bake and Craft Sale will be Sunday, December 10th, after the service. It's time to work on those craft items and start stocking up on baking supplies!
Questions? Contact Sara Leigh at leigh.sara@gmail.com.
Thank you!
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The Nativity - Presented by CREO Dance
Performances at Hopkins High School, Main Auditorium
- December 9th, 7:00 pm
- December 10th, 2:00 pm
Tickets go on sale at 7:00 am on November 8th. Be sure to share this with your friends, family, church groups, neighbors, coworkers, and more!
Discount pricing is available for non-profit or corporate groups of 10 or more. This is a great opportunity for youth or. church groups! Email events@creodance.com for more information.
The CREO DanceVERVE presents The Nativity 2023! Experience the epic story of our Savior's birth told through the drama of dance and narration. As a familiar narrative unfolds, this production will juxtapose the story of The Lamb of God with the perspective of a little lamb travelling to Bethlehem and learning about the truth of God’s promise. Though the character of the lamb will appeal to young children, her insights about Christ’s genealogy will bring new depth to the story most think they know.
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ICA Update 11/9/23
Holiday Food Program
For over 20 years, ICA has given away turkeys and all the fixings to many families in our community. You are invited to help our neighbors in need this holiday season. Each $25 donation will provide the gift of a holiday meal to one local family. Please consider participating in the Holiday Food Program this year. It is anticipated that about 1000 turkeys with all the fixings will be given away. This year’s turkey giveaway will be on Saturday, November 18th at the K-Tel location. In addition, turkeys will be available through the mobile food shelf, home deliveries and at regular food appointments before Thanksgiving. There is a limit of one turkey per household.
Ways you can participate:
- On Sunday, November 12, members of St. David’s ICA team will be in the narthex after services to accept your donation for these holiday meals. Cash or checks will be accepted. If you prefer to write a check, please make it out to ICA.
- You can also donate online at www.icafoodshelf.org/turkey or choose Donate in the ICA website menu, selecting ICA Turkey Drive. Don’t forget to mark “St. David’s” when it asks for congregation.
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Loaves and Fishes
Four Volunteers are needed for each date. Two for cooking with the L&F coordinator from 3:00-5:00 and two to package and serve from 4:30 to 6:30.
Upcoming dates:
- November 14
- November 27
- December 12
Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at bowen3@fastmail.com
See the May 25th weekly news for full update.
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Announcements and Reports | |
Help needed to find missing coat!
Below are photos of a black coat that was left at church on the very LAST cold day last winter, and which is still hanging in the Narthex. Someone accidentally left this coat and took a similar one which belongs to Ann Carda. Now that the weather has turned cold, she is asking for anyone who owns a similar coat to check their closets to see if hers is there.
This coat was a favorite of Ann's and it's not made any more so she'd love to get it back. If you find anything similar, please contact her at acarda21@gmail.com.
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Office Administrator: Receiving Applications | |
Now Hiring: Office Administrator at St. David's
We are now receiving applications for the role of Office Administrator, a key position that keeps our mission and ministries alive and thriving. The new Office Administrator will work in the office, 25-30 hours per week. Applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to staffing@stdavidsparish.org. A link to the job description can be found here
Thank you, Vida Edmond, for filling in as our interim office administrator during this time of transition! Note: applicants must not be members of the congregation.
Please spread the word through your connections and networks!
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Coffee Hour - Volunteers Needed | |
Coffee hour hosts needed!
Please check the signup sheet in the Narthex the next time you enjoy coffee hour. There are numerous opportunities to serve in November and December.
There’s a nice assortment of treats in the freezer which you can use to make it really easy! We all love coffee hour and we all say thank you for stepping up!
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They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit. - Jeremiah 17:8 | |
St. David’s Giving Campaign Update
As mentioned last week from the pulpit, the Giving Campaign is now "officially" completed. As of today, I have wonderful news in that thus far we have now received 71 pledges out of a possible 90, for a 79% return. That is up from 47 pledges the week before. Way to go St David's!
Once again, looking at the math, that leaves 19 pledges outstanding. Believe it or not, every one of those is still very important in order to keep St David's going. We are in hopes of receiving those pledges soon, as the finance committee begins their prayerful, dedicated, and hard work trying to create a balanced budget.
You may still mail your pledge card to St David's via USPS or utilize the link below to do it on REALM. There are also extra pledge packets in the Narthex.
Pledge on REALM
Thank you for all of your offerings to St David's........... time, talent, and treasure.
Diane Curley
Jr. Warden, St David’s Episcopal Church
Cathy Schwichtenberg
Treasurer, St David's Episcopal Church
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November 19 Forum – Getting to Know Each Other
Please plan to attend the forum on November 19 where the Newcomer Team (Debbie Emmerich, Ann Robinson and Cathy Schwichtenberg) will host a fun conversation activity to help us get to know one another more deeply.
This replaces the Newcomers Brunch previously scheduled for this date. Most of our Newcomers aren’t available that day! The brunch will be rescheduled for next spring.
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Bridge Lessons Anyone?
We have had a couple of requests for more bridge lessons and wonder if others are interested too. There are several options:
- Bridge for Beginners
- Bidding Refresher for folks who have some bridge experience.
- Common Bridge Conventions for folks who have already mastered basic bidding strategies.
We are considering an all-day Saturday class or could do evening classes for several weeks. Please contact Susan Taylor (ss2taylor@comcast.net or 952-944-7241) if you are interested in bridge lessons and indicate your preferences.
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Upcoming Community Forums | |
November 12 - Safety and Security in our Church, The Rev. Tim Kingsley
November 19 - Community Conversation
November 26 - Social Time (Thanksgiving Weekend)
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What else is going on at St. David's? | |
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it. | |
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891 | |
COVID-19 Resources Available
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