The DDA Connection


Nominate Your Favorite DSP Before the September 8th Deadline!



For more information, alternative formats, or questions, please contact Kim McKay at or 410-767-3654.

Program Updates

DDA and DORS Joint Quarterly Training: 

Dual Funding Without Double Dipping 

We are excited to announce our continued partnership and quarterly joint training opportunities with the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS). We invite Providers, Coordinators of Community Services (CCS), and all DDA and DORS staff to join us for our upcoming training to learn more about Dual Funding without Double Dipping

Join us to learn how to use DDA and DORS funding to meet a person’s employment needs, as well as how the stacking, braiding, and blending of DDA Meaningful Day Services can be used to best support a person’s employment goals.


If you have any questions, please direct them to Tamla McDowell-Omodho Staff Specialist III, Community Rehabilitation Programs, DORS or Kasey Venn, Statewide Employment Coordinator, DDA

NEW! - CCS Assigned Clients Report and CCS Staff Report in LTSSMaryland

We have some great news for our CCS partners! Based on your input and feedback, LTSSMaryland will soon include TWO new reports - CCS Assigned Clients Report and Extract and the CSS Staff Report and Extract. These will be available on September 9th, 2023.

Clients Report and Extract Key Features:

Comprehensive Client Info: Get the latest details about your assigned clients' status, including Authorization, Program Enrollment, Special Program Code, Waiting List, Eligibility, Medicaid, Activities, Personal Care Plans, Monitoring, Level of Care, Financial Redetermination, and Eligibility Letters.

Sub Report: Easily take action with built-in hyperlinks directing you to the necessary forms and reviews.

CCS Staff Report and Extract Key Features:

Comprehensive Staff Info: This tool provides essential information about your CCS agency's staff. You'll have access to staff assignment details, the number of participants assigned by region, last login information, and supervisor information.

Sub Report: By clicking on the 'Number of Staff Assigned' output value, you'll access a supervisor sub report that shows which staff members are assigned to each supervisor.

These tools will help streamline your workflows, ensuring you have the information you need to continue providing exceptional support.

Questions? Reach out to Nicolette Paparoidamis, Director of Coordination of Community Services, at

Coming Soon - Updates to Provider Portal!

Conversion of Respite 15-Minute (Respite-Hourly) from Non-EVV to EVV:

Under DDA’s Traditional Service Model, effective October 1, 2023, Respite Care - 15 minute services will become a service billed through the Maryland Department of Health’s (MDH) Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system, similar to Personal Supports. EVV is not required for Respite Care - Daily or Respite Care - Camp services.

Under DDA’s Traditional Service Model, Direct Support Professional (DSP) will be required to clock in and out using the MDH’s LTSSMaryland EVV application in real time. Any activities completed prior to October 1, 2023 will need to be entered as Non-EVV in LTSSMaryland, including activities completed by providers who were piloting the app.

Enhancements to the Services Rendered Report Advanced

The Services Rendered Report in LTSSMaryland’s Provider Portal will be updated as of September 9, 2023! The report update will include EVV and Non-EVV services and will allow providers access to the following information:

  • Service Authorization
  • Services
  • Claim Information

Running the report will lead you to a summary view of all billed activities, which will combine both EVV and non-EVV service types.

  • The Plan Allowed Units Cost Hyperlink will lead you to the person’s PCP in Provider Portal
  • The Billed Units Cost brings you to a detailed subreport of the entered activities
  • The EVV and the Non-EVV subreports will show payment statuses for any activity that passes all exceptions, regardless if they are state funded or MMIS-funded activities. 

For downloading a combined version of the summary and detailed reports, please use the applicable "click here" hyperlink

Questions? Please contact Leslie Thompson, Assistant Director of Programs, at

Operations Updates

DDA Regional Accounts Payable Inboxes 

To ensure all invoice requests are processed in a timely manner, and to better facilitate any future requests, the DDA has created Accounts Payable Emails for DDA regional offices that did not previously have them. The details for where provider invoices are to be submitted are below. 

No Change:

Any invoices currently being submitted to the DDA HQ inbox ( can continue to do so as there is no change. 

Any invoices currently being submitted to the DDA Southern Maryland Regional Office Inbox ( can continue to do so as there is no change. 

Any invoices currently being submitted to the DDA Western Maryland Regional Office Inbox ( can continue to do so as there is no change. 

New Emails: 

Providers who submit invoices to members of the DDA Central Maryland Regional Office can now submit their invoices and requests to ( 

Providers who submit invoices to members of the DDA Eastern Shore Regional Office can now submit their invoices and requests to ( 

If you have any questions about where your payment requests should be sent, please contact either your local DDA Regional Office’s Fiscal Team or Fiscal Director Nicholas Gabor (

New DDA Provider Data Email Address

A dedicated email address has been created for all DDA provider data submitted moving forward. Please send all audited financial statements and provider data to and someone from our team will assist you. Please continue to submit invoices and any payment-related emails to the appropriate headquarters or regional office inbox.

If you have any questions, contact Nicholas Gabor, Fiscal Director, at

Release of the Journey Towards Person-Centered Excellence Quarterly Newsletter

Liberty Healthcare Corporation on behalf of the DDA will now be providing updates quarterly rather than monthly. We believe the change will contain the most valuable updates and information related to the joint work of the DDA, The Council for Quality and Leadership and Liberty as we continue on our journey towards person-centered excellence within the DD system.

Please review the August edition of The Journey newsletter, which can be found on the QIO page of the DDA website.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Mettrick at

Federal Program Updates

DDA Policy Reminder

The DDA is seeking public input on the following proposed policies posted to the DDA’s Policy Stakeholder Input webpage: 

You can access the proposed policy here: DDA Policy Stakeholder Input Dedicated Webpage

Public comments will be accepted through September 8, 2023.

Please submit comments electronically to or mail them to the DDA Federal Program Unit at 201 West Preston Street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201. Please include in the subject line of your email, ‘Input on Nursing Support Services Policy.

If you have questions or need any accommodations, please reach out to the DDA Federal Programs Policy Lead, Danielle Coles at


LTSS Transition - Technical Assistance Available

Are you a provider who has yet to transition into LTSSMaryland? The Early Adopter Group (EAG) Provider’s Technical Advisors are here to assist you. 

Upon completion of a short Request Form, your DDA Regional Office will match providers requesting technical assistance by making referrals to the appropriate assisting provider.

For questions regarding the Technical Assistance process, please contact Leslie Thompson, Statewide Director of Provider Services, at

Upcoming Events

9/10-9/16 Celebrate Direct Support Professional Recognition Week!

9/12 SMRO Quality Provider Meeting

9/14 Rate Review Advisory Group

9/19 Support Broker Initial Certification Training

9/19 DDA - Bimonthly RN Case Management/Delegating Nurse/MTTP Trainer Orientation

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Missed a previous DDA Connection? 

Click here to view the archive.

Click here to view upcoming events on our DDA Training Calendar.

DDA Vision

People with developmental disabilities will have full lives in the communities of their choice where they are included, participate and are active citizens.

DDA Mission

Create a flexible, person-centered, family-oriented system of support so people can have full lives.

DDA Headquarters

201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: (410)767-5600

Fax: (410)767-5850

Toll Free: 1(844)253-8694