November 3 – 19 Cheshvan
Was dedicated in memory of
Rabbi David Keehn z"l
הרב דוד יצחק בן עקיבא יהודה
Beloved Uncle of Abe (10th grade), Jack (10th grade), and Molly (JKHA '17)
and brother-in-law of Elisa and Mitch Cohen
in commemoration of his second yahrtzeit
November 2 – 18 Cheshvan
Was dedicated by
Shiely and Efraim Sadikov
in memory of
Mansoureh bat Sarah
beloved grandmother of Shiely Sadikov and
great grandmother of Ben (2nd Grade), Daniel (1st Grade) and
Nathaniel (EC4) Sadikov
in commemoration of her yahrtzeit.
November 1 – 17 Cheshvan
Was dedicated
in honor of
our JKHA/RKYHS Alumni serving in the IDF
along with all the IDF soldiers and
volunteers working to protect Midinat Yisrael
and in solidarity with the hostages with tefillot for their immediate release
October 31 – 16 Cheshvan
Was dedicated by
Lori and Douglas Zucker
in memory of our friend and teacher
Mrs. Shayndel Feuerstein,
may her teachings continue in this world
and our learning on her behalf implore Hashem to protect Am Yisrael
October 30 - 15 Cheshvan
Was dedicated by
Elyse and Avi Tuchman and Family
in memory of
Dr. Jerry Epstein
Yaakov Michael ben Raphael Ben Tzion z"l
beloved father of Elyse Tuchman and
grandfather of Zach (JKHA '13/RKYHS '17) and
Jessie (JKHA '17/RKYHS '21) Tuchman
in commemoration of his yahrtzeit.
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We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: or (862) 437-8001