Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! | |
Sorry to be so repetitive, but we can't say it enough. There's still time to take advantage of early voting at the Portage County Board of Elections (last day is Sunday, Nov. 5, for in person but get those absentee ballots in!). Or, if you prefer, go to your polling location on Election Day, Nov. 7. Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Cast your ballot and let your voice be heard! | |
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Make new friends . . . but keep the old . . .
This is how we raise the GOLD!
All Member Meeting, Thursday, Nov. 9, 7 p.m.
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Don’t like to think about or talk about fundraising? THIS SESSION IS FOR YOU! Making friends is arguably the easiest step to a successful development plan, which leads to reaching more voters.
This TAKE ACTION meeting is all about making new friends...both in-person and through the mail! Come to be a part of the grassroots efforts which makes our League run! Come play a role in our annual friend-raising drive which is crucial to our mission. YOU really do make all the difference.
AMM kickoff time isThursday, Nov. 9, 7 p.m. at Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent. MAP
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In addition to your ideas, please bring a nonperishable food item or monetary donation for Kent Social Services.
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Dedicated voting rights activist to speak
at LWV Kent Holiday Brunch, Sat., Dec. 2
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Gather with the League of Women Voters of Kent for a joyous annual Holiday Brunch on Sat., Dec. 2, 9 a.m., at Laziza’s in Kent. We are honored to have Common Cause Ohio Executive Director Catherine Turcer (at right) as our speaker.
Catherine is an expert on redistricting reform and state-level campaign finance laws. She has been front and center as a leader for the past several years as Common Cause, Fair Districts and the League of Women Voters battle to end gerrymandering in Ohio. Catherine advocates for greater transparency and more accountable government and helped lead Ohio’s successful efforts to address gerrymandering.
Before joining Common Cause Ohio in April 2012, she was Ohio Citizen Action’s legislative director. During her tenure at Ohio Citizen Action, she served as the director of Ohio Citizen Action’s Money in Politics Project and co-authored a number of studies tracking campaign contributions. In 2006, Catherine received the Spirit of Democracy Award from the Ohio Secretary of State. She has a bachelor’s degree in gerontology and clinical psychology from Alfred University and attended the University of Connecticut for graduate work with a focus on social group work and research.
Members and guests attending the brunch need to make reservations and pay by clicking here. You have the option of paying online or by check. You also have the option of attending the presentation only (no fee for this option) at 10 a.m. In either case, reservations are required and are due by Nov. 24. Just interested in a seat for the presentation? Call 330-271-6188 and leave a message, or email us here.
Laziza’s is located at 195 E. Erie St., Kent, Ohio. MAP. For questions, call 330-271-6188 or email us here.
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Leagues of Women Voters endorse three
countywide levies on Nov. 7 ballot
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The League of Women Voters of Northern Portage County and the League of Women Voters of Kent have endorsed the three countywide issues on the Nov. 7 general election ballot, citing the benefits to the health and well-being of all county residents.
The countywide levies are Issue 29, a 10-year, 2.9-mill renewal tax levy for the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities; Issue 30, a 10-year, 1-mill replacement tax levy for the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County; and Issue 31, a 1-mill, 10-year levy, comprised of a ½ mill replacement and a ½ mill additional property tax for the Portage Park District.
Leagues have positions on issues affecting their communities based on research, study and discussion with local agencies and policymakers. Leagues do not endorse candidates or parties. To see the full endorsement statement, click here.
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Looking for voting information (lots of it!) for yourself or others? Head to our LWV Kent website! | |
Click here to go to the League of Women Voters of Kent website section on all things voting including a calendar of important dates! Click here for Voters Guide/VOTE411 info!
The stand-alone printed version of the Voters Guide is available for free at selection locations. View the list here. A collaboration of The Portager, the League of Women Voters of Northern Portage County and the League of Women Voters of Kent.
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Next LWV Kent Book Club meeting set for Nov. 8 | |
The next LWV Kent Book Club meetings are set for Wednesday, Nov. 8, and Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 1:30 p.m. at Hudson Grande Senior Living, 5400 Darrow Road, Hudson. The date for monthly Book Club meetings has changed to the second Wednesday. All are welcome to join. Email Jane Preston Rose for details about the meetings. | |
Nov. 8 - Empress of the Nile: The Daredevil Archeologist Who Saved Egypt’s Ancient Temples from Destruction by Lynne Olson | |
Dec. 13 - The Chancellor: The Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel by Kati Martin | |
Official LWV Ohio election information
on Issue 1 now available online and printed
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To read what the League of Women Voters of Ohio has to say about Issue 1 (reproductive rights), click here to download the official document.
LWV Kent now has printed cards. Need some? Email Jill Hazelton, or call or text her at 330-687-7119.
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Need to know the latest about the redistricting campaign? Head to Citizens Not Politicians | |
Have you heard? The redistricting amendment petition language has been approved and we'll be on the move soon to gather signatures across Ohio with our coalition. To keep up with Citizens Not Politicians, the official campaign organization, head here for their website, Facebook page and Instagram account. | |
Our condolences on the passing of member Joan Eschler
We would like to express our condolences on the passing of long time member Joan Eschler. To read her obituary, click here.
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What members have been up to this fall!
Happy Great 80s to members, left to right, Gail Pytel, Fay Ann Sebaly, Debbie Newberry, Roberta O'Keefe, Jane Preston Rose and Jan Rusnack.
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Running a fave animal election at the Girl Scout's Zoo Day! Thanks to Pres. Sherry Rose, her mom, Jackie Rose, Ann Ward and April Secura, president of LWV Northern Portage. | |
Nearly 100 voters participated in the Face2Face elections forum. Thanks to the Voter Services Committee headed by Jill Hazelton and assisted by Barb Hipsman Springer. | |
The weather could not stop Kent Leaguers from gathering signatures for the 3rd redistricting petition at the Kent Free LIbrary! Thanks to Pres. Sherry Rose; VP Jackie Peck; and friend Bob Mayfield! | |
More than 180 KSU students updated their voter registration or became voters at a marathon event LWV Kent coordinated with KSU Library staff. BIG shout out to member Barb Hipsman Springer for all of the work that went into it. Member Barb Hanniford in this photo with a student volunteer. See other volunteers with the next photo from the KSU registration event. | | |
Thanks to all those who volunteered at KSU: members Leanne Grimes in this photo, Ann Ward, Melissa Celko, Diana Skok, Joanne Long Kilgore, Rhonda Richardson, Bob Springer, Crystal Shook, Karen Carmany, Linda Iodine, Anne Reid, Mary Myers, Pres. Sherry Rose and VP Jackie Peck and others Zach Graves, Kara Robinson, Alice and Meghan. | | |
LWV Kent sent a team to the firt Spelling Bee fundraiser for ACCESS, a shelter for women and children in Akron. Thanks to our "BEE a Voter" team of good sports! (l to r) Amie Cajka, Katie Bowman, Alberta Bowman and Barb Tittle.
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We raised more than $600 for the cause. Thanks also to our cheering section! (l to r) George Rose, Fay Ann Sebaly, Pres. Sherry Rose, Jane Preston Rose and Amie. | |
Read the latest from the LWV Kent Observer Corps. Click here. Interested in an outreach activity that puts you in the rooms where it happens? Click here. | |
SAVE THE DATE . . . All events are free except where noted
Nov 8 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWV Kent Book Club | Click here to email for details. The date for monthly Book Club meetings has changed to the second Wednesday.
Nov 9 | Thursday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting | Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent | Fundraising Take Action session.
Dec 2 | Saturday | 9 a.m. | Holiday Brunch | Laziza's, 195 E. Erie St., Kent | Speaker: Common Cause Ohio Exec. Dir. Catherine Turcer. | Click here to make a reservation.
Dec 13 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWV Kent Book Club | Click here to email for details. The date for monthly Book Club meetings has changed to the second Wednesday.
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Connect with us by email . . . and | | | | |