All updates are available anytime on our website at


Simpson Plastering continues their 210 Day work repairing and restoring all exterior limestone and masonry around the building. This work includes identifying all areas where brick and limestone need repairing and/or replacing and cutting out limestone mortar joint grout to fix cracks and patch in preparation for new waterproof sealant and cleaning. Additionally, all entrance ceilings have been scraped, mudded, and primed and pressure washing in various areas has begun.

In the near future, expect to see occasional scaffolding breezeways that will provide pedestrian protection at various entrances. Furthermore, the current stage of work requires additional dumpsters to be placed at various locations around the building. Every effort is being made for dumpsters to be positioned in the best possible and least disruptive locations. We appreciate your cooperation with and understanding of any parking inconveniences.

Dumpster Locations are:

  • (1) Beside the playground
  • (2) In parking spots on the west side of camps (nearest Holy Spirit)
  • (1) Beside Wesley Hall
  • (1) In the back west corner near the New Room (nearest Holy Spirit) 




Commercial Flooring completed installation on new flooring in the Asbury Children’s Wing classrooms and hallways on Saturday, November 12. Installation will continue through the end of November on the Aldersgate Children’s Wing. 

If you have walked by this hallway, you certainly noticed the bright blue flooring. Hopefully you also thought, wow, that looks just like water! The theme of the Children’s Wing renovations is Noah’s Ark, and when all the painting and artwork is complete, the space will vibrantly reflect and draw our children running toward God’s Promises!


LOC Scientific is scheduled to install all new cabinets, countertops, and sinks beginning Monday, November 20, to be completed no later than Friday, November 24. These renovations necessitate that the Child Development Center close the entire week of Thanksgiving, November 20-24 (the CDC was already scheduled to be closed Wednesday – Friday) as well as all day on Friday, November 17, to relocate classroom furnishing and complete demolition of existing cabinets, and all day on Monday, November 27, to reset classrooms and restore running water. Operating Standards of the Alabama Department of Human Resources require warm, running water in all rooms where diapering takes place. The water for the Children’s Wings must be cut off during the cabinet installation. Other than in the Children’s Wings, our facility is not equipped with enough rooms to relocate care under these requirements. Closure Dates have been communicated to all CDC families and tuition will not be charged during the week of closure.

Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry will be impacted on Sundays November 19 and 26. The main Children’s Asbury Wing will be closed, therefore Sunday morning CHILDCARE WILL BE RELOCATED to the following spaces under the Sanctuary: 

  • Infants in Room 194, 
  • Toddlers & Preschool in Room 193, and 
  • Elementary in Room 190 (The Garden).

For easiest access, please enter through Exterior Doors 3 & 4.


Insufficient expansion in the floor joints has created damage and dangerous conditions in the kitchen flooring. Therefore, the Kitchen and the Gym will be closed Friday, November 17 through Wednesday, November 22 for the installation of new Kitchen Flooring. All kitchen equipment and supplies will be stored in the Gym during the demolition and installation. All scheduled events have been relocated to Wesley Hall. Also, please be aware that the November 19 Fellowship Meal menu now includes fried chicken, sides, and dessert from Publix.