RCHP August Newsletter

Dear Church Family,

It’s been years since I’ve been on a youth group mission trip.  2002-2005 I went every year, and I loved it.  I loved the ‘slow time’ of getting to know youth and the other adults.  I loved the tasks we were assigned…the opportunity to help with whatever we could, to just make people’s lives a little easier.  To share love simply.  I haven’t gone (but for a few days) in 17 years.  I’ve helped raise funds, interest, and have prayed for Harry, Keiko, Anthony and loads of youth and adults who have gone out, but I haven’t gone myself.

So, a 10.5hr trip in the church bus, and 1 day into excellent hauling, and scraping, and scrubbing, and I can’t believe I haven’t been doing this regularly.  Sure, we set up houses in NJ all the time.  We have an active ‘mission trip’ style of ‘doing church’ on the daily…but this is different.  

It matters, sometimes, to ‘get away,’ and to see how other people live, and to appreciate their resilience, and to see the world through their eyes, and to see God in and through them.  

And, sometimes you see the people in your own group differently as you spend time together, in a work-trip community, and in service to others.


I find myself beyond grateful for the 10 youth, and Keiko, who are traveling with me this week. Yesterday we read the parable about the Sower going out to sow seed. The seed fell in four different ‘environments’ (so explained one of the youth). Seeds of potential fall everywhere, but it matters what sort of ‘environment’ you are—individually, communally. A trip like this ‘tests the soil’ of our lives. I generally think our church and community soil is pretty rich, but inevitably, when you step out of your own ‘field’, you consider what sort of other ‘organic material’ should get mixed into the soil of your life, so as to be ready for the seeds that will inevitably fall into you, and that have the potential to grow in and from you.  

This week is already enriching my soil, and the soil of the other participants. All of this, and, we get to be useful, and helpful, to some folks who’ve been identified as “in need of a hand” for a few days.  

God is sowing seeds. Keep prepping the soil, friends, so you’re ready to experience an abundance of love.

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastor Seth

P.S. Check out the photo gallery at the end of this email for church family highlights!

Upcoming August Events & Happenings

Message from Pastor Seth on the Passing of Lieutenant Governor, Sheila Oliver

Every state government has a few people who, for long-term commitments and steady leadership, are appreciated across the board.  Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver, who died this week after a not-yet-disclosed illness, was one such person.  

When I ran for governor, in 2017 (some in the church might not know I did that--it's been a while) I was running against a particular gubernatorial candidate who I was concerned, because of personal wealth, was 'buying his way' into leadership. I have to admit that when then-candidate Murphy selected Sheila Oliver as his running mate I gulped a bit.  This was a woman who I respected and who I thought had 'put her time in,' working hard for the people in the rugged landscape that is NJ politics.  I didn't really want to run against Sheila Oliver at all!  

I have spent the last couple of days reading articles about our Lieutenant Governor, and reflecting on her leadership, in particular, for women and for the black community in New Jersey.  I find myself giving God praise for her, and for what she did, to help NJ reflect, a little more fully, the kingdom of God.  I hope you, too, might take a moment, this week, to thank God for her, to pray for her family and to pray that God might lift up other leaders like Sheila Oliver as we journey on through life together.

DIRE Hosts Spanish Classes for English Speakers!

DIRE, is happy to announce that they will be providing free Spanish language classes for community members twice a week throughout the month of August.

When:  Mondays & Wednesdays, 6-7 pm

Where: Parlor Room, Reformed Church of HP

The next class will be Monday, August 7th.  For more info., email Bella at bgerstmann@brynmawr.edu 

By learning a bit of Spanish, we can become better neighbors and community members, and have more opportunities to connect with and aid Spanish-speaking immigrants.  Feel free to share this information with friends, colleagues and family!

D.E.P.T.H. - Thursday, August 10th, 7pm

Join the discussion group DEPTH (Discussing and Exploring Personal Theologies Honestly) on Thursday, August 10th at 7pm in the RCHP Parlor. This month's discussion will focus on the subject of Sin.  Does the concept of sin fit into your personal theology (if it fits in at all, of course)? Does a belief in sin dictate a belief in hell? Has your perception or understanding of sin changed since you were young and if so, how so?  Email Austin at retroboi319@gmail.com  for the prompt and with any questions.

A Day at the Farm, August 12th- On August 12th all from RCHP are invited to a day at Global Grace Farm. We have recently acquired a gigantic additional field that we are beginning to prep and plant so that we can have a fall harvest. Can you join us between 8am-Noon? Families with little children are invited to come and to spent some time and then to walk over to see the animals at Cook College Farm. This is instead of an August nature hike.

Global Grace Marketplace Needs Volunteers

Global Grace Marketplace has settled into its beautiful new storefront space on Raritan Avenue in Highland Park. Since opening in mid-April we have extended our store hours and are now open 6 days a week, Monday - Saturday 10AM -6PM.  

We are looking for volunteers who can assist in the Marketplace for the following times:

Mondays 10-2pm

Tuesdays 2-6pm

Thursdays 10-2 and 2-6pm

Saturdays 10-12 


Volunteers will work alongside - and help to mentor - refugees who are enrolled in an employment readiness training program which teaches skills required to move into the workforce including counting money and making change, running the register, assisting customers, stocking and inventory, and conversational English. Volunteers will assist with Marketplace tasks and in mentoring refugee trainees. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Marketplace & Cafe Director, Sidra at GGCafe@rchp-ahc.org  or Marketplace Coordinator, Meredith at GGMarketplace@rchp-ahc.org 

PLEASE NOTE: Saturday Game Days and Wednesday Art, Crafts & Conversation will be on temporary hiatus for August and September. These activities will start up again in October. Contact Wendy Nussman at wendynussman@gmail.com if you'd like to get on her mailing list

Vacation Bible School, August 21-25: Please watch for upcoming registration forms for Vacation Bible School. Please sign up your kids, and your teen helpers and share this opportunity with your friends!

Vacation Bible School Planning and Leadership: Vacation Bible School is just around the corner and we have lots to do in preparation for that program. If you are interested in helping with crafts, games, stories, opening skits, snacks, helping with ‘after care’ or any other aspect of the work, please let us know.  Call 732-249-7349. This week is very important for all of us! Pastor Amos, again, is writing a musical!!

New Members/Inquirers Class, Wednesday, August 23rd—If you’ve been attending RCHP and you’d like to make a commitment as a member (or if you just want more information) please join us on August 23rd, from 7pm-9pm, for our 1 session new members class. This is a way, as one joins the church or considers joining the church, to learn a bit about the history of our denominations (yes, we have two) and a chance to learn about the history of this church and to ask questions about how it is positioned within the Christian family. Contact Pastor Seth for more info: seth.kaperdale@gmail.com


Church Camping Trip, August 25th-26th is quickly approaching!: Our June camping trip was cancelled, due to the terrible air quality from the fires in Canada. We have rescheduled for August 25th-August 26th. We’ll be at Allaire St. Park, which is about 40 minutes south. People arrive anytime on Friday afternoon, into the evening after work, and we eat a meal together, sing songs around the campfire, play frisbee and just have a great time. In the morning we’ll eat breakfast, play some more and then wrap up by noon or so. People may want to plan to head to the beach, as we’ll not be so far away, but that is up to you.  

Please reach out to Pastor Seth at 732-882-3193 if you’d like to attend and if you have camping gear to share or are in need of camping gear. If you cannot join us for camping, but you want to drive out on Saturday morning for a pancake breakfast, let us know!

Save the Date—RCHP Homecoming Day!, September 9th— As we prepare for fall programming at church, and as we gather the community as one after a wonderful summer, we’ll be holding a Saturday picnic, party, and sign-up for fall programs.  Come and celebrate from 1pm-5pm on Saturday, September 9th! 

Prison Correspondence Team 

Pastor Amos has been gathering a team each month to correspond with a list of elderly people who are incarcerated in New Jersey prisons. This team is a vital part of a policy campaign that Salvation and Social Justice is driving, to create second chance opportunities for incarcerated senior citizens to return to their communities.

Please contact Pastor Amos for more details.  amoscaley@gmail.com

Gospel Pilgrimage Storytelling

Check out this event hosted by our UCC friends in Plainfield on Saturday, August 26th at 10am!

Accompany Now!  School Supplies Drive

As we get closer to the start of school in September, there are lots of kids who arrived late May-today who haven't had a day of school, yet, in the U.S.  They are anxious about it, hopeful for it.  Feeling ready, in terms of having notebooks, paper, pens, pencils etc...will go a long way toward youth feeling supported.  Please see the list of items below for what we are focusing on, with details about who to reach out to.  We are so thankful for any and all contributions!

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Worship and Education Opportunities

Worship During the Month of August

Worship, August 6th - Having not picked up her Celtic harp for 12 years (parenthood will do that, y’all), Kristin Witucki will join the praise team on a couple of songs. She’s thrilled to be getting back into making music. Let’s give her a warm welcome!

Worship, August 13th—A wonderful group of talented high school musicians have been providing free music lessons to refugee children associated with I-RISE for the past year. Their group is called Helping Harmony. On August 13th these youth will bless our worship service. We will take a special offering for them during the service. Any money that goes in the church wagon will be used by this group of youth to fix donated instruments, or to pay for other expenses associated with their free lessons. Also, on the 13th, if you have used instruments that you’d like to donate to this group, you are welcome to bring them to church! Let’s fill the ‘offering wagon’ with trumpets, saxophones, violins etc!  

Worship, August 20th—On Sunday, August 20th, Amanda Calderón will be preaching. She’ll preach in English and Spanish. Please use this as an opportunity to invite Spanish speaking friends into our RCHP family!  

Worship, August 27th—On August 27th we’ll have a wonderful performance of RCHP’s Vacation Bible School Musical. We’ll have a potluck picnic, after the service, to celebrate.

Reminder: there is no Sunday school for adults or children during the month of August. There is, however, nursery and children’s worship throughout the month.

Sunday Nights—The Table, 5:30pm: RCHP offers a terrific evening gathering, each and every week, for around 40-50 people. We are so thankful for Faros, for Garden State Deli and for Harvest Moon Cafe, all of which have been providing delicious meals and delivering them to the church each week!

Wednesday Evening Choirs are taking a break for August. Interested in joining for the Fall? Contact Pastor Amos: amoscaley@gmail.com 

Children and Youth

A Message from Keiko Kereh - Ministry Associate for Youth & Worship

Dear RCHP,

Our youth groups have had a wonderful year so far as we had an awesome beach trip and jumped around on a trampoline park. There’s still a few more summer outings before the season comes to an end!

Friday, August 11 - Six Flags Trip (for any students in high school or going into high school)

Monday, August 14 - Monday Night Mini Golf (for any students in middle school or going into middle school)

Lastly, as we’re approaching the fall season, if any adults have an interest in getting involved with our youth groups as a second helper, or simply enjoy accompanying wonderful teens… reach out to keikokereh@gmail.com  for more info!

Fun Zone - New Gathering Opportunity for Youth - Every Wednesday Evening!

Every Wednesday in the Cave from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. all kids ages 9 through 12 are welcome to join us for an hour of Billiards, Board Games and more! Questions? Please reach out to Justan Mitchell at 732-621-6064 or jmitchell5770@gmail.com 

Connecting With God

Opportunities for Daily/Weekly Spiritual Growth, through discussion, study and prayer

Morning Prayer, 9am-9:30am, Zoom: Each morning, since the pandemic started in March of 2020, RCHP has held a daily morning prayer. Different church members and pastors share for 10 minutes or so and then there is a time of prayer and sharing. All are welcome.  

https://us02web.zoom.us/s/442816580 pwd=cTBQT2xwWWpOL3UrM0t2emRlUzU0Zz09#


Wednesday morning bible study, 7:45am-9am—Throughout August we’ll continue to hold our Wednesday morning bible study.  Join Pastor Seth and a group of approximately 8-10 for thoughtful conversation about scripture and faith.  

Contemplative Thursdays

We've begun our practice of creating space on Thursdays for contemplation and meditation. Each Thursday morning from 7:00 to 8:00, the sanctuary is open and prepared for quiet prayer and meditation. Every two weeks at noon, we're also journeying through a podcast and engaging in quiet conversation. Contact Carrie Dirks for more information.

Connecting With One Another

"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For more info, contact Cecilia Rowedder czr852@yahoo.com Please email to receive the Zoom link.

Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"

All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry caca98@aol.com for more information and for a Zoom link.

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Sewing & Knitting/Crocheting

On Thursdays, from 10am-1pm, the Women’s Sewing Circle meets to create beautiful items that are incorporated into the annual bazaar.  This group, meeting year round, also is a wonderful form of support and encouragement for all who are involved.

On Tuesdays, from 7pm-9pm, the Prayer Shawl Ministry creates beautiful shawls that are then distributed to church members and to others who are prayed for in our worship services.  All are invited to learn this craft and to contribute in this way.

Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community

Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership

August 26th Guided Paddle - South River to the Abandoned Ferry - 1:30pm - 4pm

Save the date to join the LRWP and paddle guides Anton Getz and Gregg Bucino for a guided paddle of the South River to the abandoned ferry on Saturday August 26. Total trip distance is approximately 5 miles.


Bring your own kayak or canoe.**

Personal Floatation Devices (life vests) must be worn.

Prior paddling experience required.

Registration required. Max 15 participants.

(**If you do not have a kayak or canoe and would still like to attend, please register and then email the group lead: anton.getz@gmail.com )

Meet-up location and other details to be provided the week before the event.

For more info, and to register click on this link

HP Food Pantry

Food Pantry needs for August:

During these challenging times the Highland Park Community Food Pantry is currently not taking individual donations. Instead we now have an Amazon Wishlist where folks wishing to donate have several options to choose from as well as an option to donate Gift Cards. We appreciate greatly any donation as we are facing an increase of folks in need. Thank you all so much. You can access the Wishlist here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/11AKRFJFUGZPF?ref_=wl_share

Most urgent needs are:



Adult Incontinence Items 

(Poise, Adult Diapers,  etc)

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details: foxyrox18@gmail.com

Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times

NJ Interfaith Center for Cancer Care - Support Group

If you've experienced a cancer diagnosis (no matter if it's recent or from years ago) and would like to join a reflective, contemplative, peer-led, interfaith support and discussion group, the NJ Interfaith Center for Cancer Care welcomes you to our ongoing group. The group currently meets virtually for an hour once a week and while regular attendance is welcome, the meeting topics are independent of each other, making it convenient for individuals whose schedules prevent them from attending every week of the month. If you're interested, please contact Austin at austin.njic3@improvingnj.org  for details.

The Self-Help Support Group

Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at jessmsn409@gmail.com

Bereavement Calendar

RCHP remembers all those who died in August and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in August 2023: 

Richard Homeyer, Beloved Father of Michael Zalewski

Yves Emeline Jeremie, Beloved Mother of Gihane Jeremie-Brink,

and Beloved Grandmother of Mateo, Naya, and Yael Jeremie-Brink

Bruno Juricic, Beloved Father-in-law of Jacquelyn Juricic,

and Grandfather of Ana and Noah Juricic

Blanca Martinez, Beloved Mother of Carmen Baum

Edward Mroz, Beloved Grandfather of Michael Zalewski

Michael Nussman, Beloved Father of Wendy Nussman

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.


Beginning of a new chapter - We blessed our high school grads as they prepare to start a new chapter in their young lives.  May the love of God and our congregation follow them wherever the path leads.

Blessing of Elders and Deacon - The pastors and congregation blessed new Elders, Jodi Bischoff and Anna Laycock, as well as rejoicing in a 2nd term for Deacon Tosin Kolawole.  Thanks be to God!

Fishing Derby - The thumbs up from Andres says it all about a day of church family fun at Johnson Park.

Detroit Mission Trip

Joyful hands doing God’s work.  Our youth group getting both a physical and spiritual workout!

Guest Preacher

We give thanks for the visit from Pastor Justin Mayers from Oman.  RCHP will be supporting the work of Justin and Stephanie Meyers as they continue to promote peace and understanding between religions in the Middle East.

Expanding GG Farm by 1 acre 

What a joy to have 2 acres of healthy nutrition and local food sovereignty!

Outdoor fun with the Jim Hudson Classic softball game and Youth Group time at the beach!

South River

Keiko says “South River’s after school program, “Summer Zone,” has been thriving this summer as we’ve baked some cookies and fished some fishes!” 

Blessing Keiko and Amanda

More blessings to go around  - sending out prayers for Keiko and Amanda as they begin their work together of nurturing the spirit life of South River Reformed and the surrounding neighborhood.

Camp Fowler

Memories were made and friendships were deepened as our youth spent a few days up at Camp Fowler in NY State!

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