We were thrilled to end 2023 with a better-than-expected attendance at our Holiday Mixer at the wonderful Dragon Horse on Folsom Street on December 20!
I wish to extend our sincere appreciation to our host Derick Li and our sponsor, Redwood Credit Union represented by Business Development Manager, Eric Maldonado. A big thank you to Leah Edwards for all the effort she put into making this mixer such a success.
We were honored with the presence of DA Brooke Jenkins, D6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey, Sheriff Chief of Staff Richard Jue, and President & CEO of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Rodney Fong.
We were pleased to have join us Constance Cavallas, YBCD Director of Neighborhood Services and Projects.
I doo also want to mention our superstar board members in attendance: Laura Kudritzki, Mauri Schwartz, Andrew Bowen, Keith Freedman, Liz Polo, and Roshani Pandey.
Now with the pandemic behind us, we are working on a calendar of events for the 2024 including reaching out and collaborating with the Chamber, SOMA/West CBD, East Cut CBD, YBCBD and ENDC (Eastern Neighborhood Democratic Club) We also will be involved in any pending legislation, the SFMTA and maintenance, safety, security and other issues that impact SOMA businesses.
It’s going to be an exciting year!
On another note, if you are not aware, the City has a grant program for small businesses that are the victims of vandalism: Get a grant for vandalism-related costs for your small business storefront. | San Francisco
If you are not a member of SOMBA but wish to join please see the membership application on our website:
A big "thank you" to all who attended our Holiday Mixer. To everyone, we extend our best wishes for a New Year which will bring fresh opportunities, success and prosperity!