Let's Catch-up: November 2023
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support. 
As we approach the holiday season, it may feel uncomfortable to express joy, love, and gratitude given all that's happening in the world right now.

However, we can hold multiple emotions at the same time. In fact, when the big emotions that bring us down take hold, finding space for gratitude can heal.

Where do you start? Try that first moment as you wake up in the morning. Before you open your eyes, think of one thing for which you are grateful. Taking that time to express gratitude sets the tone for your day and really does make a difference.

If you want more, check out these community volunteer opportunities, and of course, we hope you will remember CATCH as you make your end-of-year donations and give if you can. (We'll send you a reminder on Giving Tuesday. :) )

#catchiscommunity #practice gratitude
In this Issue

  • CATCH Lunch & Learn
  • Parenting the Mental Health Generation: Setting Students Up for Success
  • Save the Date: Michelle Icard Coming to Northbrook
  • Parent Support Network
  • More Resources: Bullying, Boys' Emotions, & Benefits of Music
  • Community Events
  • CATCH Around Town
CATCH Lunch & Learn
Social Conflict: Technology Takes it to a New Level
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 @ 12pm, via Zoom

Why is today’s social landscape so tough for our kids?

Technology and social media play a huge role as they navigate a social life online.
Join us and learn:

  • what’s truly impacting our children
  • how to respond when their big feelings take control
  • what a parent can do to empower a child in these intense moments

Our Lunch & Learn series is possible thanks to the generosity of the Northbrook Woman's Club.
Did you miss our last Lunch & Learn?

The recording is now available.

Press play and learn how to raise a digital native and ensure your child is using tech responsibly.

Brittani Sitar, Addiction Counselor and Mental Health Educator, explains the importance of intentional screen time and how to connect with our kids around all of their electronics.
YouTube logo
Top Download: Social and Friend Drama

Recordings of all CATCH Lunch & Learn events are available on the CATCH YouTube Channel.
Parenting the Mental Health Generation
CATCH Podcast
A heavy course load, clubs, sports, and theater... our kids are doing it all, but is it really necessary? What truly sets up our kids for success, and what does that even look like?

In this episode of Parenting the Mental Health Generation, veteran high school teacher Aimee Wool talks about what she’s seen in her classroom throughout the last two decades and what we as a community can do to best support our kids.
Find the CATCH podcast anywhere you get your podcasts.

Parenting the Mental Health Generation is also available on the CATCH YouTube Channel.
Save the Date
Michelle Icard Coming to Northbrook
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 @ 7pm
Northbrook United Methodist Church

Your child’s mistakes or rebellions don't have to be the headline for their childhood.
Instead, those moments can become a launch pad to a better future, according to Michelle Icard, author of 8 Setbacks That Can Make a Child a Success and Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen.

Mark your calendar and bring a friend to this program designed for parents and caregivers of children of all ages.
Parent Support Network
CATCH Conversations

Are your child's mental health struggles impacting you and your family? Are you wondering how to start finding help?

We recommend seeking support for yourself first with a CATCH Conversation.

Sign up and a CATCH volunteer will reach out to schedule a time to talk, meet for a cup of coffee, or go for a walk to give you a chance to share what's going on and learn how CATCH can support you. 
Parents Connect: Peer Support
Plenty of parents are facing challenges raising children with mental health struggles.

When we come together and support one another, we build a community that makes each day easier.

Parents Connect groups are meeting weekly.

Parents Connect
Looking for professional support?
CATCH is here to help you find a mental health provider.

Look through our lists of providers or send a confidential email to CATCH, and we will provide you with names of trusted practices that might meet your needs. 
More Resources
Community Events
Substance Abuse, Mental Health and Recovery Among Teens
December 6th @ 6pm
JCFS Seigle Building
5140 Golf Road, Skokie
CATCH Around Town
Trunk or Treat! Our CATCH team passed out mental health resources at the North Suburban YMCA's outdoor Halloween celebration on October 22, 2023.
Follow CATCH on Social Media
Are you following CATCH on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram? Stay up-to-date on all things CATCH and mental health in our community.
CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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