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November 2023 Newsletter

Stress Busters: Learn about Evidence-Based Stress Management Strategies

ACEs Aware  launched a new online training to help health care teams use Stress Buster tips and strategies when working with patients. 


The free self-paced Stress Busters: Clinical Strategies for Preventing and Mitigating Toxic Stress training was designed to help health care professionals develop their clinical response to childhood adversity and toxic stress. It provides the scientific basis behind evidence-based strategies for regulating toxic stress and a comprehensive exploration of how Stress Busters can be used in clinical practice to help patients – both children and adults – manage their stress. 

Take the training to:  

  • Learn the basics about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress and their impact on health and well-being.  
  • Explore the scientific basis for how Stress Busters can regulate toxic stress.  
  • Watch short videos that highlight the health benefits of each evidence-based stress-management strategy.

This activity is approved for AMA PRA Category 1 credit™, AAPA, ANCC, ASWB, and IPCE credit. 

Take the Stress Busters course

 A Stress Busters website was recently launched to provide resources for patients and providers.  


The site, found at, includes: 

  • Downloadable patient handouts that provide useful tips about all 7 Stress Buster strategies 
  • Animated videos 
  • Links to resources and services 
Visit our Stress Busters website

More Stress Buster Resources: 

California Surgeon General Launches Video about Reducing Stress 


The Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) launched a new video to educate patients about stress management strategies. The second installment of CA-OSG’s Understanding ACEs animated video series shares strategies to reduce stress and feel better. The video is available in English and Spanish. 

Watch Video

New and Noteworthy

October 2023 Quarterly Data Report

Medi-Cal Clinicians Conduct More Than 2 Million ACE Screenings

The ACEs Aware initiative released the October 2023 quarterly data report detailing the number of ACE screenings conducted for Medi-Cal members (children and adults) and the number of individuals who completed the “Becoming ACEs Aware in California” online training.  


Between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2022, Medi-Cal clinicians conducted more than 2,040,870 ACE screenings of 1,390,300 unique Medi-Cal members.  


Between December 4, 2019, and August 31, 2023, more than 33,270 individuals completed the Becoming ACEs Aware in California training, including approximately 15,100 Medi-Cal clinicians who are ACEs Aware-certified and  eligible to receive Medi-Cal payment for conducting ACE screenings. 

Download the Report

ACEs and Toxic Stress Campaign Landing Page is Live

The CA-OSG has launched a landing page for the ACEs and Toxic Stress public awareness campaign, showcasing their expert advisors and work to date. 


The campaign aims to give youth and young adults across California the resources and strategies they need to manage stress, heal from adversity, and end cycles of trauma. 

Learn More

ACEs Aware at CPCA Conference

ACEs Aware was proud to sponsor the recent California Primary Care Association (CPCA) conference in Los Angeles.  


Formed in 1994, CPCA is the statewide leader and recognized voice in representing the interests of California's community health centers (CHCs) and their patients. CPCA represents more than 1,200 not-for-profit CHCs and regional clinic associations that provide comprehensive, quality health care services, particularly for low-income, uninsured, and underserved Californians who might otherwise not have access to health care. 


Learn more about CPCA 

Events, Research, and Resources


Upcoming ACEs Aware Webinars

November 9, 12:30 – 1:30 pm : Science and Innovation Speaker Series: Pregnant Women's Perspectives on Screening for ACEs and Resilience During Prenatal Care

Dr. Kelly Young-Wolff and Dr. Carey Watson

Registration is now live →

November 16, 12 – 1 pm : Community Spotlight Webinar: Underground GRIT with Formerly Incarcerated Youth

Josue Pineda, Sharon Tang, and Dr. Mikah Owen

Registration is now live →

December 14, 12:30 – 1:30 pm : Science and Innovation Speaker Series: Examining Relationships between Timing of Developmental Adversity, Relational Health, and Developmental Outcomes in Children

Dr. Erin Hambrick

(Registration coming soon)

ACEs Aware Webinars on Demand 

ACEs Aware provides continuing education credit for live webinars and for on-demand versions that are posted after the live sessions are completed. Visit the ACEs Aware Learning Center to access past webinar trainings. 


Adverse Childhood Experiences, Household Income, and Mentoring Among Interns Who Are Underrepresented in Medicine 

June 2023 | Journal of Graduate Medical Education


Adverse Childhood Experiences and Food Insecurity in Emerging Adulthood: Findings from the EAT 2010-2018 Study

July 2023 | Public Health Nutrition


The Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Insomnia Symptoms from Adolescence to Adulthood: Evidence from the Add Health Study 

July 2023 | Sleep Health



Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences Data Report: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

October 2023 | CA Department of Public Health

Access the Report

Trauma-informed care is just a few clicks away.

Take the Becoming ACEs Aware in California training, a free, two-hour core training to learn about ACEs, toxic stress, screening, risk assessment, and evidence-based care to learn how to screen for ACEs and treat the impact of toxic stress. The training is available to everyone.

Take the Training

Don’t forget, health care providers must complete the Becoming ACEs Aware in California online training and fill out the course evaluation form to be eligible to receive Medi-Cal payment for ACE screenings.

"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor"

- Thich Nhat Hanh

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