This Week at

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St. Nicholas’ Mission is to actively share Christ’s love for all people.

Our vision is to strive to be a welcoming community who worships a caring and merciful God, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

Sunday, September 8

The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Proper 18

10:00 a.m.

Holy Eucharist Rite II

Special Guest Fr. Greg Evans

Join us in person or online.

Evening Prayer

Wednesday, September 11

5:00 p.m.

In the Parish

Meditation Workshop Saturday, September 7

Register now !

(If you are interested in this workshop, but the cost is a barrier, please contact Erin. A generous donor has provided assistance.)

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Pulpit Swap with Christian Valley September 29

St. Nicholas to Host

Our brothers and sisters in Christ from Christian Valley Church in Cataula will be worshipping with us on Sunday, September 29.

Parish Life is coordinating food for lunch after the service and will provide chicken; you can sign up on the sheets in the kitchen pass-through window to contribute.

Plan to join us and give a warm St. Nicholas welcome to our guests!

BackSnacks Needs Canned Goods

BackSnacks really needs canned entrees. There are some good deals at Sam's and Publix right now - Sam's has Chef Boyardee at 10 cans for $10 dollars. Please think of BackSnacks when you go shopping. All help is appreciated.

Hey, You Look Good in White!

If you are interested in being trained as a Eucharistic Minister – that’s the person in the white alb helping Fr. Bob at the altar on Sundays – please get in touch with Fr. Bob or Erin in the office.

Correction: Minutes from the August Vestry Meeting

In The Spirit of St. Nicholas for September, which was sent out last week, the link to the Minutes of the August 18 vestry meeting was incorrect.

Click here to read the minutes.

Did You Know?

You May Need SafeChurch Training!

The Diocese of Atlanta requires SafeChurch training for clergy and church members in the following situations:

If you work with children and/or youth in any capacity, including planning or supervising a youth ministry, Christian Formation, nursery care, or volunteer programs, you must complete Safeguarding God's Children.

If you are an employee of the church, a Vestry member, a lay pastoral care minister, Eucharistic Visitor, or a leader or facilitator of an adult program or small group ministry, you must complete Safeguarding God's People.

These classes are held by the Diocese via Zoom, or there is an in-person training at St. Mark's in LaGrange on Saturday, September 28.

There will be a Safeguarding God's CHILDREN session in the morning and a Safeguarding God's PEOPLE session in the afternoon. 

Click here to register for one or both sessions at St. Mark's.

If you are unsure whether you need to take this training, or if you have taken it in the past and want to confirm your certificate is still valid, contact Erin in the church office for assistance.

In Our Church Family

Your prayers are asked for:

Your prayers are asked for Andy Butzon, Gene & Pat Demonet, and Bruce & Gabe Clouser.

Continued prayers for all those in need within our community and those in the world who have suffered due to war and natural disaster. We pray for peace for the people of Israel and the Palestinians.


Please send all prayer requests to

In the Wider Church

News and Events from the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Click here to catch up on what's happening in our own Diocese, including an Events calendar for the few months.

News and Events from The Episcopal Church

Click here to read The Episcopal Church's Press Release Digest for the current week.

In Our Greater Community

Schwob at Zion Concert

September 22

Enjoy the afternoon at 1848 Zion Episcopal Church listening to the CSU Schwob Faculty Brass Quintet followed by a wine reception at the Straus-LeVert Hall. Sunday, September 22nd.

Concert at 4:00, Reception at 5:00.

1848 Zion Episcopal Church, 0 Jackson Avenue, Talbotton, GA

Tickets can be purchased by clicking here.

Click here for full details.

Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.

Priest in Charge: Bob Farrow

Office: 706.628.7272

Visit Our Website

St. Nicholas is a proud member of the Pastoral Institute's Congregational Care Plan. Click on the image above to learn more.

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