February 8 - Update on Anti-Amyloid Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease
John Steele Taylor, MD, UVMMC Memory Program Co-Director
February 22 - MIND-ful Eating and Cognitive Health
Amy Nickerson, MS, RDN, UVM Nutrition and Food Sciences
March 7 - The Challenges of Polypharmacy and Dementia: Tools for Deprescribing
Amelia Gennari, MD, Interim Chief of the Division of Geriatrics, UVMMC,
and Marci Wood, PharmD, Ambulatory Pharmacist Clinician, UVMMC
Burlington Adult Primary Care
March 21 - End of Life – Maximizing Advanced Directives
Stephen Berns, MD, Director of Education for Palliative Medicine and the
UVMMC Palliative Care Team
Register by Friday, January 26, 2024. This program has limited enrollment. The target audience is primary care teams, including providers, nurses, case
managers and social workers. We encourage teams to send multiple members; each participant must register individually.