New Year's Resolution: Be a Better Coach
Improve Your Skills Pre-Semester
As a new calendar year begins, people often resolve to improve themselves, in a variety of ways. Many start (or re-start) gym memberships, others plan to eat healthier diets or reduce consumption of alcohol or sugar, and some even design a vision or theme for the upcoming year that they hope will drive smaller, more specific goals day by day. Whatever the resolution, the effort and time involved have the potential to deliver a benefit worth the investment.
LifeBound offers a different but equally rewarding self-improvement goal -- become a better coach, and fit it in before the spring semester starts! Our January three-day Inclusive Coaching course takes place over Zoom January 8, 10, and 12 -- it's packaged within a single week and scheduled to take place before most institutions start back up with coursework.
Start your 2024 by expanding your understanding of, and skill in, academic coaching. You can sign up for the January coaching class and for Spring Certification starting the end of January. It's the gift that will set you on a path of self-improvement this year.
Click here for more information and to register.
Inclusive Coaching Class
January 8, 10, and 12
(additional dates below)