December 2023

Note from Commissioner Dennis:

I want to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It has been a very busy year, and the coming year is even more critical for the future of our county. 

  • Recently, I made a formal announcement that I will not be seeking re-election in 2024. As I end all my newsletters, it is an honor to serve the citizens in District 3 and Sedgwick County. With every decision I make, I strive to be a public servant rather than a politician. There are many young, dynamic, energetic leaders in our community, and whoever takes over my seat on the commission will have a lot to learn; yet I'm confident he or she will be a dedicated public servant. I will have more to say in the newsletter next December.

  • I am very pleased the South Central Regional Psychiatric Hospital is moving forward. The governor has appointed an advisory board to oversee the process, and Commissioner Lopez is sitting on that board. The group has already narrowed down potential locations to four, and they should announce the site they have chosen soon. I want to thank our staff members who are working through a fast-paced procurement process because money from the American Rescue Act Plan (ARPA) must be allocated in a very short timeline.

  • The City of Wichita has decided to give large raises to its police officers. This impacts Sedgwick County because the raises could entice our sheriff's deputies and corrections officers to transfer to the Wichita Police Department unless we can provide comparable raises to our dedicated first responders. Commissioners will take up this issue very early in January.

  • The Sedgwick County Commission adopted our 2024 Legislative Platform on December 20. This platform asks state legislators to help with several critical issues facing counties across Kansas, especially ours. Kansas and county leaders must work together as partners to serve this community.

As always, it is an honor to serve Sedgwick County. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Again, I wish you Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

The views expressed by Commissioner David Dennis in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the governing body of the Sedgwick County Board of County Commissioners or Sedgwick County Government.

Homestead refund applications start in January

Next month, Kansas residents can begin applying for property tax refunds through the Kansas Department of Revenue's Homestead program, after they file their 2023 tax return. The rebates are available to seniors, veterans, low-income or disabled residents.

The Sedgwick County Clerk's Office can help residents determine which of three refunds they qualify for and how to fill out the required forms. No appointment is necessary, and there is no charge for the assistance. Simply stop by the office on the sixth floor of the Ruffin Building, 100 N. Broadway, Monday - Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Please bring your driver's license or a photo ID, proof of income like a W-2, and your social security number. For more information, visit Homestead Refunds | Sedgwick County, Kansas.

Sedgwick County firefighters and deputies deliver food boxes

First responders and other staff from Sedgwick County Fire District #1 and the Sheriff's Office worked together to collect and package food donations for residents in need. Crews then spent several days going door to door to deliver hundreds of holiday boxes.

Town Hall gathers feedback on potential hospital sites

Sedgwick County and the Kansas Department for Aging & Disability Services (KDADS) held a public forum Dec. 12 to discuss possible locations to build the South Central Regional State Psychiatric Hospital. The facility will provide 50 beds for adults in a mental health crisis or who are unfit to stand trial. Thanks to all who attended the Town Hall and shared their opinions! To learn more about this project, click South Central Regional Psychiatric Hospital - Greenbush.

Red Cross honors Sedgwick County heroes

The 13th Annual American Red Cross Tribute to Heroes Breakfast on Dec. 14 recognized the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office and the Sedgwick County Emergency Management K9 Team for their work to keep residents safe during emergencies.

Sedgwick County Election Office launches new contest

Election Commissioner Laura Rainwater wants to get more students excited about the democratic process and is inviting grades 6-12 to design the 2024 "I Voted" sticker for Sedgwick County. The deadline to submit artwork is March 29, 2024, at 5 p.m. A panel of judges will choose first, second and third place entries, and the winning design will be used during next year's elections. For contest rules and required forms, visit Voting Sticker Contest.

We want to hear from you! Sedgwick County Public Works wants to inform interested persons of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment's (KDHE) intent to issue a Kansas/Federal Water Pollution Control Permit to Sedgwick County.

As the permittee, Sedgwick County must continue to review, update and implement the stormwater management program designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants. To view the new permit:

Send your comments, suggestions or other feedback to by Jan. 15, 2024.

Out and About with Commissioners

The 48th Annual Kansas Association of Counties Conference and Exposition brought together county commissioners and other elected leaders from across the state Dec. 5-7 for an opportunity to discuss a variety of issues.

Commissioners welcomed four new firefighters to the Sedgwick County Fire District 1 team! As recruits, they spent 10 weeks in training and graduated Dec.15. Congratulations!

City and county leaders toured the Emergency Winter Shelter before it opened to the public Friday, Dec. 1. They learned how HumanKind Ministries will operate the facility and what services will be offered by COMCARE and other agencies.

Contact Commissioner David Dennis


100 N. Broadway, Ste. 660, Wichita, KS 67202

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