St. John's Family News

Week of October 30-November 5, 2023 | Vol. 82 Issue 43 | @sjbccharlotte

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In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):

  1. Dennis's Article: For All the Saints
  2. Welcome to the Prayer Room
  3. Senior Adult Christmas Luncheon
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Craft & Bake Sale THIS SUNDAY November 5
  6. Children's Ministry Friendsgiving Picnic: Register Here
  7. Volunteer Spotlight on Clinton Dietz
  8. SNL Meals and Youth Help
  9. On the Way for November
  10. The Great ADVENTure: Register Here
  11. Prayer List
  12. Financial Ministry Plan Update
  13. Minister On Call Schedule & Staff Contact Info

For All the Saints

by Dennis Foust, Senior Minister


Almost 2,000 years ago, Paul began one of his Letters to the Church in Corinth with these words of pastoral theology: “To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be SAINTS, together with all those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Within the first few verses, he gives thanks to God for them and appeals to them to “be knit together in the same mind and the same purpose.”


My beloved St. John’s, this Sunday we will honor those saints of St. John’s who passed on ahead of us this past year. Along with Christians around the world, we will celebrate All Saints Day. Each name called reminds us of a person who walked the halls of St. John’s buildings, laughed and cried with us, participated in ministries, shared sanctuary pews with us, joined their voice with ours in worship, and united their prayers and financial resources with ours. Their commitments as SAINTS of God strengthened our church.


Earlier this week, while reading the list of those who passed on ahead of us during the past twelve months, I gave thanks for them and thought of Paul’s words to those living SAINTS in Corinth. Let me offer a few thoughts to you – the living SAINTS of St. John’s. Just as Paul gave thanks for the living SAINTS in Corinth, I am thankful for you and your steadfast partnership in God’s gospel mission.


In the past couple of months, as summer has given way to a new school year, our families with children and youth have returned to faithful participation and leadership in the church. It has been so good to be with them on a few occasions. We have so many wonderful young families. I am thankful for each household and their commitment to nurture their children in the life of St. John’s. When the preschoolers and children express how they feel comfortable in our presence, when they are themselves among us, it brings me joy. We can offer Moments with the Younger Church most Sundays during worship throughout the school year. I am grateful to each of you as parents, teachers, volunteers, and staff ministers who allow us to be blessed by the regular participation of these young SAINTS of God who remind us that God has not given up on humanity yet.


Paul also appealed to the SAINTS of Corinth to “be knit together in the same mind and the same purpose.” You are wonderful people. Your graciousness and generosity bless thousands of people each week. In these days when we are confronted by a pandemic of mean-spiritedness, condemnation, judgement, ridicule, blaming, pointing fingers, shouting, shaming, emphasizing differences, and dwindling levels of humility, submission, kindness and compassion, YOU – ST. JOHN’S – ARE ESSENTIAL WORKERS as we build a better world. You are living SAINTS in the work of God, revealed in Jesus.


Please know your pastor loves you and appreciates your commitment to “be knit together in the same mind and the same purpose.” This week, as we begin our annual financial commitment season, we focus on our 2024 Ministry Budget that helps knit us together. We need to take another step forward beyond the pandemic interruption. I am praying for each of you as you consider your commitments for 2024. The opportunities that are ahead of us will require ALL THE SAINTS.


I leave you with one humorous financial stewardship story about giving.

A pastor asked a farmer, “If you had 200 cows, would you give 20 of them to the Lord?” “Of course,” said the farmer. “And, if you had 100 cows, would you give 10 to the Lord?” “Sure, I would,” replied the farmer. “And, if you had 10 cows, would you give 1 to the Lord?” “Now, that’s not fair, reverend. You know I have only ten cows.” 😊

Well, I think it’s funny. See you Sunday!

Welcome to the Prayer Room

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:1

St. John’s now has a Prayer Room, a place set aside for prayer, meditation, and reflection. All are invited to take advantage of this quiet place to take a break from your work, from the busyness of your daily life, and from your struggles.

The room has comfortable chairs, beautiful artwork, and resources for prayer. There you will find a place to lift up your difficulties and questions; you may speak words of gratitude for your many blessings, and you can rest in the presence of the Lord and listen to His Voice. 


The Prayer Room is located on the second floor, on the same hall as the chapel. It is at the end of the hall on the right. It is open whenever the church is open. You do not have to reserve the Prayer Room- it is there for you at the time that you need it. If someone is in the room when you arrive, door hangers are available to indicate if the person has requested solitude. Otherwise, you may respectfully enter the room in quiet. 

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! 

Join us for the 9th annual Seniors' Christmas Gathering on Dec. 7 in Broach Hall from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM. Seniors will receive a printed invitation the first full week in November.

Your Pastoral Deacon will be contacting you before Thanksgiving.

Watch the mail for your invitation and be sure to put this fun event on your calendar.

Sponsored by Women of the Church

Happy Birthday!

We wish Mabry a happy birthday on November 3.

Please wish her a happy birthday the next time you see her.

Craft & Bake Sale Happening November 5!

The Needle and Craft Ministry will be having a Craft and Bake Sale on Sunday, November 5 in Lasater Hall from 11:30 til 1:00. All proceeds will go to support the children's ministry playground fund.  

The Needle and Craft Ministry will be at the church on Friday morning from 10 to 12; Saturday morning from 9 to 10 and Sunday morning before Sunday School & Worship to receive items for the Craft and Bake Sale.

Children’s Ministry Friendsgiving Picnic

Sunday, November 19 at Independence Park

Food just tastes better when we eat it together. Join us for a Friendsgiving Picnic at Independence Park (the park down from the church) following worship on Sunday, November 19!

Hawthorne's will bring the pizza. You bring your family’s favorite side dish or dessert. Be creative! Friends share stories, so make sure that your side dish or dessert tells us something about the story of your family. 

In addition to sharing food and fun, we will have an opportunity to meet Missy Wilson, KinderMusik educator, and her family. Missy provides KinderMusik for our Weekday School, and we look forward to welcoming KinderMusik with Missy to the St. John’s Academy of the Arts in 2024.

Register on Realm.

Volunteer Spotlight

This week, we highlight Clinton Dietz and his volunteer work with our children's ministries at St. John's!

Clinton helps with preschool Sunday school and, most recently, assisted Chloe with our Musical Petting Zoo by showing the children his tuba that he plays for school.

We so appreciate Clinton and the dedication he shows to our children's ministries.

Sunday Night Live for Youth Needs Your Help!

Our weekly Sunday night youth program is in need of help with providing meals and second adults to help Haley as needed. Haley usually has an idea of how many will need to be fed a few days before Sunday Night Live. Please reach out to Haley at or 704-333-5428 ex.2013 if you are interested in helping!

Below are the dates when help is needed:

  • 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 12/10, 12/17

On the Way

Lunch Wednesday, November 8 at Hawthorne’s

Please join us for lunch on Wednesday, November 8 at 11:30 am at Hawthorne’s (1701 E 7 Street) just down the street from the church.

Parking is limited at Hawthorne’s so let’s plan on meeting in the church lot by Broach Hall and walk down and carpool down to Hawthorne’s. We will make sure that anyone who would like a ride has one. While Hawthorne’s does serve pizza they also serve a good variety of pasta dishes, sandwiches, and salads.

So park at 11:20 at St. John’s and we will carpool and walk down to Hawthorne’s. Please let Lee Gray know if you plan to join us by November 6.

The Great ADVENTure

Sunday, December 3

Advent is our time of waiting. During Advent, we wait and we get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Advent is our great ADVENTure! On Sunday, December 3, immediately following worship, children and their families are invited to experience the SJBC Great ADVENTure in Broach Hall.

Registration for The Great ADVENTure has opened. Sign up today! You’ll receive your “passports” soon.

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations

  • Arnold Philemon, Jack Crymes, Joyce Ehrenberger, Mary Rickenbaker, Jane Starnes, Jan Kerley, Micah Belong

Staff On-Call Rotation

  • Oct. 30-Nov. 5: Kheresa
  • Nov. 6-12: Lee

Staff Contact Information

  • Rev. Haley Blackwell, Minister for Youth & Young Adults - 704-333,5428, ext. 2013; 620-515-3558 (cell)
  • Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
  • Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
  • Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
  • Dr. Lillian Quackenbush, Interim Minister for Worship & Music

  • Jessica Borgnis, Academy of the Arts Director
  • Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
  • Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
  • Noel Lance, Organist
  • Dr. Matthew Manwarren, Associate Organist
  • Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
  • Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039
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