
Is your child registered in our system?

Get LINQed today.


We want you and your child to have a hassle-free transition back to school. You can help by ensuring all back-to-school forms are completed in LINQ, our new online registration system. It doesn't matter if your child is a new or returning student to Staunton City Schools; all families must complete school forms in LINQ, or your child is not registered for school. Please make sure you've set up your account and completed all forms before Aug. 9. If you need assistance, please contact your child's school. We're excited to see you soon!

Get registered

Don't have FOMO. Stay in the know.

Red Stamp - Do not miss out

You want to be the first to know the latest news, safety updates, and important notices from your child's school. We have several ways to keep you up to speed via email, text and phone, but if your email and phone number aren't correct in our system, you might miss out. Take a moment to visit PowerSchool today and make sure all of your contact info is up to date. You can also opt into text message updates from us. Just send β€œY” or β€œYes” to 67587.


We have new tools to keep kids safe.

Live Bus Tracking for Parents & Guardians

In September, we plan to launch the Crosswalk K-12 mobile solution, a tool by Unite GPS, to support transportation safety for students. Crosswalk K-12 allows parents to see their child's bus assignments, track their child's bus location in real time, and see personalized ridership data.

For this system to work effectively, families must have a current email address on file in PowerSchool. We will email all parent and guardian contacts in PowerSchool with instructions on how to register for Crosswalk K-12 soon and provide more info on how it works.

Update My Email Address

Digital Hall Pass System for Middle and High Students

Staunton High and Shelburne Middle schools will implement an electronic hall pass system this year to increase productivity and safety for students and staff. E-hallpass is proven to help reduce foot traffic in the hallways during instruction time, limit class interruptions, and help students transition to their classes safely.

WATCH: How E-Hallpass Works


Check out these events!


Join us in our plastic solution resolution.


We began to reduce and eliminate many plastic items in our school meals program before the pandemic, and we're recommitting to our plastic solution resolution this year.

For 2023-24, we plan to:

  • eliminate single-use plasticware where we can
  • eliminate single-use plastic portion control where we can
  • eliminate the use of plastic straws
  • eliminate the use of all Styrofoam products

We continue to strive for alternate solutions to plastic food packaging and seek ways to use renewable resources in our school meals program. We hope you'll join us in practicing kindness to the Earth and protecting our planet!
