Donor Arthur Beatty Ready To Help Juveniles Go Straight

This week 2nd Chance Indiana's founders, Jim and Nancy Cotterill, had lunch and a long talk with Arthur Beatty, who has been sending us donations from prison where he was finishing up 32 years behind bars. He learned about our work through one of our inmate correspondents who wrote Arthur for years. Although his work in the prison paid little, he generously donated what he could, and now, having served his time, Beatty has something far more valuable than money to offer. He wants to help juveniles get on the right track. His early Baptist training gave him a foundation, and his many years facing the difficulty of incarceration taught him to choose the upward path. While in prison he was a worship leader, and took all the classes that were offered. Now his advice and the lessons he's learned can soon be offered to young juveniles through 2nd Chance Indiana via computer tablets. We are so proud to know him and are looking forward to witnessing all the good he'll be able to do! PICTURED L to R: Arthur Beatty and 2nd Chance Indiana's Jim Cotterill.

Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic Event!

2nd Chance Indiana’s Jim Cotterill joined a panel discussion put together by the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic (NCLC) at their recent fund raiser. He explained how employment soon after release is vital to reduce both crime and recidivism. For so long, someone with a criminal record had to “check the box” on a job application form. They were immediately eliminated from being hired. The result was continued crime, re-arrest, and broken families. Expungement is not an easy thing, but after a period of time it can lift the scarlet letter of past mistakes off the backs of those who truly want a second chance.
NCLC has about 30 active attorneys, who also help the poor with housing issues and immigrants with legal problems. It is often the only place for many to find out what their rights are and how to handle difficult situations legally.
PICTURED L to R: Brandon Fitzsimmons, Executive Director, Coalition for Our Immigrant Neighbors; Bryan Dysert, Chief Operating Office, Helping Veterans and Families of Indiana, Inc.; The Honorable Steven G. Poore, Washington Township Small Claims Court; Moderator for the event was Pastor Nicole Caldwell-Gross, Noblesville 1st United Methodist Church; Dr. Kent Millard, President, United Theological Seminary; Jim Cotterill, President, 2nd Chance Indiana
Study To Analyze Reentry Success?

The brain trust is at it again to begin the process of planning a 3-year longitudinal study to asses recidivism and other measures of success between those who reenter after incarceration with training, mentorship, job assistance, and support from wrap-around services vs. those who traditionally leave incarceration and plunge back into their former lives. Butler University Professor of Economics at the Lacy School of Business, Kathy Paulsen-Gjerde, will lead the study, which will have input from community and government leaders, many of whom were part of this initial discussion. Watch for more to come!
Park 100 Foods Gives Reentrants A 2nd Chance!

Two Indiana FFSA, Recovery Works program leaders toured the Park 100 Foods facility to see first hand how the company gives a hand up to those eager for a good job and a second chance. One of 2nd Chance Indiana's first employer partners, Park 100 Foods, has been a leader in the area of employing reentrants from incarceration. They know that recently released folks may have to deal with court mandated drug tests, or meetings with parole officers that require time off of work. They understand that there is an adjustment from the culture of incarceration to the very different culture of team-oriented employment. PICTURED L to R: Alexandrea Pharms, Clinal Director, Recovery Works; Paula Hunt, Recovery Works Coordinator; Ian Cox, Park 100 Foods Director of Continuous Improvement; Molly Oliver, 2nd Chance Indiana Transportation Manager, and Jim Cotterill, President of 2nd Chance Indiana.
Are Fathers Optional?

Biologically, no. But lately with marriage rates dropping, it seems more and more women are taking on the job of raising their children without a dad in the household. Undoubtedly some can do it all, and do it well. But in general, statistics prove that it’s not great for the kids.
Sadly, kids from father-absent homes have been found to be 279% more likely to carry guns and deal drugs than kids who lived with their fathers. They are five times more likely to live in poverty, and find themselves behind bars more often as 75% of juvenile prison inmates say they had no father figure in their home. Fathers and Families in Indianapolis is doing the heavy lifting of coaching and training of all kinds of dads, whether they do or don’t live with their kids. F&F know that great dads can become a constant and caring force in their children’s lives—which benefits not only the children, but moms and whole neighborhoods. Read Nancy’s blog post Here!
Why Support 2nd Chance Indiana?
2nd Chance Indiana's team works to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work. In the process we believe that our efforts can also have a profound, multi-generational impact by reducing poverty, crime, and homelessness.
Our major focus is to assist the thousands of inmates returning to communities across Indiana after long-term incarceration. 2nd Chance Indiana provides mentored job training inside the correctional facility, and a jobs website for those with a criminal record, 2ndChanceIN.com, which is filled with job opportunities and support agencies to help reentrants get back to work, support themselves and their families, and contribute to the economic improvement of their neighborhoods.

How You Can Support Jobs for Justice- Involved Individuals
Support For Reentrants After Incarcertion:
Since 2017 UNITE INDY, now 2nd Chance Indiana, has provided a free web-based system, 2ndChanceIN.com, that connects those released from incarceration with jobs offered by our 45 employer partners, willing to hire people with a criminal record and pay them a living wage.
The site also offers a huge network of support organizations that can help with housing, drug abatement, licensing, clothing and so much more.

A good job found quickly after release from incarceration drives down recidivism about 90%, according to studies. Unemployment is connected to poverty, a criminal record, and re-incarceration. Our poorest neighborhoods contain many who have not been able to get good jobs because they have a criminal record, but 2nd Chance Indiana not only connects them with jobs, it also provides van transportation to many sites to help those who do not have affordable or reliable transportation. In some neighborhoods of Marion County unemployment is extremely high and poverty remains the overwhelming cause of violence and lack of opportunity for children.

Please donate to 2nd Chance Indiana now. There are a number of choices that are all secure and safe. By sending your fully tax deductible gift* now we can have a greater impact meeting needs in our community.
Many, many thanks!

 *UNITE INDY dba 2nd Chance Indiana is approved under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) as a Public Charity, donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170.
Corporate Partners
A big Thank YOU to our Corporate Partners for their unwavering support which makes it possible for us to provide our services at no charge to job applicants and employers!

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