October - November 2023

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Resources on COVID-19 and Children's Care

The Better Care Network will continue to share tools, guidance, information, and other resources regarding children's care and protection during the COVID-19 pandemic as practitioners, policymakers, and other key stakeholders work to respond to the needs of children and families impacted by this crisis. For more resources on COVID-19 and children's care, visit the growing collection of documents in the BCN COVID-19 Resource Center.

Child Protective Services and Out-of-Home Care for Children During COVID-19: A Scoping Review and Thematic Analysis 

There is limited research on the impact of COVID-19 on Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) and child protective services (CPS) worldwide or explored how CPS overcame the challenges of helping children in OOHC. This review aims to address this research gap to unveil the ‘positive legacy’ left by CPS in their work with children in OOHC during COVID-19.

Related Topic: Child Protection

Parental Migration and Education: Lived Experiences of Dalit and Adivasi Children in a Village of Madhya Pradesh

This article grapples with the tacit interplay of poverty, caste, and gender and its effects on the education of children in a village in India. It explores how pandemic-induced school closure impacted the life chances of marginalised children during and after the pandemic in the ‘deprived geography’ of rural Madhya Pradesh, India.

A Gender-Responsive Pandemic Accord is Needed for a Healthier, Equitable Future

This comment in the October 2023 issue of The Lancet discusses gender equity in health care and how improving access to sexual and reproductive health services can lead to a considerable reduction in maternal mortality rates.

Related Topic: COVID-19

Resources on Ukraine Response

This section includes resources, news and other key documents related to children's care in the context of the current humanitarian crisis affecting Ukraine and surrounding countries. This section is updated daily. For more resources, visit the growing collection of documents in the BCN Ukraine Response Repository.

The Taken Children of Ukraine 

This article focuses on The Taken Children of Ukraine during the first 6 months of the war and its implications for social workers engaged in work with children and their families.

Related Topic: Children Affected By Armed Conflict and Displacement

2023 Communication on EU Enlargement Policy

On 17 June 2022, the European Commission issued its opinion and recommended to the Council that Ukraine should be given the perspective to become a member of the EU and that the country be granted candidate status on the understanding that seven steps, mainly in the rule of law area, are taken. On 23 June 2022, the European Council decided to grant Ukraine the status of candidate country. This report is the Commission’s first annual enlargement report on Ukraine.

Related Topic: Children Affected By Armed Conflict and Displacement

Understanding the Situation

Children with Disabilities in Europe and Central Asia: A Statistical Overview of their Well-Being 

This report by UNICEF provides critical evidence for decision-makers across countries to use in both policy and programming. The authors hope that it will serve as a valuable resource to give all children with disabilities the opportunity to realize their rights on an equal basis with their peers.

Related Topic: Children With Disabilities

A Social-Ecological View of the Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Reintegration Interventions Targeting Children Out of Family-Based Care Situations: A Scoping Review

This scoping review aimed to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of reintegration interventions targeting children outside family-based care. It aims to provide service providers with concise evidence regarding the situations affecting the effectiveness of reintegrating vulnerable children into the community by reviewing the relevant empirical evidence.

Related Topic: Residential Care 

Report Analysing the Current Situation of Children and young people with hearing impairment

From January to June 2023, the Family Support Association for Early Recovery of Hearing and Vision Impaired Children "AudiViz" conducted a study to analyse the perception of parents and children/young people with hearing disabilities on the quality of their lives, the services offered by public authorities and whether they meet their needs or contribute to family support, rehabilitation and social and educational integration.

Related Topic: Children With Disabilities

Children’s Rights: Political Will or Won’t? 

This report is based on assessments provided by 38 Eurochild members in 26 countries and provides recommendations for each country on how to address among others, child poverty and social exclusion, discrimination, health, online safety and early childhood services.

Related Topic: Children Affected By Poverty and Social Exclusion

Global Priority for the Care of Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children: Transcending Problem Definition Challenges

This analysis by Yusra Ribhi Shawar and Jeremy Shiffman investigates factors shaping the inadequate global prioritization of the care of vulnerable children. Specifically, the analysis focuses on factors internal to the global policy community addressing children’s care, including how they understand, govern, and communicate the problem.

Related Topic: Preventing Separation

Children Displaced in a Changing Climate: Preparing for a Future that’s Already Underway

This global report by UNICEF analyses the most common weather-related hazards that lead to the largest number of displacements: floods, storms, droughts and wildfires.

Related Topic: Children Affected By Armed Conflict and Displacement

Preserving the World for Future Generations: Children and Young People’s Perspectives on How to Tackle Climate Change

This literature review captures the perceptions and priorities of children and young people globally on climate change and its impact on their physical and mental health. The report summarises the voices and perspectives of almost 100,000 CYP from across the world.

Related Topic: Particular Threats To Children's Care and Protection

Unheard Voices: The Living Reality of Unaccompanied Refugee Children in Jordan

This study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of unaccompanied refugee children in Jordan and shed light on their unique challenges and needs.

Related Topic: Children Affected By Armed Conflict and Displacement

Reintegration of Russian Children Returned From War Zones in the Middle East: Directions, Actors, Barriers

This article analyzes the integration process of children returned from ISIS controlled territory in three regions of the Russian North Caucasus from where the largest number of ISIS fighters with Russian citizenship originated. Following the concepts of “reintegration of returned migrants” and “cultural citizenship,” it explicates the role of key actors in the processes of adaptation and integration of children and their families, as well as analyzes the nature of the barriers they overcome to restore their lost civil status and identity. 

Related Topic: Leaving Alternative Care and Reintegration

Living Situation of Juveniles After Secure Residential Treatment: Exploring the Role of Family Centeredness, Child, and Family Factors

To promote the return of juveniles to a home-like environment (e.g. living with (foster) parents) after secure residential treatment (SRT), it is important to know which factors are related to this outcome. The current study, based in the Netherlands, examined which characteristics of the juvenile, family, and SRT, including family centeredness and use of systemic interventions, are related to the living situation after discharge. 

Related Topic: Leaving Alternative Care and Reintegration

The Voice of the Child and the Implementation of the Child's Right to be Heard in Parental Responsibility Matters and Cases

This article published in the Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies is part of a complex overview of the connections between the child’s right to be heard and the child’s best interests and parental responsibility matters and cases. The focal point of the paper is how Hungarian codification, judiciary and academic legal literature have changed over the last decade and how they have adapted to the modern child-focused standards.

Related Topic: Child Participation

Outcomes of Youth with Foster Care Experiences Based on Permanency Outcome – Adoption, Aging Out, Long-Term Foster Care, and Reunification: A Systematic Review 

This is a systematic review of literature published from 2002 to 2022 to assess the differences in outcomes of children and youth who were adopted out of foster care compared to children and youth in foster care (CYFC) who were in other permanency placements (reunified, aged out, long-term foster care). The review yielded twelve (N = 12) studies from Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 

Related Topic: Foster Care

The Psychological Wellbeing Among the Adults Raised in Children’s Homes in Kenya 

This study purposed to assess the psychological wellbeing of adults who were raised in children’s homes and other institutional care in Kenya and had since transitioned out.

Related Topic: Leaving Alternative Care and Reintegration

Parental Absence as an Adverse Childhood Experience Among Young Adults in Sub-Saharan Africa 

The objectives of this study were to examine (1) the associations between parental absence for six months or more, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), mental health problems, and substance use among young adults in sub-Saharan Africa, (2) whether parental absence and other ACEs are independently associated with mental health outcomes and substance use, (3) and if parental absence explains additional variance above and beyond those explained by other ACEs.

Related Topic: Child Abuse and Neglect

Increasing the Likelihood of Kinship Placements: Testing the Effectiveness of an Intensive Family Search and Engagement Intervention

This longitudinal study evaluates the effectiveness of BLINDED intervention, an intervention that utilizes family search and engagement practices to place children who enter foster care in kinship placements as quickly as possible in the US.

Related Topic: Kinship Care

Reducing Foster Care Placement Through Equity-Focused Implementation of Family First

From 2021 to 2023, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has taken administrative actions to prioritize the implementation of Family First prevention services. These actions minimize traumatic deployments of CPS, reduce the use of family separations, and bolster support for families providing kinship care. In this brief, the authors highlight where progress has been made—and where the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) could still take additional steps in 2024.

Related Topic: Foster Care

Mental Health and Wellbeing Interventions for Care-Experienced Children and Young People: Systematic Review and Synthesis of Process Evaluations

This global systematic review incorporated a comprehensive search of available literature from 1990 and captures the extant literature relating to process evaluations for interventions which address care-experienced children and young people’s mental health and well-being, and is one of the first syntheses of process evaluations in social care. 

Related Topic: Psychosocial Support

Working Together to Create Meaning: Narratives of Care Leavers in Eastern Europe 

This article uses life history research to reveal a new understanding of institutional care. The study draws on interviews with care leavers from a Latvian orphanage who narrate life histories and identify critical life events and moments of resistance to times of adversity. 

Related Topic: Leaving Alternative Care and Reintegration

Domestic Violence and the Welfare of the Nigerian Child: An Evaluation of the Role of Child Protection Services and Law Enforcement Authorities

This paper aims to contribute to an understanding of how Child Protection Services and Law Enforcement Agencies in Nigeria can combat domestic violence against children. It seeks to provide recommendations, on strengthening these entities as other important stakeholders involved in preventing detecting, responding to, and protecting children from domestic violence.

Related Topic: Child Care and Protection System Reforms

The Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders Amongst Care-Experienced Young People in the UK: A Systematic Review 

This study reviewed the prevalence of mental health disorders among Looked After Children in the UK.

Related Topic: Effects of Institutional Care

Resilience Among Children in Foster Care: Variability in Adaptive Functioning and Associated Factors

This study aimed to explore variability in adaptive functioning in social competence, mental health, and school adjustment in a sample of children in foster care in Spain, and to assess which factors differentiated resilient children (i.e., showing adaptive functioning across domains) from those who were not resilient.

Related Topic: Foster Care

Policies, Standards, and Guidelines

Orphanage Trafficking: The Role of Parliaments in Reducing Harm

This resolution on orphanage trafficking was adopted by consensus at the 147th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly and endorsed by 180 parliaments.

Related Topic: Volunteering and Tourism

National Guidelines for Transitioning Child Care System in Kenya

These national guidelines provide a roadmap of activities to guide the state and non-state actors in Kenya to streamline the transitioning of care systems, children and institutions in the country.


Related Topic: Child Care and Protection System Reforms

Inequitable Access to Relative Caregiving: Implications of Foster Care Regulations in Finland, New Zealand, and the United States

This analysis considers foster care regulations in three jurisdictions in Finland, New Zealand, and Wisconsin, USA, and the effects of policy decisions on eligibility for relative caregivers and placement options for children in out-of-home care.

Related Topic: Foster Care

Hong Kong: Hello, Can You Hear Me? Implementing Article 12 of the UNCRC in the Hong Kong Legal Setting

This research is part of a wider project commissioned by the Hong Kong Committee on Children’s Rights (HKCCR), a non-governmental organisation originally formed in 1992 to promote, advance and ensure the rights of the child in Hong Kong. The aim of the wider project was to establish an independent baseline study on the rights of the Child to be heard

on the implementation of Article 12 across all relevant sectors in Hong Kong, from constitutional and high-level policy-making to health and education to matters of leisure, culture and built environment, amongst others.

Related Topic: Child Care and Protection Policies

Learning from Practice

Insights from Moldova: Role of Peer-to-Peer Support in Advocacy, Influence, and Fostering Independence

Caregivers are at the heart of family-centered care reform efforts. They are the critical link to ensuring that those who need care get it in a way that allows them to thrive. Changing the Way We Care Moldova’s partner, AudiViz, recognizes that caregivers have a wealth of experience that could be harnessed and shared among each other and the larger community.

Also see:

Related Topic: Leaving Alternative Care and Reintegration

Ghidul de suport pentru implementarea practică a Managementului de caz în domeniul protecției copilului // Support Guide for the Practical Implementation of Child Protection Case Management

Ghidul de suport pentru implementarea practică a Managementului de caz în domeniul protecției copilului este destinat angajaților structurilor teritoriale de asistență socială. Ghidul oferă un cadru pentru aplicarea Managementului de caz (MC) în domeniul protecției copilului. 

This is a support guide for the practical implementation of child protection case management in Moldova and is intended for employees of territorial social welfare structures. The guide provides a framework for the application of Case Management (CM) in child protection. 

Insight: Household Economic Strengthening and Care Reform in Kenya

This insight from Changing the Way We Care provides an overview of the household economic strengthening (HES) activities that were part of a holistic family strengthening approach in Kenya.

Related Topic: Household Economic Strengthening

Strategies for Strengthening Mental Health Education for Left Behind Children in Rural Areas 

This article explores the importance of strengthening mental health education for left behind children in rural areas and proposes various strategies to meet their mental health needs. The study emphasizes the importance of parental participation, school counseling mechanisms, diverse educational activities, and social support.

Related Topic: Psychosocial Support

Insight: Disability Inclusion in Kenya's Care Reform

In 2023, CTWWC Kenya included a disability inclusion reflection learning exercise aimed at collecting views and feedback, and documenting how the initiative had impacted on lives of caregivers and children with disabilities, and how disability issues were be included in the care reform agenda.

Related Topic: Children With Disabilities

Practitioner Spotlight

Elder Giovani Cordón

Consejos Comunitarios de Desarrollo - COCODE

Rev Fr Albert Thambidurai

Neyveli Vicarate

Daniela Mamaliga

Partnerships for Every Child, Moldova

Other Ways to Engage With the Community

The Directory of Organizations page lists organizations, agencies, foundations, and networks working in the field of children’s care.

If you would like to feature a profile of your organization in our Directory of Organizations, please fill out this form with information about your organization and we will review it.

The Transforming Children’s Care Collaborative Platform brings together a wide community of actors working to strengthen children’s care and care systems to establish more strategic sector-wide collaboration spanning the global to the local level.

Its aim is to support learning exchange, agree on common principles and approaches, leverage and build on one another’s work, and undertake joint advocacy based in evidence to secure greater and more sustainable impact for children, families and their communities. 

Resources in the BCN Library can be searched by topic or by region/country using the advanced search function or visiting the country/region pages of the website.

Additionally, some of these country pages feature country care snapshots. This consists of dashboards and interactive graphs providing a high-level overview of the status of care reform efforts country by country using key indicators.
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Webinar #16: Making an Investment Case for Family Care - Recent Experience from Moldova

This webinar aimed to show care reform advocates can use budget analysis, cost estimates and evidence on long-term economic benefits to make the case for investing in a more a child-centered social welfare system.

Related Content:

This is the 16th webinar as part of the Transforming Children's Care Collaborative Webinar Series.

Public Expenditure and Children's Care

Former World Bank Economist and President of Maestral International, Philip Goldman, makes a compelling, data-driven case for the need for a paradigm shift in how Moldova approaches the financing of care and protection of its children.


Related Topic: Cost of Care and Redirection of Resources

The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance 2023 Annual Symposium: A Decade of Progress, A Future of Promise 

To commemorate their 10th anniversary as an Alliance, The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance's annual symposium took place on October 26, 2023, and took a deep dive into the experiences of three countries— Romania, Rwanda and Viet Nam—and explored the different ways these countries have made progress in strengthening their workforce over the past decade.

Related Topic: Social Service Workforce Strengthening

Webinar: New Global Guidance on Kinship Care

This webinar introduced new global inter-agency guidance on kinship care. This guidance was developed in collaboration with a range of agencies including both UNICEF and Changing the Way We Care.

Related Topic: Kinship Care

Supporting Kinship Care in Zimbabwe

This video explores why supporting kinship care is so important, and examines how to support kinship care using examples from government and NGOs in Zimbabwe.

Related Topic: Kinship Care

Mental Health and Transitions for Care-Experienced Young People

Bethan Carter, a research associate at Cardiff University, discusses the ReThink Project; a project run in collaboration with Adoption UK and Coram Voice to investigate what processes are linked to mental health and wellbeing of care-experienced young people and how they manage at two key transitions in life.

Exploring the Impacts of the Climate Crisis on Child Protection in Humanitarian Context

This webinar explores the existing evidence of the connections between climate change and risks to children’s protection and discuss the role that child protection actors and the wider humanitarian community can take to ensure the protection of children and well-being of children impacted by the climate crisis.

Related Topic: Particular Threats To Children's Care and Protection

Preventing Family Separation

In this webinar, a new paper on strategies to prevent family separation is presented. Examples from Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and Namibia are presented.

Related Topic: Children's Care In Emergencies

Improving the Mental Health of Care-Experienced Children & Young People

Dr Rhiannon Evans, Reader in DECIPHer, discusses a systematic review taken of international evidence to understand what programmes work for improving the mental health of care-experienced children & young people, how they work, and what might be the challenges to delivery and engagement.

Find out more about the winter conference series 'On The Journey: Navigating Mental Health'.

Related Topic: Psychosocial Support

Indigenous Communities, Child-Family Separation, and the Catholic Church: What Do Truth and Healing Require?

During this webinar, participants explored the role of the Catholic Church in the separation of Indigenous children from their families and the long-lasting effect on Indigenous communities.

Related Topic: Children's Care In Emergencies

UKRAINE: An English Couple, a Ukrainian Surrogate and a Baby: the Extraordinary Story of How War United Two Unlikely Families

Sally Williams - The Guardian 09 Dec 2023

PALESTINE: 'Wounded Child, No Surviving Family': The Pain of Gaza’s Orphans

Dalia Haidar - BBC News Arabic 04 Dec 2023

US: 'The Devil was in that Building’: New Orleans Church Orphanages’ Dark Secrets

Jason Berry - The Guardian 03 Dec 2023

CANADA: Native American Mothers Whose Children Have Been Separated From them Experience a Raw and Ongoing Grief that Has No End

Ashley L. Landers - The Conversation 01 Dec 2023

AUSTRALIA: Children's Care Rights Not Being Met, Commissioner Says 

Ethan James - The Canberra Times 29 Nov 2023

BULGARIA: In Need of Shelter: Over 3,400 Unaccompanied Minors Seek Safety in Bulgaria 

Sofia News Agency 28 Nov 2023

MIDDLE EAST: Climate as Well as Conflict Assails Children in the Middle East, Aid Agency Reports

Rebecca Paveley - Church Times 28 Nov 2023

SRI LANKA: Sri Lankan Child Trafficking to Europe: Ministry Orders Probe 

NewsWire 27 Nov 2023

BANGLADESH: More Rohingya Take Children as They Leave Bangladesh by Boat - Aid Groups

Ruma Paul, Sudipto Ganguly - Reuters 27 Nov 2023

AUSTRALIA: A Class Action Alleging Racist Child Removals Could Have Wider Ripples 

Matt Dennien - WAToday 27 Nov 2023

PALESTINE: Protecting Gaza’s Children

Nurul Izzah Anwar, Yolanda Augustin - Project Syndicate 27 Nov 2023

KENYA: Famous Kenyan Orphanage Allegedly Hid Dark Secrets

Rael Ombuor - The Washington Post 27 Nov 2023

US: New Federal Rules for Foster Care Could, Critics Say, Rip Apart Families 

MJ Koch - New York Sun 27 Nov 2023

UKRAINE: Ukrainian Students Were Told to Go to a Crimean 'Camp' for School Only to be Held Captive in Russia, The Washington Post Reports

Lloyd Lee - Business Insider 26 Nov 2023

AFRICA: There is Need For Care Reforms to Embrace African Cultural Values

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth - Catholic Care for Children 01 Nov 2023

24 January 2024

Consultancy Opportunity: Transition Framework Tools ToT Manual: Adult Learning Design Review

14 - 16 Feb 2024

9th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators: Global Childhoods - Critical Perspectives Promoting Theoretical, Empirical and Policy Understandings 

2 Feb 2024

Global Forum for a World Without Orphans

8 July 2024

ICAR-8: International Conference on Adoption Research

December 22

Opportunity: Research Assistant to Develop a Coding System for Analysing Empirical Reports on De-institutionalization

December 31

Online Course: Child Protection Systems Strengthening: Approach, Benchmarks, and Interventions

December 31

Join the Faith and Family Forum

February 1, 2024

Call for Papers: Expanding Our Definition and Understanding of Childhood Adversity – A Global Perspective


Online Course: Child Protection Learning Channel


Child Safeguarding Focal Point Training



Newsletter participants, currently 5,233 in total, work on issues related to the care and support of vulnerable children across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas. The purpose of the newsletter is to enable members to exchange information on matters of mutual concern. If you would like to share a document, raise a specific issue, request a newsletter subscription, or reach out in any other way to the Network, please send the information to us at or visit our website at 

Thank you!

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