For Immediate Release

December 22, 2023

73rd PIHOA Executive Board Meeting Recap

October 9-13, 2023

Saipan, CNMI

A Message from the PIHOA Board President

"We thank all who made the 73rd EBM a success, especially CNMI for hosting the meeting despite the passing through of Typhoon Bolaven. We are also excited to have discussed expansion of the PIHOA agenda, looking at a more comprehensive approach to regional health issues including focus on health system strengthening and human resources for health."

Gaafar Uherbelau

PIHOA Board President

Minister of Health and Human Services (MHHS)

Republic of Palau

The PIHOA Secretariat wishes to convey a heartfelt Si Yu'us Ma'ase and thank you to all of you who could join us in Saipan for the 73rd PIHOA Executive Board Meeting. Our sincere gratitude for your participation, support, valuable comments, inputs, and meaningful dialogue in the mist of a typhoon!


We hope you can continue to join us and support PIHOA’s important work at our next PIHOA Executive Board Meeting, tentatively planned for March 25-29, 2024, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Back row (left to right): Moses Pretrick (FSM National DHSA), Frank Underwood (RMI MOHHS-Secretary of Health Proxy), Tholman Alik (Kosrae DHS), Jesse Tudela (CNMI CHCC-Ancillary Services), Bosco Buliche (Chuuk DHS), Gaafar Uherbelau (Palau MHHS). Front row (left to right): Rowena Reid (AS LBJ Hospital-Proxy), Nora Liwy (Pohnpei DHS), Maria Marfel (Yap DHS), Esther Muna (CNMI CHCC), Sherilynn Madraisau (Palau MHHS-Public Health Director), Darnelle Worswick (Palau MHHS-Clinical Director Proxy), Elizabeth Lauvao (AS DOH-Proxy)

Check out the PIHOA Facebook Page for additional meeting photos!

Meeting Documents and Presentations

73rd PIHOA Executive Board Meeting Agenda

Day 1, Monday, October 9 (Closed Session) - Retreat for PIHOA Board Member, Secretariat, and Designated CNMI CHCC Staff

PIHOA Board and Staff Retreat

With Typhoon Bolaven enroute to the CNMI, retreat plans were canceled and the PIHOA Board Members and Secretariat Staff participated in an impromptu Sip & Paint retreat with local artist Linda Concepcion-Torres.

Day 2, Tuesday, October 10 (Closed Session) - PIHOA Board Business Meeting

Day 3, Wednesday, October 11 (Closed Session) - PIHOA Regional Initiatives Roundtable Discussions

Day 4, Thursday, October 12 (Open Session) - Strategic Partnership Engagement

Day 5, Friday, October 13 (Closed Session) - PIHOA Business Meeting


About the Pacific Islands Health Officers' Association

The Pacific Islands Health Officers’ Association (PIHOA) mission is to improve the health and well-being of the USAPIs by providing, through consensus, a unified credible voice on health issues of regional significance. Established in 1986, PIHOA is governed by and represents the collective interests of the USAPI health leadership from American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. 


PIHOA’s Secretariat, comprised of executive, administrative, and technical staff and consultants, provides support to the USAPI health agencies and leadership in the following priority areas: health workforce development; epidemiology and surveillance; health systems performance improvement; laboratory services; regional health leadership and policy advocacy; Pacific health security; and, partnership engagement and coordination. PIHOA has two offices in Honolulu, Hawai’i, and Hagåtña, Guam.

Media Contacts

Billie Hiraishi

Communications Officer