Halloween greetings from the Backshop!
Of course we are hard at work at the Backshop! That's what we do...
I have been "nose to the grindstone" this year working hard to improve the SBS4DCC website to provide an easy, "Streamlined", shopping experience.
I am behind schedule and can't begin to tell you how painful this process has been. I originally put this task in the hands of "professionals". They tried, and some of it looked really good, but they just don't understand what we do and what I think YOU need to achieve that goal of an easy, "Streamlined", shopping experience so I had to do it myself.
I am excited to announce the new Streamlined Backshop is almost ready to go live. I expect to flip the switch in the coming days, but no later than November 10, 2023.
I am sending this announcement for three reasons.
First, there may (will?) be some bumps in the road and the site may be down for a minute while I get services transferred and options configured. I am not a website "Professional"...
Second, I have been able to transfer most of the data for registered customers to the new site so you will have an account but YOU WILL NEED TO RESET YOUR PASSWORD. Registered customers should get a notice and reset link in the coming days. It's a real email and it's really me.
Sorry, I cannot carry information like sales history and saved shopping carts forward so we have to start over there. I will have access to the information for a period of time but I encourage you to
From what I can see about the new user account and checkout experience... it's worth it. I am confident this will be an improved experience for our International clients too. Thank you for your patience and patronage while I have worked to sort out the issues with shipping we have experienced this year.
Third, I have checked and edited, edited and checked but there will be some errors. I can say with great confidence, I have made some mistakes. I have placed a link to a convenient feedback form on the top navigation menu if you are compelled to share comments about your experience or issues you find along the way Email works well too.
Get ready for an exceptional virtual shopping experience!
Chief Backshop Installer Steven Fields is hard at work creating custom DCC experiences in models from Z to G scale. He is ready to quote your next maintenance, repair or decoder installation. Shoot us an email to discuss your next project.
As a reminder, the SBS4DCC website features Real-Time Stock Status. Please remember that orders for out-of-stock products will be delayed and restock information will be limited. The shipping status notice applies to in-stock product only. As a reminder, you can place a SBS4DCC No-Obligation Backorder to reserve stock and avoid the need to search constantly hoping to catch one on the shelf.
Be sure to check out the Tutorials, Tips and Tricks section of the website. I continue to add volumes of information about different subjects I think you might find valuable.
I am frequently asked for help and information about the manufacturers warranty when a project doesn't work out the way we expected. CLICK HERE to access the Consolidated DCC Manufacturers Warranty Information page. Of course this information is subject to change and the manufacturers information is always the primary resource.
And finally... Model Railroad Operations are a blast and are a great way to get engaged in this great hobby. Operating sessions are surely limited these days so you can use this time to enjoy the OpSIG Publications - A Compendium Of Model Railroad Operations - From Design To Implementation and get to work developing your own operating sessions. You can find out more by visiting the OpSIG webite or by contacting your local NMRA chapter as well.
Stop Running Trains. Start Model Railroading!
Bryan Vianco
Owner, SBS4DCC